
Time-Space Quirk in MHA

By the workings of Fate, the change of this cold young master began to yonder as he venture its path to Hero. P.S - I don't own the original MHA cause this is a fanfic right? I don't even own the cover since I just search it on Pinterest again, and if you own that one, please don't hesitate to message me and I'll change. Warning* This fanfic mostly does not follow what was on the canon, you have been warned. Sincerely yours, Senkuu P.S There is no Yaoi thing in this fanfic. Rest assured my brothers. And Chapter 15 onwards will be start of a new arc in line with the canon's S1. Updates will be every 3 days with 2 chapters.

Orionyx · アニメ·コミックス
25 Chs

Chapter 13 (2/4)

-End of trials-

"You have 10 minutes to prepare for this last round of the second trial- Good luck fighters!"

Kazu even think that if he can at least use his quirk here then it will probably be much easier, but no matter how much he tried, he can't.

"Kazu who do you want to deal with? The one of the left or the right?"


"Then I'll go right, so what should be the plan?"

"As we can see they are truly gigantic, but it also means one thing - they are slow. Most of gigantic creatures have always this kind of weakness, so it's easy for us to move swiftly"

"Well you probably have a point tho, so we just need to do our things as usual I guess?"


"Last round for the second stage will now begin - Golem Soldier #1 and #2 vs. Kenji and Kazuhiko".

Both fighters and G.S engaged in a fierce exchange. The battle almost took 30 minutes as the fighters lack power to deal damage. They mostly rely on agility and speeds which the G.S lacks the most.

But as time passes, series of martial arts execution of Karate to Baguazhang began to swirl up in the arena.

Kazu and Kenji struggled a lot as time went nearer to end the match. And as it seems that all hope in winning seems bleak. However, Kazu found out the opponent's weakness - a total weakness at that.

"Kenji, attack their napes!"

"Huh? Why?, ask by Kenji who seem to be heavily breathing

"I've noticed one thing over and over again, both of these dummies don't like to turn around and seems to be conscious in protecting that area", he said while pointing out their napes.

"But it doesn't mean it's their weakness right?

"Might be, but the longer we drag this battle the more disadvantageous we have"


They then went behind the G.S back swiftly and climb at the back of them as each taking a palm stance and kick stance to deliver the final blow on its nape.

Moment went on, both the G.S began to crumble down.

"K.O! Winner - Kenji and Kazuhiko, total wins: 3, wins needed to complete this stage accomplished! Congratulations to both of you. Please stand by for another 10 minutes before the last stage of trial will commence."

"Dude, that was sick", Kenji said

"Now that we completed the second stage trial, the random generated stage for our last trial will start shortly, and perhaps we should prepare ourselves in case something would happen unexpectedly." Kazu replied as he ignored Kenji's antics.

"Well yeah, better or for worse"

10 minutes later...

/Last stage trial will now commence, random stage had been administered. Please wait for the result/

After seconds of waiting, the stage had been finally set.

/Last stage trial - Doppelganger/

"Doppelganger?", ask by Kenji in confusion

"An apparition or double of a living person.", Kazu commented.

"I know that, it's just that how come we will have to face that?"

"I don't know but it seems interesting"

/Fighters, please proceed to the arena, remember one of you must stand opposite to each other for the trial to start. One will be at the lighter side, while the other will stand on the darker side./

Kenji directly went to the lighter side first, while Kazu went to the darker side. After being in place, both of them were transported in a single room without anything.

-Kazu's POV-

"Now it seems we must take this trial individually huh, much better"

-Kenji's POV-

"Another dimension again, well it's the last stage after all, let us see through it in the end"

-In the Arena's POV-

Both circular opposites of light and dark side began to clear up to show what is going on in the trial. It is more like a CCTV to show what will happen to them.

Until a figure started to shape in front both of them. In Kazu's part, it showed his 13 year old self, and similar with Kenji, it showed his 16 or 17 years old appearance.

The last trial goal is simple, and that is to face themselves. If they can pass this, it means they have the ability to go beyond their limits. But if they failed, then that's it.

In few minutes, both of them seems to struggle as they went on to face themselves. This stage also measures their will to develop more better versions of themselves in the future.

Thank you for patronage and reading

Orionyxcreators' thoughts