
This Is What’s Left

Atlas is alone, and as far as he knows there is no one else left alive on the planet. He's been own his own since 16 when his mother and father were killed by the undead. Atlas has been on his own for 7 years now, he's traveled to many places, but no one is left. He leaves himself with two option, survive or kill himself.

bransonc01 · ホラー
5 Chs

Am I Going To Die?

    I'm finally at the next town, but things seem a little too quiet. I'm not trying to jinx myself, but I'm gonna find a place to settle and hopefully take a small nap. I have to find a safe and secure spot first. A single story house with at least two exits would be the most ideal spot, and I think I just found contestant number one. A nice little yellow brick house, perfect. I walk in, check every room, nothing. Perfect. I make sure to lock every door and window, just to be safe. I'm gonna lie down and rest for a few hours. 


    That's exactly what I needed. I feel so much better now. Damn, sunset. This sucks, now I'm definitely stuck in here for the night. I am a little hungry, I'm gonna see if there's any food in this house. I open the fridge and saw rotten meat and old potato salad, or at least I think it's potato salad. But, luckily they had some corn and green beans that were still decent looking in a can. Time to chow down. As I'm eating my "amazing' dinner, I can feel that something is off. I'm not sure what it is, but I only get this feeling when it's something bad. Unfortunately, the only weapons I have are a wooden baseball bat and a dull machete.   

    I brush the feeling off, maybe it's just from not being able to eat for a few days. That's when it happens, I feel a cold hand on my shoulder, my instincts completely take over, I jump across the table before I can even think about it and rush to the bedroom. I close and lock the door, this is why two exits is always important. I open the window and I hear them, hundreds of them, waiting for me. Hungry for my flesh. I'm now out of options. This is the end, this is how I go. I always thought I would go out from old age. A beautiful wife, 2, maybe 3 kids. A nice two story home, but no, not anymore. Instead I get to go out like everyone else in this world, eaten alive. This is it.