
The Health Department Issue - 2.......

Duran recovered and payed the exact change to the taxi driver. He took a taxi as his driver was on a leave. The taxi moved forward leaving Duran behind seeing the big building in front of him. He whispered to himselves ," fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck".

The health department appeared to move towards him.

He moved forward ready to confront his fear.

on the entrance a guard greeted him and asked for his identification.

Duran showed him his identification card.

The guard allowed Duran in with a fading smile. As Duran entered in he saw as many as around 30 people moving here and there. They were the workers rather employees of this great institution. He came in front of the signboard to read 'ROOM-4'.

He followed the direction after climbing up a wide staircase Duran entered a room.

Everybody recognized him as he was the trending news. Everyone expected him.

Keeping the report on the table Duran was asked to wait outside for half an hour.

this waiting time took away three-fourth of his life. After 20-minutes he was called in and handed a report. This was his report but had a stamp which read, "approved by health ministry for further experiment", Duran was as happy a child allowed by his mum to play in the mud.