
This Is What’s Left

Atlas is alone, and as far as he knows there is no one else left alive on the planet. He's been own his own since 16 when his mother and father were killed by the undead. Atlas has been on his own for 7 years now, he's traveled to many places, but no one is left. He leaves himself with two option, survive or kill himself.

bransonc01 · Horror
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5 Chs

The Never Ending Silence

It was just another normal day, well as normal as it can get for a 23 year old in a wasteland. I've been alone for 7 years now, I've traveled all throughout this wasteland and there is no one left here but me. Why? Why was I cursed with being stuck here! That question may always haunt me, but I keep pushing forward, day by day because that's what my parents would have wanted. But, after 7 years of no luck, I feel myself slowing giving in to the temptation to end it all and be reunited with my parents. 

     I guess it's time to get moving again, I've never stayed in a place for more than three days. If "they" get too close it's over for me. I usually stay in the same town for a few days, just move house to house just to be safe. With nightfall only minutes away, I'll hunker down in the house next to me.


    Thank God they have a bed. I have to be up early to move to the next time so I better hit the hay. The next town is 15 miles, not too far, but not the easy travel conditions currently but I make due. 

                                                                                         BANG, BANG 

    Fuck, they found me that quick! I need to get out of here. Obviously the front door isn't an exit option right now. I can go through the side window and hope the car out front will start, but that's a risk. A risk I have to take. I quickly jump through the window and race to the car, it's unlocked. Damn! No key. Whelp, I'm screwed. I now have two option. hope these windows are shatter-proof and hope "they" leave, or get out and sprint to safety. the first option sounds like a death wish. I jump out of the car and start running, I run until my lungs are burning and my legs want to give out. I turn around and I'm finally alone, but they doesn't mean to stop. "They" are still on my trail so I have to keep pushing forward at least till the next town. Let's hope I make it.