
Time-Space Quirk in MHA

By the workings of Fate, the change of this cold young master began to yonder as he venture its path to Hero. P.S - I don't own the original MHA cause this is a fanfic right? I don't even own the cover since I just search it on Pinterest again, and if you own that one, please don't hesitate to message me and I'll change. Warning* This fanfic mostly does not follow what was on the canon, you have been warned. Sincerely yours, Senkuu P.S There is no Yaoi thing in this fanfic. Rest assured my brothers. And Chapter 15 onwards will be start of a new arc in line with the canon's S1. Updates will be every 3 days with 2 chapters.

Orionyx · アニメ·コミックス
25 Chs

Chapter 3

-About the MC Pt. II-

As you all have read, the upbringing of MC is not so good, since his life has always been dictated to be a proper heir so that when he took over as the head, the might and competence of Amamiya's legacy will continue.

For his personality is rather uncaring or cold, as he does not bother to socialize or appreciate any relationship with other people, and all in his life the only people he usually associate or talk with was his late father and head butler.

In case for business opportunities or transaction he mostly does things professionally, even though he is young, he was trained since then. And more so, there are other people in his family who works efficiently so there was never a problem when it comes to it.

At the age of seven, when his father died gave the most impact to his upbringing, for who knows what kind of discipline he went through with his father, and he never felt anything after he died. He was just like okay, he's dead let's move on.

Although his daily routine is kind of repetitive, at least he has something he enjoys when not working, and as well interest to put into. He even remembered one time where professionals wearing lab gowns visited him at age four when he awakened his quirk, and for his safety as well, knowing how advance the research in I-Island is, they were the one's who diagnosed his quirk.

Later on, a few moths before his father passed away, he develop his first space ability which is "Void". With this news, his father was enlighten which made his studies from that onwards more stressing than before.

Until he reached the age of ten, he was able to master the Void to some extent, it's only use though was sending things or anyone to an empty void. But those who had seen the ability, return its ashes to Earth as dead man tells no tales.

His first killing was a scammer from who knows organization, and he didn't feel any remorse after killing them. In Verize Island, there are of course syndicate and other organization in the underworld to wish to know more about the Amamiya.

And everytime they sent their agents, no one ever returned. The head butler quite encountered such cases, and even he eliminated few of them. This butler has physique of an assassin but his quirk is only a supportive type tool.

It was called "Radar" which is able to detect any life forms in the island. Yes, he can cover the radius covering the whole island itself. If it somehow exceeded the limit count of visitors, he became a vicious mantis who stalks behind cicada.

He wasn't deadly at young, but when he was hired in the Amamiya family, he was trained by the previous head in the arts of assassin. He was also engage before coming to work here, but he found out that his partner cheated on him, so he got no choice to put her into slumber along with the guy he had an affair.

The total employee in the family again reaches to 101, stationed in the Amamiya's mansion there is the MC, the head butler, the head chef and its 2 apprentice, and the care taker along with its 5 servants.

In the guest mansion, there are 10 servants there spearheaded by the vice-head butler. While the rest of the 80 servants are stationed outside maybe at the maze, grave, or taking care out of weeds (unwanted visitors), just to keep the place safe and clean.

Moreso, the Amamiya members are quite prideful, they all think men rules, however the MC don't care about who rules, he thinks strength and action is the best way of words.

Meanwhile, the ladies or women in the house don't get the same privilege as the men. The MC's father just married his mother for the sake of producing a heir, and once it is a male they will stop producing an offspring as they will focus on nurturing the baby to be the next head.

They won't even support them, but in case of twins if both are males, then both of them shared the same responsibility. If it is male and female twins, the female will be banish or be married off to another family as a bargaining chip, and in case the first offspring is female, the husband will not stop producing until a male one will be born.

Thank you for your patronage and reading.

Orionyxcreators' thoughts