
Throne Of Supreme

[Previous title: Demon Slayer: let me be a human again.] Aoki just wanted to live a normal life, but that proved more difficult than he ever imagined. After traveling to the Demon Slayer world and acquiring a unique system, he diligently worked to elevate his “professional” skills. However, his plans were shattered when Muzan appeared, coercing him into becoming a demon. Now, Aoki has two new objectives. First, to defeat the malevolent Muzan. Second, to find a way to regain his humanity while retaining the extraordinary powers of a demon. This is just an translation original work: 鬼灭:请让我当个人吧 If you want an early access join my patreon:- patreon.com/ANelite

ANelite · アニメ·コミックス
142 Chs

Chapter 135: Conditions for Obtaining a Career

Chapter 135: Conditions for Obtaining a Career


In the past year, his only gain in combat was that the "Doctor" profession awarded him an attribute point at level 3, which he added to his physical fitness, curing his obsessive-compulsive disorder.

"Dr. Aoki!"

"Doctor Aoki, are you seeing patients today?"

"Long time no see, Dr. Aoki."

As Aoki walked through the hospital, people constantly greeted him.

He had a fairly high status here, not due to his talent or medical skills, but mainly because of his close relationship with the dean, Miss Tamayo. He was the only one who could freely enter and leave her laboratory.

Though some accused him of being a gigolo, Aoki didn't mind. Instead, he used his privileges to speed up his experience gain.

After a busy day in which he earned 10 experience points, Aoki finished his work as darkness fell. He didn't feel tired but decided to call it a day.

First, it was important to behave as much like an ordinary person as possible. Secondly, there were fewer patients at night, so the efficiency of gaining experience was low.

After declining an invitation from two colleagues to go to the pub, Aoki used "space travel" to return to Asakusa Town.

Rie and Takina were already accustomed to his sudden disappearances and reappearances, so they didn't even ask about it.

After chatting with Takina and his Rie for a while, Aoki returned to his room and thought over the problem he was facing again.

His ultimate goal was to transform back into a human while retaining the powers of a demon.

There was no hope of achieving this through research in the short term.

Others might have given up, but he still had something to rely on: the system.

According to Miss Tamayo, the question of the origin of demon power was too profound, and with the current level of technology, there was no possibility of understanding it. Even after Aoki described to her the potential future developments and changes in the medical field, Miss Tamayo's answer remained a firm "no."

As for separating the powers and characteristics of demons, it seemed like a fairy tale—completely unrealistic. But with the system, the impossible often became possible.

With its help, he overcame his hunger for flesh and grew stronger by killing demons. In just one year, his strength had surpassed that of Muzan Kibutsuji.

When facing difficulties, turning to the system was just common sense, right?

But if he wanted to achieve the goal of "having both" in a short period, he would need to rely on extraordinary powers.

There were only two kinds of supernatural powers in this world, and he couldn't master the other breathing method.

In other words, if he wanted to solve his problem with the system's power, he would have to go to another world.

"This is troublesome" Aoki muttered, rubbing his forehead.

He was certain that other worlds existed because he himself had come from another world. However, he had no idea where these worlds were or how to reach them.


It wasn't that there were absolutely no clues, but rather that he had only a vague, uncertain guess.

The more Aoki thought about it, the more unreliable it seemed.

Even if he could reach another world, how would he return? How long would it take to travel there and back? Would he be able to obtain the power he desired in another world?

And what about safety concerns?

These were just a few of the issues that crossed his mind.

"Let's wait and see. Once a decision is made, there's no chance to regret it. This is a good time to accumulate more strength," Aoki decided, suppressing his impulse for the moment.

The next day, he continued working as a doctor.


Two months later, Aoki finally accumulated enough experience to reach the maximum level of "Doctor." It had taken him more than a year in total, the longest time required among his four professions.

The last skill points he obtained were used to learn the final skill of the "Doctor" profession. He added the remaining free attribute points to his strength, bringing it up to 29 points—just one step away from reaching 30.

Although he had reached the maximum level for the "Doctor" profession, this did not mean he was already the strongest doctor.

The skills of a half-star profession improve one's innate talent, but they do not directly enhance professional ability.

Simply put, whether it is a doctor, martial artist, or hunter, the system's professions transform him from an ordinary person into a genius in those fields.

To become an expert, however, he still had to learn all the necessary knowledge and skills on his own.

The system couldn't help with that.

As a doctor, Aoki's level was already quite good, but he was still far inferior to Ms. Tamayo and Kanae Kocho.

He had the talent to catch up with or even surpass them, but this would require a long period of study.

If he had enough time, he wouldn't mind delving into medicine and becoming a great medical expert.

However, with a more advanced goal in mind, he naturally didn't intend to waste time on that.

In most cases, medical skills or having a nurse's assistance were very important.

But as a demon, Aoki had his own regenerative abilities and happened to be one of the few who didn't need them.

So, he plunged into his next endeavor, aiming to obtain another profession.

This time, he chose to pursue the profession of a chef.

Unfortunately, he failed.

There was simply no way for him to gain the "chef" profession.

It definitely wasn't the fault of his instructor; through Ubuyashiki Kagaya, he had found one of the most renowned chefs in Tokyo to teach him.

Eventually, Aoki realized that the reason was probably that he couldn't taste flavors.

The importance of taste to a chef is self-evident.

This also made him realize that his professions could not transcend his basic conditions.

For example, after acquiring Muzan Kibutsuji's blood, he obtained the "White Walker" profession.

If he remained human, he would never be able to gain the profession of a "demon."

In this context, it also made sense that he couldn't master the breathing techniques.

These techniques were created based on the human body's structure and were not applicable to demons.

In other words, the system simply professionalizes the powers he possesses or can acquire; it cannot create powers out of thin air.

Based on this, Aoki next tried to obtain the "Sprinter" profession.

He had pursued the "chef" profession out of interest, but he chose "sprinter" because he thought it might be helpful in combat.

He failed again.

Reflecting on his failure, Aoki guessed it was probably because his physical abilities had already surpassed the profession's requirements.

If he wanted to, he could easily win any physical competition in the world.

He didn't need any help from a profession; he was already the strongest.

In addition to being based on physical conditions, acquiring a profession also had to conform to realistic logic.

Given his situation, Aoki concluded that to increase his chances of success, it would be best to choose a half-star profession focused more on skills.

Looking back, he realized he had narrowly obtained the "Martial Artist" profession.

Though he spent some time after two consecutive failures, he was able to summarize two key rules, so it wasn't a complete waste.

However, Aoki didn't have time to attempt gaining another profession because the time of year when the sun was at its strongest was fast approaching.


T/N: There is a patreon for this work, and any new work I add will be dropped there first. check it out for an early chapters.

Patreon link:- patreon.com/ANelite