
Through Time, for You

She never saw it coming, ...He was always there. Forced to marry a man old enough to be her father, tossed into intricate politics of another land and sold far away from all she ever knew for peace and stability of a kingdom she had come to love. trying so hard to survive and finally dying to save someone who had hated her. She had lived a terrible life in the past, but it was now time for her future...a date with time. Reborn with broken memories of the past, she decided to live again and live for herself this time around. Heads up - The story of her second passed life will be told in a little more detail than regular reincarnation novels, but I promise it's an urban romance story.

Aicardia · 都市
16 Chs

The lord of star palace (2)

" Shuo Ge, I'm usually the Lord's favourite, what happened? why was he so upset" A pale Luxing asked as they made their way to a white and gold pavilion.

Everything in the star palace was luxurious and beautiful and seemed to exude a mysterious aura. Just sitting under this pavilion, Luxing could feel himself start to recover.

"It's because of that, that the Lord was lenient" Shouxing said, as he took a seat beside Luxing under the pavilion.

"You really went too far this time Xiao Lu" she added with concern.

" ...but I really don't understand why she's so special to the Lord" Luxing said, more to himself than to shouxing.

"Their story is way deeper than you think "Shouxing said.

How could he forget the first day she met "her". He and Caixing had been forced to be reborn earlier because of the birth of a mortal favoured by the heavenly emperor.

There had been two celestial signs that spread through the entire mortal realm. Their lord, as one of the heavenly emperors best officials, who was in charge of fate was summoned by the heavenly emperor, from star palace. the heavenly emperor had insisted that he could only trust her fate to the lord. There was a lesser lord of fate, but the heavenly emperor had insisted on their Lord. The Lord had reluctantly agreed.

After years of watching the mortal, the Lord found out that even though she was a mortal, she had a godly constitution. Interested the Lord's nonchalant care slowly grew to fascination, and his fascination to love. However, it was a love that was not fated to be. The heavenly emperor would not permit the twist of fate. In an attempt to stop the Lord from pursuing his love, the mortal was cursed to die on the day she was to consummate her marriage with the lord of Star palace, to deter the Lord from pursuing her any further.

The heavenly emperor had sent a herald to pass the news to Lord of fate, but the message never got to him. The lord had continued his relationship with the mistress and even left the heavens to get married to her in the mortal realm. On the night of consummating their marriage, the Lord found out that she was cursed, but it was too late.

The Lord merged his spirit essence with her soul to save her, but he could only manage to have her reborn in a far away kingdom with no memories of the past. He had damaged his true form in the process and needed to stay in the star palace to recover. But the lord had been in and out of the mortal realm in whatever form he could take on to personally watch over her reincarnation as she grew. Spending any free time he had searching for ways to rid her of the curse so they could be together for ever.