
This Clueless Hero

Sometimes I wonder if I should be thankful. Sometimes I wonder if I’m secretly in hell, atoning for some grave sin I’ve done. I’ve already done so much, what more can you ask from me? I’m starting to lose hope and I’ve long forgotten the reason I am fighting. Whatever is happening, I’m just so tired. When will this end? ... From the cracks of space, a small group of people are summoned into a magical world. They are told it is a world of peace, where the Demon King has long since stepped down. However, the deplorable lurk in the depths of society, and the main character that sees this first hand will soon discover that the peace between humans and demons is more fragile than he thought. The main character holds no prior memories and must learn these lessons by dying and coming back to the start when he was first summoned. He listens to the stories of the people around him. His companions share their insecurities and outlooks on life, giving him direction. He finds the courage to challenge the world and all of the suffering that comes with it. Slowly, he discovers the secrets of this world and finds out his past self was far more terrifying than he initially thought. ... Hey, author here. I just wanted to give you a better idea of the overall theme of the story. This story is one of suffering and giving up. I try my best to go into detail on why we suffer and how it happens. However, what I mainly focused on, is to give people a reason to keep moving, to try again. If nothing else, this novel will be written for me. But, if you feel like you are in a hole and can't get out, consider delving into this novel, even if it's only the free chapters. ... Disclaimer: This image does not belong to me. If anyone knows the artist, or if asked to take it down, please contact me and let me know

Disgrace · 幻想
188 Chs


There was no longer any point in stealth if they could sense me and it seemed that every bipedal lizard out there had a mission to hunt me down.

My eyes widened and my pupils constricted when the three lizards got close.

A bloody hole appeared on the one in the middle while my figure had reappeared behind them.

The lizard that was stabbed bled but still chased me down without much issue.

Is this really needed? To send every single warden after me?

My eyes narrowed.


If all of the bipedal lizards are chasing after me...

That means nobody is protecting their hills.

My directions shifted to a pretty big hill. As expected, no bipedal lizards were defending it.

While my legs were racing, my hands caught a few stalks of grass on the way.

My mouth chewed a few times before forcing the grass down. A burning sensation came from my muscles and my mind felt a bit dizzy, but my running did not stop.

The bipedal lizards were definitely faster than me, but not enough to overwhelm me.

One bipedal lizard had come from behind a hill in front of me. My direction shifted to the left, which gave a bipedal lizard behind me a clear shot.

Before my shoulder was lost, my teeth grit, and a tight feeling wrapped around me.

My figure appeared on top of a hill and my hands were busy getting stalks of grass before they caught up.

The bipedal lizards were quick to start charging at me, leaving me running while shoveling grass into my mouth.

Like a bandit, I was stealing treasure right under the lizard's noses. My stomach was in great pain, but those were the least of my problems.

I had already lost count of how many times I teleported and forcefully shoved grass down. However, my speed gradually matched the bipedal lizards.

After finding this out, my muscles relaxed a little.

My mind was able to detect where black grass was and the quality of it. Naturally, it was better deeper in the cave, but there were enough enemies on my back right now.

I made my way up a hill, where there was some black grass. Before my hand could reach for the grass, a bipedal lizard came from the other side of the hill.

The lizards were cutting me off. If I kept running, getting any more grass would be difficult.

My eyes widened and my pupils constricted.

The bipedal lizard in front of me had a sudden hole on its neck. Before it could react, my stake was already plunging into the back of its body.

Scales were sent flying as the bipedal lizard screeched. The lizard was missing a huge chunk of its back but was still alive.

Before the lizard could turn around, my foot landed squarely on its body. The lizard was thrown into the pack of bipedal lizards, making them stumble.

During this short period of reprieve, my hands gathered whatever they could.

Considering the pain in my stomach, there was a fear that there would be permanent damage from abusing it so much. Nonetheless, the grass was forcefully eaten as my legs carried me away.

Once the aftereffects wore off, my speed was now superior to the bipedal lizards.

Though the difference was not huge, it made a big difference.

Even when the bipedal lizards attempted to cut me off, there was plenty of time to finish off the bipedal lizard before the others came.

Their numbers thinned, while my strength had already surpassed theirs.

By the time there were six left, they stopped chasing me altogether. Instead, they huddled in groups of three, protecting the two remaining hills where the black grass was untouched.

Unfortunately for them, my strength was already too much for three of them to stop me.

My figure approached a hill with three bipedal lizards guarding it.

The three knew I was coming and roared in an attempt to threaten me.

My figure was still approaching, while the lizards took a step back.

Once the lizards were only two meters ahead of me, I suddenly pounced.

The lizard in the middle was unable to dodge and the stake blasted the lizard's head off entirely. The other two lunged with their jaws in an attempt to bite me.

Before they reached, the stake was dropped, and both of my hands grasped their heads, forcing their jaws shut.

After that, my hands lifted both bipedal lizards off the ground and slammed them into each other.

There was a cracking sound that reverberated once they collided.

They still struggled, clawing at my ribcage, but could only make shallow scrapes.

Their heads slammed into each other again. They were still kicking, but could only listlessly move their claws to express their unwillingness.

Once their heads collided for the third time, they stopped moving altogether.

After dropping both lizards to the ground, my hands plucked the stalks of grass on the hill.

Though there was no immediate danger, I paid no heed to my stomach that was crying out in pain. Twenty stalks of grass were chewed and eaten one by one.

Following my new sense, it did not take long to reach the other hill where three bipedal lizards were cowering.

This time the three gave up upon seeing my approach and ran to where the black grass was sparse.

There was a smile on my face as my hands deftly pulled out the stalks of grass to eat.

In the middle of my meal, a frown suddenly appeared on my face.

A rather huge lizard was approaching.

The lizard did not stand on two feet, but rather on all fours. This lizard was ten meters long, and as tall as me.

The most significant feature was the jaw that extended for two meters.

My figure slowly retreated. The massive lizard was about fifteen meters away.

It slowly opened its jaw, confusing me as to what it could possibly do from so far away.

My consciousness left me.

Once it returned I was on my knees and bleeding from my ears. The massive lizard was only a few meters away and charging.

After my teeth grit, my figure disappeared, leaving the lizard to snap its jaw at nothing.

A hole appeared on the top of the lizard's head, while my figure reappeared on its back.

My stake plunged down with both my hands on its base.

The stake was able to break the scales and penetrate roughly ten centimeters down.

Sadly, this method hardly did any damage and by now the wound on its head had already scabbed over.

The lizard began shaking back and forth violently to shake me off.

My brows furrowed and my figure disappeared. My figure reappeared running deeper into the expanse.

It was not possible for me to do significant damage to the massive lizard. My hopes were that this lizard's respective hill would not be guarded, leaving the grass stalks free for the taking.

The massive lizard was not going to let me go easily and began to chase.

The good news was that turning around took the massive lizard quite some time to do.

The bad news was that the lizard easily closed the distance in a matter of seconds.

My eyes peered over my shoulder.

The massive lizard was ten meters away and had its jaw opened.

My eyes focused forward again as they widened and my pupils constricted with a stronger intensity than usual.

My figure disappeared after leaving a few distortions.

The massive lizard let out a devastating roar. The roar hurt my ears but otherwise did not do any damage.

The only problem was my mind had become a little muddled.

My mind tried to forcefully teleport further, but there was some sort of barrier preventing me from doing so. Thankfully, feeling the threat of death allowed me to break through it.

After a few more steps, I came across a hill with many long stalks of grass.

Without hesitation, my hand grabbed whatever it could and my teeth bit down on it hard.

My eyes caught a glimpse of what the stalks of grass looked like. Instead of bulbs, there were small flowers that went up and down the strands of grass.

As for the taste, it was similar to honey, just with a needless amount of salt.

There were similar effects to the other stalks of grass, but my skin had become more sensitive. This let me feel the slight tremors on the floor.

In fact, there was a tremor coming from my right.

My head spun around to look, finding a massive lizard that already had its jaws open.

My mind partially recovered after eating the stalks of grass but was not in the condition to properly activate a teleportation.

After gritting my teeth hard, my mind forced itself anyway.

My figure disappeared once again.

After reappearing, my mind was very muddled and dizzy. The roar of the massive lizard was muted, my mind could only barely detect it.

More by instinct than willpower, my body was still moving.

As for how long it could keep doing so, I wasn't sure.

The contradiction of Hope. When people hope for something to happen, they put more energy into it and are naturally happier. The only problem with this is that things are not always reflective of those hopes. Naturally, this is unpleasant. This leads some to lower their expectations, so they are not hurt when results are not ideal. The irony of this is ideals are now reached even less. This is because there is no optimism to motivate one's actions. Some people understand this but are given the short end of the stick so many times they become what some call a 'Hopeful Pessimist'. This is when one hopes for the best, but never actually expects any change.

Disgracecreators' thoughts