
They Don't Know

Sometimes all it takes is death to become powerful.

Sasutski · ファンタジー
6 Chs


I was normal. When I went out, I was polite. When I went to school, I was diligent. I did my homework, participated in my club. I was the very definition of normal. No specific skillset, I was just about average in everything.

Until I got shot.




I lay there, blood oozing from my body. I hadn't felt the three shots enter my chest. Vaguely, I heard people shouting and an ambulance whirring in the background. They say your life flashes before you eyes when you die. Yet my life wasn't flashing before my eyes.

All I could see was the sky.

The sky, so bright and beautiful.

What was the point of reliving my life anyway?

It wasn't like I had any cool or interesting experiences to relive.

All I had was the same day, over and over again.

I would wake up in the morning, eat some breakfast, and go to school. After school, I would go home, do my homework, play some games and go to bed.

And the next day was the same.

And the next.

Until I was 15.

I tried to recall anything that I felt that I had done. Anyone who was special to me.

"Ah... Lily..."

My childhood friend was the only interesting thing in my life. But I haven't seen her for almost 3 years. Her death from cancer had left my almost empty heart completely barren, my mind numbing the days after that.

Someone shouted something to me.

"Don't worry! We're getting you to the hospital immediately!"

In my mind, I scoffed. No one was going to survive three shots straight to the chest.

I guess it wasn't the worst life...

Slowly, I drifted away, my blurry vision seeing the sky for one last time before I was plunged into darkness...




[Fulfilled the criteria's for the life's path: The Unfulfilled]

Always wanted Spectre's life to be uneventful

Sasutskicreators' thoughts