
Chapter 1

Damon pov

I walked into the pack house all bloodied and dirty along with my head warrior Jordan, my beta Nick, my gamma Jacobs and my delta Jonah.

This was an unusual rogue attack. Normally, rogues don't attack in groups. Rouges are vicious creatures that do not obey pack rules and do not like to follow pack order so they rebel against the pack alpha and leave the pack.

These attacks have been happening since the last two months. No one knows why these rouges started working in the groups and these attacks are very organized. My train of thoughts was interrupted by my beta voice

"Alpha! I don't understand what these rogues want from us and what is the reason behind these rogues attack?" Nick said.

"What they want from us or why they are attacking us? that is not important. The important question is since when did these rouges started working in groups? " Jonah my delta said.

"I agree with Jonah." I said. "Let's discuss this in my office."

We made our way to my office which is located on the second floor of the pack house. We took the stairs that lead to the second floor. Upon reaching my office I pushed the door open.

I made my way towards my office chair across the table and took a seat on it. Once this office belonged to my father but now this is my office. I was not supposed to be the alpha of the pack yet. I had one whole year until my alpha ceremony, before my father died. Every first born of the pack alpha has to become the new pack alpha when they turn twenty-five.

But fate was not on my side and I had to take charge of the pack and become the pack alpha before I turned twenty-five. Because my father died in the car accident when he was visiting the neighbouring pack.

Nick and Jordan took the chairs and Jonah and Jacobs took seats on the sofa.

"Jacob! Give me the reports on the attack. " I said to Jacob, my gamma. Who nodded his head and started speaking.

"Alpha! Head of the petrol party 4A contacted me through a mind link and informed me that they scented rouges around the eastern side of the border. So I contacted Jordan and he sent two warrior groups, Jordan also joined them, towards the eastern borders when they reached the eastern border they saw that the 4A group was heavily injured and there were more than forty rogues on the eastern border. Five out of forty were dead so when the warrior group arrived they fought them but that was thirty-five against eleven and then Jordan mind linked me and asked to send more help. Then I contacted you, Nick and Jonah and you know the rest. "

I was asleep this morning. I slept late last night due to paperwork that was pending. I hate paperwork. Nick always helps me with it but Nick wanted to go out with his mate, Selene. So I gave him the day off and I had to do all the paperwork that was piled up because of my lazy ass. Because of that I slept late last night.

I was sleeping this morning, late, when Jacob contacted me through a mind link and told me that rouges are attacking eastern border of pack territory. As soon as I heard the news all sleep flew away from my body. I hurried out of my room and ran toward the front door of the pack house. As soon as I reached the door I hurriedly opened the door with so much force that it smacked the nearest wall and the banging voice echoed in the pack house.

Then I ran towards the eastern border where the attack was taking place. As soon as I got there a bloody scene greeted me. Jonah, Jacob, Jordan and Nick all of them were present and were fighting the rogues. Jacob and Jonah were slightly injured but nothing too serious. They were trying their best to fight rogues. I also joined them in the fight. I strangled one of them and threw him on the ground and started punching him on the face repeatedly. I also started kicking him in the abdomen. Soon blood started dripping off from his skull, he also threw up blood. The sight of blood was disgusting, but I had to kill him. I don't like killing but I had to because they are a threat to my people therefore I had to kill him. I grabbed him by the throat and twisted his neck.

Soon as I killed him a body slammed into me, which caused me to stumble a few steps backward. As I looked up, a disgustingly looking rogue was standing a few feets away from me looking smirkingly at me, showing off his grossly looking yellow teeth.

"I think he doesn't own a toothbrush." my wolf Hunter said.

"Shut up Hunter. There is no need for your remark right now as you can see I am pretty much occupied right now." I said to him annoyed.

"Rude" Hunter said but after that he shut up.

When I looked at the rogue, hot rage boiled inside me, as I grabbed him by his arm and twisted it backward, breaking it. I did the same with the other arm following his two legs and slammed him to the ground. He started screaming due to agonizing pain that I caused him. My hand started changing into my wolf claw. Soon my hand was replaced by my claw. I put my claw on his chest, tearing the flesh on his chest reaching to his heart. I clenched his heart in my fist. He doubled over in pain and screamed louder. I put pressure on his heart and tore it out of his chest and threw it away mercilessly on the ground. When I looked at him his lifeless eyes were wide open staring right at me. Few moments before he was alive and now he is dead because of me. Guilt washed over me because I killed him, but I had to kill him. Either I kill him or let him kill my people, and I chose the former. I started shifting into my brown wolf, the sound of bones breaking, snapping and rearranging themselves into a new form and giving Hunter, my wolf, full control over my body and I drifted away into an unconscious state.

When my wolf finally gave me full control of the body I shifted back into my human form. I saw blood and bodies covered the whole ground, few of my warriors were injured but none of them were dead, thank god. But every single rogue was dead.

Then someone gave me some basketball shorts and hurriedly wore them. As you can see when we change into our wolf form we tear our clothes during shifting. When I put on those shorts I ordered my wolf to take care of the injured ones and rushed them to pack hospital for check up and told Nick, Jordan, Jonah, and Jacob, to follow me.

I was recalling the memory of the morning event when a voice called out to me. When I looked up it was Nick who was addressing me.

I gave him the nod silently telling him to continue.

"Alpha! This morning I was discussing the rogue attacks with my father before the attack of this morning. That is how these attacks are unusual because rogues are attacking in the groups and that has never happened before to our pack. When we were discussing he suddenly stood up and went to his room. After some time when he came back there was a tablet in his hand. He gave that tablet to me and told me to give it to you."

" What was in the tablet? " Jordan, my head warrior interrupted him.

" Let him continue Jordan" Jonah said with a disapproving glance towards Jordan. Jordan also gave an irritating look to Jonah.

"Continue Nick." I said to Nick with a nod of my head.

" I asked him what's inside it. He told me he doesn't know but the day before your father died alpha he gave that to tablet my father and told him if he is not alive and death embraced him and anything unusual occurs that has no explanation whatsoever then give this to you it might help you in some way. " Nick finished the tale of conversation with his father that happened before the morning attack.

I was stunned. I did not know what to say. Why did my father give that tablet to former beta, the day before he died? Did he know he was going to die? No how would he know he was going to die? He died in a car accident. Right? Or he knew he was going to die that's why he gave Nick father the former beta. According to Nick's father , if something unusual occurs then give it to me. So he knew something unusual will occur in the future and he will not be a part of that future so he left something behind to help me with this situation.

"Where is the tablet Nick?" I said to Nick.

"It's in my chamber alpha. I will fetch it for you" Nick answered back

I was feeling so many emotions. Thinking so many things. But one thing that outweighs the other was curiosity.

Curiosity what might be in the tablet to help me with this situation?


This is the first chapter of my very first book. I never wrote anything before this so there might be so many grammatical errors, and also because English is not my first language.

Give me your feedback and please comment to show me your support.

Wow this chapter contains 1613 words in total.

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