
The Health Department Issue.........

the Norwir government asked Duran to test his ointment on rats and submit the report to health department to seek permission for experiment on humans after which the ointment was allowed for humans to purchase and use. Duran was angry on this, As he had already tested it on rats, he was unwilling to repeat it again just to make a report. Using his contacts he made a fake allowance report for he didn't loved wasting time.

Though the report was full proof still he feared health department as it could ban Duran as a doctor for rest of his life taking away all his fame and fortune.

Health department was in the central district called Lim district.

Duran took his report the next day, had his breakfast and gathered all the courage he had in him.

He took a taxi to the health department avoiding reporters outside his house.

Throughout the ride many thoughts made him nervous

'what if they banned me'

'what if I would no more be called a doctor'

Duran was a person who wouldn't wait for 30 hours as observation period but could afford to get his license cancelled.

As the Lim district came nearer Duran's heart beat even faster. In his nervousness he ended up sleeping in the taxi. He was almost shocked to death when the driver said "sir, wake up, we've reached".....