
Theirs Destiny

Alishba_Tariq · SF
3 Chs

Chapter 2

Damon Pov

I was still thinking about that tablet, what might it contain and why did dad entrust it to Nick's father? Why didn't he give it to me directly? All these thoughts were running through my mind when suddenly the door opened and Nick entered holding a tablet in his hand. He walked over to me and stood in front of me across my desk, handed the tablet to me.

I took the tablet from his hand. When I tried to open it, it was locked with the password.

"What is the password Nick? " I asked looking at him with an irritating look.

"I don't know Alpha. My father said you know the password." Nick answered me back, fidgeting under my intense gaze.

"And how the fuck would I know the password. I never knew that this piece of shit tablet existed in this world, a few moments ago" I exclaimed with so much anger.

Anger that was running faster than blood in my veins. Anger that I was trying to control all this time by acting cold and numb  towards everyone. I pushed everyone away. Because of my anger and cold attitude, my childhood best friend Nick, stopped calling me by my name and started calling me by my title that I did not  want from the beginning. That stung, when people abandon you like my father abandoned me and left this world. He left me to deal with this world, to deal with this pack, to protect the pack, to lead them. How can I protect them? when I couldn't even protect my father. How could he think that I will lead this pack when I can't solve the mystery involving my father's death.

All these thoughts were igniting the fire of anger inside me. When I heard a voice calling me out from far. My thoughts were interrupted for a millisecond, but they came back, crushing me down with their weight.

When suddenly a hand touched my shoulder and brought me back to reality. When I looked up it was Nick, who was shaking me and yelling at me but I couldn't comprehend his words. They sounded distant.

"Alp … Alph…. Alpha." words sounded very distant like someone was screaming them from very far very very far.

"Damon snap out of it. You can control it. Damon you have to, please you can control it." Nick was saying to control it.

But I didn't understand, control what?

"Think of something else. Concentrate on something else. Don't let your emotions control you." Nick said, sounding worried.

It was very hard to control. These emotions were controlling my whole body. I couldn't even talk. It was hard to utter a word but I somehow still managed to utter a few words to him.

"Think of what?" It was hard to say something but I still managed to say it.

"Think of her Damon." Nick said to me words sounded distant but I understood them. When I looked up to Nick he was shaking from the power and dominance oozing out of me.

Nick said think of her. I closed my eyes and started thinking about her. About her beautiful eyes, her long silky hair, her perfect flawless skin, her perfect full lips. She was sitting on the floor, in some kind of cell. Eyes fixed on the wall in front of her, tears rolling down from her doe like eyes, cheeks and eyes red from silently crying. Her face was shining and had a little glow to it because of moonlight coming from the aperture on the wall.

Her clothes were dirty and matted with dirt and blood. She had small cuts, scratches and bruises on her body. She was in some jeans and a shirt that was too big on her,definitely not her size. In this state she still managed to take my breath away by her heavenly beauty. I wondered how she would look without these bruises cut and scratches and dirty clothes.

She was saying something. Repeating the same sentence again and again.

"Help me. Allah." she was saying these exact same words again and again.

When I heard her voice in my head, my rage started to calm down. Her voice was angelic, so soft. Someone can listen to it all day long. The waves of anger that was rising inside me slowly began to subside. The anger that was enveloping me slowly began to release me. And when I looked up Nick was looking at me worriedly still clutching my shoulder under his death grip.

"You okay Damon." Nick asked me,  releasing my shoulder.

I couldn't think of something to say so I just nodded my head. He released my shoulder from his grip and took a step back. My office was empty, which means that Nick kicked them out during my episode.

"She still has this effect on you." Nick said, sounding amused.

"You have no idea nick…. No Idea." I answered back, looking straight into his eyes.

"I don't understand. How can a girl who only appears in your dreams have this effect on you. We don't even know if she exists in the real world or not. " Nick said to me now, looking serious.

"She is not a fragment of my imagination, Nick. I know this sounds crazy. But I believe from depths of my heart that she exist and I will find her one day.'' I answered Nick, sounding determined, thinking of that girl, who appears in my dreams and mesmerized me with her beauty.

"Do you think she is your mate because you haven't found your mate yet. "Nick said, taking a seat on the chair, making himself comfortable.

"I hope so." I answered Nick's question still lost in my thoughts about that girl. Why does she always appear in my dreams? I never met her in my entire life but still she appears in my dreams? Always silently crying begging Allah to help her. I think she is muslim beacuse Allah is muslims God.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Door pushed open, Jordan entered the office holding a file in his hand. He stepped forward and stood in front of me, across the desk.

"Alpha, your family lawyer sent this file." Jordan said, passing the file to me.

File was red and black, the logo of walters and delton enterprises printed on the center. I Took the file from him and dismissed him. He silently obeyed my command and left the office.

I gave a curious glance to Nick which was returned by his questioning gaze. I shrugged in response. I opened the file and started reading it. By the time i finished it, i was speechless. All the colors flew from my face. When Nick saw my state he asked me.

"Alpha is everything alright. You kind of look pale."

"No, nothing is alright."

"What happened? What is written on these documents." Nick asked worriedly.

"These documents say that 56 percent of our company is transferring to some woman named Inaya Mustafa by my father. Since dad is not alive I have to sign these papers instead of him as the rightful owner.'' I explained to nick.

"WHAT?" Nick screamed bloody murderly, jumping from his seat.

"Yeah my reaction was the same but only on the inside." I said to him, still thinking of this Inaya mustafa character that appeared out of nowhere.

"So are you gonna sign these documents?" Nick questioned.

"Hell no! Contact the lawyer. Get her address. We are going to surprise her tomorrow. Let's find out who she is. And why was the father transferring the shares on her name." I said to him, still looking at documents in my hands.

He stood up and answered with a faint "ok Alpha." and left the office and me to  cope with my thoughts.

I put the file on the table,stood up from my chair and left my office to get some sleep. Thinking

Who is she?


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