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Itachi Koa our female lead is a typical highschool teen who's main goal is to support her family in anyway she can . To everyone except her best friends and family she is deemed as cold and detached from the world . Truly she is cold and indifferent, She lives her life thoughtlessly with 1% emotions and feelings basically heartless most of the time, , she is also one of those they call rare beauty and blessed with talents . The highschool Itachi is admitted into is for the Rich and wealthy to which Itachi's most of the time finds blank and uneventful with the help of her best friends Kyosuke Kuzokame and Tamako Uzui who are both heirs to wealthy families Itachi is able to navigate her way through highschool. Masato Shaoya who is one of the school's heartthrob ,the students council's president and is the top student in the entire school found himself in second place when Itachi Is admitted . At first Masato disliked Itachi for making him second butinstantly falls in love with her when they finally meet in person, so he sets out on a journey to be closer to Itachi and probably take their relationship to the next level . Itachi being cold and aloof ignores all advances being made towards her as she believes love is a waste of precious time and is not for her , this a huge disadvantage to anyone who seeks to be romantically involved with Itachi . After much persistence Masato is able to befriend Itachi but finds it hard to confess his feelings to her . °°°°°°°°° Underneath this normal life Itachi Koa hides a secret , a different life which only her father and no one else is aware of. However when Masato begins to study her, he notices how strange she is on a different level.... His curiosity and doubts gets stronger the day she played the violin. He realized Itachi is more than the bleak image she paints . ```````` Read to know what happens between Our Unresponsive Itachi and Prince charming Masato . Of course they other couples so you don't always have to root for the MCs ... Random sneak peek °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° Jobless Nightmares ' Will you scream for me?, would you let me savor the taste of your despair ?, would let me drown in the sea of your sorrows?, would you let me poison your blackened hearts? , would you let me bathe in the pool of your blood?, would you let me dance in the rain of your tears? , would you let me frolic in the garden of your nightmares?, would you fullfil my Lurid fantasies?, would you let me sing the lyrics if your curses ?, would you be my puppet?, would you let me taint the snow with your ashes? , would you tell me stories of the afterlife?, would you let me walk you down the aisle of torment?, would you let me tuck you in to Eternal slumber?, would you let me burn the bridges of your dreams? , would you let me whisper the futility of reality to you?, would you let me strip your mask of hypocrisy ?, would you let me show you the horror of the day and the bitterness of nighttime?, would you let me meditate in the ruins of your existence?, would you wander for eternity in the Labyrinth of confusion?, would you let me feed on your darkest secret? , would you follow the trail of false hope?, would you move to my beat of devastation?, would get lost in the abyss of darkness ? ' Itachi didn't stop a gust of wind blew inside the green house, it broke her hair tie and let her hair flutter , it looked like she might run with the wind to see where it goes. Itachi's music was sad telling the worth of those dreadful moments ..... it gave the listeners goosebumps Itachi's vantablack hair danced with the breeze as she stood firm , now people had gathered around the green house looking at this otherworldly being of ethereal beauty . Itachi played a stirring prelude, with no emotions to back it up ..... but then the music seemed to say since my heart is a still lake would lend me the your emotions.... so that I may feel alive

Yura_Sai · 若者
10 Chs


– After lunch break –

Tamako, Kyosuke and Itachi along with another students made their way to the hall of mirrors.

Today they were having a combined class ( Etiquette class ) with their seniors the third years , they entered the

hall of mirrors was basically a large ballroom with mirrors for walls , with a large chandelier hanging above, a platform where one can properly see every corner of the room .

Soon the room was filled up but not crowded, the students had already split themselves up with the Second years on the right and the Third years on the left creating a path in the middle.

Itachi saw no point in this but she just went with the flow ,

" What do you think we're doing today " Tamako at her side asked

" Probably dancing "Kyosuke replied her ,

" I hope I don't get paired up with some creep like last time " Tamako shuddered at her last experience

" What about me ? the last girl I paired up with wouldn't stop sniffing me like a dog , it was so annoying " Kyosuke deep voice was laced with annoyance

"Yo Itachi if we get to choose our partners, your dancing with me " Kyosuke stated

"So demanding" Tamako rolled her eyes

The noisy hall quiets down as the Students council entered excluding the president , like nobles they walked in with an imposing air around them, it was hard not to notice them, they didn't mingle with the crowd and stayed neutral.

" They look like warriors returning victorious from a vicious battle"

" ahh just look at them.... so cool "

" if we get to choose partners , I'm definitely going to ask Tachibana "

" what a bold thought "

" I have my eyes set on Yuki ... I love me a cute girl "

" What if they reject you "

" Hey ! don't jinx it "

" I'm gonna try my luck with Miyano.... if I'm lucky I could confess"

" Keep dreaming girl "

" Where is the president "

" Sigh ... he might not attend class today "

" My poor heart "

" I wanna dance with how infamous playboy ..... "

" tough luck "

" I'm definitely going to ask him "

" After all he's the easiest to approach "

" I'm in ..... let's bet on who his going to choose "

" His definitely mine "

The aura of Tamako dropped to the lowest degree , she had an indescribable look on her face

'just who are they? '

To make matters worst , Inumaki gave his signature smirk and winked causing the girls to squeal with excitement.

Kyosuke put his hands on Tamako's shoulder

"Calm down girl"

Tamako just clicked her tongue , even if they had an assigned partner, she wasn't going to be kind hearted to that lucky girl who will dance with her boyfriend.

Soon a stern looking French lady in her early thirties holding a cane stood on the stage , She clears her throat gaining the students attention

" Good morning class , Today as you can tell we will be dancing ... You will be performing a typical waltz and I would simply inspect and correct any mistakes,

I woke up happy today so unlike usual I won't be strict , feel free to choose your partners , you have five minutes to organize your self"

The hall was filled with excitement as students went about choosing, looks like heaven heard their prayers .

Inumaki was swarmed with a lot of girls from both years , fighting over who will dance with him , suddenly the temperature around them dropped,they all shivered involuntary and turned to the one emitting such aura , Tamako stood a few feet away from them, she held her chin high and had the expression of a haughty emperor looking down at unworthy peasant clear in her eyes , without a word the girls humbly cleared a path for her .

Tamako adjusted her glasses and calmly walked to Inumaki, grabbed his wrist ,

Inumaki could only turn to look at the girls with an apologetic look and laughed nervously

"Sorry girls but she's a jealous type "

and he was pulled away away.

" Wait, did he just admit to their relationship?! "

" this is hot news "

" To think our notorious heart breaker and the the intrusive Journalist would be together "

" So the rumors are true"

" Ah they look so good together... I'm filled with envy "

" Tsk .... Tamako just made more enemies "

" How did she even get his attention "

" Are you blind not to see her unique beauty "

" Sorry to be rude but I think he'll obviously choose gold over brass "

" that was mean .. hmmpf ".

Kyosuke was about to hold Itachi hand when he felt a small tug at his sleeves he tilted his head and saw the timid Ashido looking down at her shoes and tightly clutching the hem of her skirt ,

she looked so cute , Kyosuke thought .

"How can I help you?" He was polite , Ashido seemed to be internally debating something, she would look up at him then at her shoes ,her face flushed beet red .

"Ha ! ,just look at her "

"So pitiful"

"isn't she the cause that Aileen was expelled"

"what a vixen "

"She's really thick skinned , trying to seek young master Kyosuke's attention"

"She can't even speak well"

" Does she really think, he would accept her"

Ashido bit her lips and held tears in her eyes hearing all these nasty remarks

"Please do speak your mind" Kyosuke was patient , Ashido looked at him , this was the first time she was taking the initiative to speak to a boy so she was having a little problem, She took a deep breath and uncertainly said

" Uh-uh....I ... eh .... I was hoping to dance for you .... I mean with you!" .

She immediately stared down at her shoes as if it could save her ,

" See, was that hard ?"

Ashido heard Kyosuke chuckle and felt him gently separate her hands from her skirt,

Ashido raised her head and shook it

"mm....mmh" .

"Sorry Itachi looks like you'll be spending your time in the library"

Itachi gave a "Tch" and turned her face to the side .

" Hey don't give me that attitude " Kyosuke laughed

Ashido on the inside was having a nosebleed, that little gesture Itachi made , she found it adorable, it was taking her everything not to pinch Itachi's cheeks and giggle .

"Okay, Young Masters and Miss' , settle down ..... thank you, like I said I'm in a good mood, for those of you left unpaired you have the rest of the class off"

A wave of appreciative whispers and sunken grumbles echoed

" But you will be paired up with another class next time , please do not cause any trouble and compose yourselves , you may leave "

The stern french lady nodded her head .

Itachi noticed she was the only girl without a partner, well she could have walked up to any of the random extras but she disliked the thought of dancing with someone

she's not familiar or comfortable with touching her .

Itachi unnoticeably left with the group of boys .

"Okay, Gentlemen politely ask for a dance"

" Good, Ladies kindly accept "

" Gentlemen a kiss on her fingers "

" Good "

" Right hand around her waist, left hand holding her right hand up "

" Ladies right hands on his shoulder or fore arm "

" great , maintain a decent space between your bodies "

" Relax your body and move with grace "


On a rooftop of one of the school's buildings , Itachi laid in the floor, her vantablack hair was sprawled out, her lips were slightly parted , her bangs fell backwards revealing her full face , she looked like a sleeping angel, just everything was so alluring, from her forehead to her long lashes .

Everything about her was carved with perfection,

a few inches away Masato was sitting criss cross applesauce and staring down at her with a tender gaze like nothing else mattered,

he slowly picked up locks of her hair, relishing the cold feeling and brought it up to his nose

' I could never get tired of this scent '

in contrast to how dull her hair looked, it was silky soft and very pleasant to touch , Masato closed his eyes to enjoy this feeling.

He was heading to etiquette class , when he suddenly had the urge to come here and gladly he gave in just to see Itachi sleeping ever so peacefully like usual.

Masato released a low hum and opened his eyes to meet Itachi staring back at him with a tired gaze she seemed to be thinking of nothing right now,

Masato's heart did a summersault, he hurriedly released her hair but did not move , he had his head down with a ' oh shit! ,I can't believe I got caught ' expression on his face , he waited for Itachi to lash out but the latter yawned and left in quiet steps .

To be honest Itachi was not angry or weirded out, she had long gotten used to this hobby of his , it brought memories of when they met for the first time, she had been sleeping on this very same rooftop with out a care in the world , He sat just beside her quietly observing her sleeping face and since then it has become a norm .

This was actually the first time she caught him red handed , it was oddly fun to see is startled face .

All students and staffs were present in assembly hall , the topic of the gathering was about the mid term examinations, starting next week and some other things.

Today in Technical drawing class , they did a lot of sketches and ended up messing up the place after cleaning Itachi was tasked with emptying the trash can, Itachi could was meant to be present for the gathering since she is the top student and leader of the Baronial 10 but she slept through the class and was now waking up ,so here she was running late again.

Itachi walked down the quiet hallway, she was dragging a filled up trash can behind her, , Itachi gazed out the windows as she pass by , looking at the birds flying about , she looked down at the fields

' I'm sleepy... '

" Huh isn't that the crybaby girl?"

Itachi said as she spotted Ashido on the floor leaning on a tree , with four girls around her in a rather secluded place where no one would normally go .

' Shouldn't they be part of the assembly? , what is she doing there?, ...well they don't look friendly '

Itachi opened the window, to get a better view


Ashido had tears rolling down her eyes , the four girls spat insults at her , her body was soaked with a stinking liquid, her books were torn , her uniform was also torn in different places

" This would teach you not to mess with us .... just because you have the protection of Uzui doesn't mean you're untouchable! " girl 2 had a smug smile

" Now you have the guts to steal my chance of dancing with..... arggh your face makes me sick!!! " girl 1 dumped a bucket of dirty toilet water on Ashido

" You deserve to die.... how can you be so shameless!! " girl 3 kicked Ashido

" yeah .... you ruined Aileen's life ... yet you're prancing around like a Saint "

" Trash like you, will only drag Scarlet High's reputation down "

"Because of you her family is in shambles " Girl 4 sneered

" So what if she pushed you into the lake..... did you die ?! No , you did not so why render her life useless? " Girl 1 crouched down in front of Ashido and grabbed a fist full of her hair with her gloved hands and pulled it fiercely

Ashido could only cry silently, right now she desperately wished her life would be over .....She wore a defeated look on her face .

"Ahh... you pitiful vixen don't worry we'll help you end your life" Girl 1spat out , she waved her hands

Girl 3 was holding a glass like cup filled with sizzling liquid , grinning like a maniac

Ashido heart beat quickened in fear , her eyes were frantic ,

'Is that? '

Girl 3 walked forward to spill the liquid on Ashido.

Ashido tightly shut her eyes and clutched her head expecting a

burning sensation ,


All Ashido heard was terrified gasps and yelps, then


Ashido counted to hundred

She slowly half opened one eye and fearful surveyed her surroundings,

She heaved a sigh of relief as she raised her head,


Ashido said bewildered, the 4 girls were unconscious laying on the ground, she rubbed her eyes just to double check.

Ashido was at loss on what to do, she wasn't so heartless to leave the girls but then again they're her bullies, she wasn't a saint either.... maybe they deserve it, Ashido hesitantly checked their pulses and her erratic heart calmed down, they're still alive ..

Ashido eyes caught a neon green sticky note on one of the girls head , she mindfully picked it up and read it's contents ,

– You should go to the infirmary to treat your wounds ... the gathering would soon be over so hurry up before someone spots you .

As for the girls you can let them nap a little.

There shouldn't be a next time.

Have the best of luck in the coming mid term examinations –

A cute smile bloomed on Ashido's face staring at the neat and perfectly constructed handwriting.... how could she not recognize it , this handwriting was basically posted almost every time on the school's forum as reference....this handwriting belonged to the Apple of all Scholars eye .... It belonged to Itachi .

Ashido held the note with both hands , a blush spread on her face as she

giggled like a baby


She had no idea.