
The Xia Dynasty and Atlantis

In his previous life, while carrying out a special mission, he was severely ambushed by the enemy. With the resolve to complete his mission at all costs, he launched a desperate attack that triggered an energy explosion from one of the nine cauldrons—an object of secret research in Zone 53. This explosion, under the influence of an unknown power and following an unclear pattern, transported him to a strange era. He personally experienced the bloody turmoil at the end of the Xia Dynasty, a period that marked the end of mythology and the beginning of history in China. He witnessed the rapid decline of the once extremely powerful Xia Dynasty, taking on the identity of a hidden star from the Wu religion's Star Sect. He helplessly observed the fall of the Wu and the rise of the Dao, becoming entangled with legendary figures from history. He saw firsthand how history became stories, stories turned into legends, and legends eventually evolved into myths, only to vanish completely into the annals of history, leaving behind mere fragments and glimpses.

Ko_jo · 東方
44 Chs

Volume 1, Chapter 13: Anyi

Anyi, the city ahead, was finally in sight.

"But how could this possibly be the capital of the Xia Dynasty that I know?" Xiahou muttered, a bit dazed as he gazed at the vast city before him.

Anyi was located on an expansive plain that stretched thousands of miles in all directions, filled with dense forests, lakes, and endless farmland and pastures. The landscape was dotted with villages every few miles and bustling towns every ten miles, creating an unexpectedly prosperous region.

At the center of the plain, four towering peaks, each about a mile in diameter and several hundred meters high, formed a perfect square. Each peak stood at one corner of Anyi's city walls, and atop each peak was a ten-meter-tall watchtower made entirely of black stone, exuding an intimidating aura. The city walls themselves stood thirty meters high, constructed from massive stones and reinforced with molten metal, making them impregnable.

The entire city of Anyi spanned more than forty miles, with three gates on each side allowing entry and exit. Hundreds of elite soldiers, radiating an aura of invincibility, stood guard at each gate.

To the north of Anyi, a towering conical peak, about a mile high and several miles wide at its base, housed palaces, pavilions, and military camps, clearly a critical strategic point.

Surrounding Anyi, dozens of smaller fortified towns dotted the plain, each varying in size and serving as military bases. The clanging of armor and weapons could be heard from miles away, a testament to the region's military might.

Three wide rivers flowed gracefully through Anyi and its satellite towns, their currents bridged by numerous connections that facilitated transport and communication. In times of war, destroying these bridges would make Anyi nearly impossible to approach.

"A fortress of iron and stone, impregnable," Xiahou murmured, instinctively touching the longbow slung over his shoulder. He sighed, "Three thousand men could capture this city? One of the smallest fortified towns here likely holds tens of thousands of troops. Clearly, this era isn't the Xia Dynasty I know. Anyi isn't the Anyi I know. It's all just a coincidence."

Gently patting Hei Yan's head, Xiahou carefully guided his steed towards the central southern gate, trying to maintain a harmless and amiable demeanor. He also kept a tight rein on Bai, who was visibly excited. "Bai, don't cause any trouble. These soldiers are formidable, and if something happens, we won't be able to escape," he cautioned.

Bai glanced dismissively at the two rows of three hundred soldiers standing guard at the south gate, baring his teeth in a mocking grin before licking his nose in disdain.

The soldiers in black iron armor stood motionless, heads slightly raised, eyes fixed on the sky. At the gate, a dozen soldiers were meticulously inspecting the travelers, especially those carrying weapons, before allowing them entry. Xiahou looked at his animal hide coat and regretted not taking the time to change into something less conspicuous.

As expected, Xiahou, clad in animal hides, carrying a heavy steel sword, and wielding a dragon tendon bow, caught the attention of a black-clad official sitting under the gate's arch. The official, with a high crown and dark complexion, shouted, "That barbarian, bring him here."

Four black-armored soldiers immediately surrounded Xiahou, seizing his longbow and steel sword before roughly dragging him to the official. Bai, ready to attack, was restrained by a firm slap from Xiahou. The soldiers, seeing Bai's fearsome appearance, panicked, and within moments, over a hundred fully armed soldiers rushed out from the inner passageways, surrounding Xiahou and Bai.

The black-clad official trembled slightly, eyeing Bai warily. "A barbarian traveling with a Pixiu? Where are you from?" he asked, his voice tinged with suspicion.

Xiahou, irritated by the repeated use of "barbarian," replied solemnly, "From the far south, Yunmengze."

At the mention of Yunmengze, the surrounding merchants gasped and paused to watch the spectacle. Yunmengze was famous for its herbs, animal hides, and rare treasures, but it was also a perilous place, seldom visited by traders from Anyi. The news of a visitor from Yunmengze quickly drew a crowd.

The black-clad official, enraged, stood and berated the onlookers, "How dare you block the gate! Disperse now, or I'll revoke your travel permits!" The merchants, fearing the threat, quickly cleared the area.

Feeling a bit more secure, the official sat back down, still wary of Bai. His hand cautiously grasped a bone bracelet on his left wrist, a gesture that didn't escape Xiahou's notice.

"Yunmengze, a fine place. But it's over ten thousand miles from here. Why have you come to Anyi?" the official asked, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "The barbarian lands don't follow the king's orders. Why do you bring weapons into Anyi?"

Xiahou paused, considering the money pouch at his waist. He had traveled for over a month, spending forty large coins and still had 150 left. He wondered if he would need to bribe this official to enter the city, but he couldn't bring himself to do it so openly, especially with so many soldiers around.

Bowing respectfully, Xiahou spoke softly, his face sincere and harmless. "Sir, I have an appointment with someone in Anyi from four years ago."

"An appointment?" the official sneered, his voice rising. "Do you know who lives in Anyi? Nobles! Who would know a barbarian like you?"

Xiahou bowed again, replying earnestly, "Heiyan Army, Xingtian Dafeng."

"Heiyan Army, Xingtian Dafeng?" The official nearly choked. He glanced at Xiahou's steed, Hei Yan, and saw the king's mark branded on it. His demeanor changed instantly to one of obsequiousness. "Why didn't you say you were looking for Officer Xingtian? Your steed indeed bears the royal mark."

With a warm smile, Xiahou asked, "May I proceed now, sir? And could you direct me to the Heiyan Army's location?"

Suddenly, a sharp, chilling voice cut through the air, "Who seeks Xingtian Dafeng of the Heiyan Army? Let me see."

A squad of soldiers, dressed in black armor with black capes and snake-themed helmets adorned with blue-painted fangs, roughly pushed their way through the city guards, escorting a man towards Xiahou.

Xiahou took a quick glance at the man, and his heart sank. Trouble was brewing.

This man had a triangular face, upturned eyebrows, and thin, shriveled lips—features that could only be described as pitiable. However, it was his physique that was truly disturbing. He was as thin as a stick, his body barely wider than Xiahou's arm, with skin stretched tightly over his bones. Whatever sinister cultivation method he practiced caused tubular structures to writhe under his skin like snakes, making him look revolting. His eyes were lifeless and dull, resembling those of a snake, with green pupils devoid of any human warmth.

The man pointed a slender finger at Xiahou and spoke in a creepy, mocking tone, "You, looking for Xingtian Dafeng? What's your business? Tell me. I am Xiang Liu Rou, in charge of patrolling, scouting, and security in Anyi. You seem suspicious."

Xiahou frowned and instinctively stepped back, putting some distance between himself and Xiang Liu Rou. He responded coldly, "Sir, what seems to be the problem?"

Xiang Liu Rou's dead eyes flickered slightly as he sneered, "If I say there's a problem, then there's a problem. Who are you to question me?" He gave Xiahou a chilling once-over and listlessly ordered, "Tie this barbarian up and throw him into Anyi's bone prison for a couple of years to loosen his tendons."

Xiahou's face darkened as he eyed his steel sword and longbow, which a soldier was holding. He contemplated resisting. Xiang Liu Rou, however, couldn't be bothered to look at him again, his neck twisting unnaturally as he noticed Bai preparing to pounce.

Xiang Liu Rou's voice rang with twisted glee, "A Pixiu, and a powerful white one at that! Whose goods are these? Ten copper bear coins, and it's mine. Bring that Pixiu to me!"

Xiahou's body tensed, and he pushed back the soldiers trying to bind him, striding over to Bai. He coldly declared, "Who dares to touch him? Xiang Liu Rou, Bai isn't merchandise. He's my companion, and he's not for sale." Xiahou's irritation grew—did Xiang Liu Rou regularly bully people this way? Ten copper bear coins for a Pixiu?

Xiang Liu Rou's expression shifted as he scrutinized Xiahou. "This Pixiu is yours?" he asked.

Xiahou replied firmly, "Yes."

Xiang Liu Rou's face contorted through a range of emotions before he settled on a cold sneer. "If you have a Pixiu following you willingly, you must be a Wu warrior. Only a Wu warrior could control an adult Pixiu."

Xiahou nodded slightly but didn't bother to speak further. It was clear Xiang Liu Rou had a grudge against Xingtian Dafeng and was here to cause trouble.

Xiang Liu Rou's fingers, with their eerie tubular movements beneath the skin, tapped his chin thoughtfully. He took a step closer and said in a sinister tone, "If you are a Wu warrior, then you should understand the honor of offering your belongings to me." He pointed to the shield-shaped insignia on his left chest, adorned with a blue, three-legged cauldron. "Forget the ten copper bear coins. Present this Pixiu to me, and I will accept you as a guest of the Xiang Liu family."

The nearby soldiers and officials were stunned, while the black-clad gate official shrieked, "You call yourself a Wu warrior? Do you even know what that cauldron symbolizes?"

Xiang Liu Rou chuckled as he reached out to touch Bai's scales. "Never mind, barbarians are ignorant. But hand over the Pixiu, and all will be forgiven."

As Xiang Liu Rou's hand neared Bai's head, Bai suddenly let out a strange roar, like the mingled cries of a dragon and a phoenix, echoing for miles. A layer of white light enveloped his body, and his eyes blazed with white fire. His claws slashed towards Xiang Liu Rou's heart.

Caught off guard, Xiang Liu Rou screamed and rolled on the ground, retreating into the safety of his soldiers.

Xiahou laughed heartily, calming Bai and patting his neck. He taunted Xiang Liu Rou, "Impressive reflexes, my lord."

Enraged, Xiang Liu Rou's eyes twitched as green light flickered at his forehead. Xiahou sensed a powerful surge of energy as Xiang Liu Rou manipulated the surrounding aura to form a snake-like green light, which shot towards him.

Bai moved to intercept, but Xiahou, fearing Bai's safety, stepped forward and punched the green light with his fist wrapped in yellow energy.

A resonant hum filled the air, and Xiahou's blood churned. The green light shattered his protective energy and entered his body, severely damaging his internal organs and dispersing his life force. Xiahou coughed up blood, his skin turning pale green.

With a desperate roar, Xiahou unleashed a barrage of rocks from the ground, hurling them at Xiang Liu Rou. He grabbed a sword from a nearby soldier and charged, slashing with a blade coated in yellow energy.

Bai, equally enraged, grabbed Xiahou's dragon tendon bow and a steel spear from a soldier, using the bow's immense power to shoot the spearhead at Xiang Liu Rou's heart.

Xiang Liu Rou admired Bai's skills before casually flicking his wrist to create a rain of green light that targeted Xiahou and Bai.

Xiahou's protective yellow aura exploded, leaving green spots on his skin as he staggered back. Bai, dodging the attack, leaped high into the air, avoiding the deadly green rain.

Spitting green blood, Xiahou's eyes burned with fury as he faced Xiang Liu Rou, who seemed to have the upper hand.

"Not you or me, Xiang Liu Rou," Xiahou declared, "one of us will die here today!"

With a battle cry, Xiahou unleashed his full power, summoning a sphere of yellow light and invoking the most powerful attack spell from the Xuanwu True Art, ready to strike.

Bai stood tall, his eyes blazing with white fire, his claws gleaming with deadly intent.

Xiang Liu Rou's soldiers, sensing the escalating danger, closed in on Xiahou and Bai, their weapons drawn.

Xiang Liu Rou sneered, "You dare challenge me? Take them down!"

Surrounded by superior forces, Xiahou and Bai prepared for a fierce battle, their spirits undaunted.

Xiang Liu Rou tutted softly, "A Wu warrior with near ninth-grade Wu power wants to kill me? Do you think a One Cauldron Grand Wu of Da Xia is that easy to kill? Barbarian, do you even understand the difference between a One Cauldron Grand Wu and your so-called ninth-grade Wu warriors?"

A chilling voice echoed from a distance, "Xiang Liu Rou, do you know the difference between a top-tier One Cauldron Grand Wu and a bottom-tier One Cauldron Grand Wu like yourself?"

Clattering hoofbeats approached from the main street inside the city gate. Xiang Liu Rou's mouth dropped open, as if he had just swallowed a nest of furry mice, his expression shifting rapidly. Amidst the rhythmic hoofbeats, the eerie voice continued, "I heard that a young man rode one of my Heiyan horses to find my brother, only to be stopped by a long-worm at the gate. I wonder what my brother will do when he hears of this."

The city guards pressed their backs tightly against the walls of the gate, not daring to intervene in the standoff between Xiang Liu Rou and Xiahou. Xiang Liu Rou's subordinates also changed their expressions repeatedly, cautiously surrounding him. Down the long street, a young man with a gaunt face and a sinister demeanor, dressed in black leather armor and lazily swinging a small double-headed axe, rode a Heiyan horse at the head of a thousand-strong cavalry unit.

The young man, sitting atop his Heiyan horse, resembled a block of ancient ice emitting faint flames. His sharp, chilling gaze swept over Xiang Liu Rou and Xiahou as he spoke in a low voice, "A young brother from the Chihu family? My brother mentioned you. Surviving a fall from such a high cliff without dying, you're indeed lucky. My brother's winnings ultimately benefited me."

Xiahou cupped his hands in salute, another trickle of green blood leaking from his lips, and murmured, "And you are?"

Xiang Liu Rou gritted his teeth, hissing through clenched teeth, "Xing Tianfan, are you meddling in my affairs?"

Xing Tianfan, looking half-asleep, shrugged and responded with a voice that carried an eerie undertone, "Xiang Liu Sixth Brother, you're targeting someone my brother values. It seems you're picking a fight with the Xing Tian family." His slit-like eyes glinted coldly as he smiled, "Shall we settle this the old way? Do you want to fight me personally or use your subordinates?"

Xiang Liu Rou's face twitched for a moment. He shot a hateful glare at Xing Tianfan, then cast a chilling glance at Xiahou and Bai. Finally, he spat a glob of pale green phlegm onto the ground and sneered, "Me, fight you? A Wu master against a Wu warrior riding a Heiyan horse? Do you take me for a fool? Let's go!" With a wave, he and his subordinates started to leave.

Xing Tianfan suddenly threw his small axe, which expanded tenfold in mid-air, landing heavily in front of Xiang Liu Rou. Xing Tianfan looked up at the blue sky, inhaling deeply, and said, "The medicine."

Xiang Liu Rou's face turned blue as he looked at the giant axe embedded in the ground, inches from his toes. He grudgingly pulled a foul-smelling black pill from his belt and tossed it to Xiahou, snorting coldly before carefully stepping around the axe and striding away.

Xiahou, his heart being corroded by the poison, quickly swallowed the putrid pill and sat cross-legged on the ground. The pill dissolved into dozens of streams, varying in temperature and strength, coursing through his meridians. The chaotic energy miraculously neutralized the poison and restored his disrupted earthy energy.

After taking a few steps, Xiang Liu Rou turned back and sternly warned, "Xing Tianfan, I'm warning you. This barbarian brought a Pixiu and is a near-ninth-grade Wu warrior, unaccustomed to civilized ways. If he causes trouble in Anyi, your Heiyan army will be held responsible."

Xing Tianfan's axe returned to his hand in a flash. He looked at Xiang Liu Rou lazily and said, "Barbarian? This 'barbarian' is more courteous than you. Have you ever seen a barbarian act like a rabid wolf on the streets?"

Xiang Liu Rou's face turned purple with rage as he sneered uselessly for a long time. Seeing no one paying him any mind, he finally left with his men. But after a few steps, he stopped and threatened, "You may be smug now, but wait until my third brother returns from the Snake Marsh. We'll see if you Heiyan people are still so arrogant."

Xing Tianfan ignored him, casually hanging the small axe at his waist before sliding off his Heiyan horse. He approached Xiahou, who stood up, towering over him. Without warning, Xing Tianfan punched Xiahou in the stomach.

Bai roared, reaching for Xing Tianfan, but a blue wind swirled around Bai, immobilizing him.

The sound of metal clashing filled the air as Xing Tianfan's punches hit Xiahou, creating a cacophony like a blacksmith at work. Rings of blue and yellow light radiated from their contact points, but Xiahou remained unmoved.

Xing Tianfan grinned and asked, "How's your swordsmanship?"

Xiahou didn't waste words. With a flick of his wrist, he twirled the stolen sword, creating seven white snowflakes in the air. His movements were swift and intricate, and the snowflakes lingered for a breath before dissipating.

Xing Tianfan and his soldiers gasped. They were used to overpowering foes with sheer brute strength, but this delicate swordsmanship was a revelation. Xing Tianfan cheered, "Excellent, excellent! Chihu family's brother, your swordsmanship and near-ninth-grade Wu power are remarkable!"

He then frowned and asked suspiciously, "Where did you learn such exquisite skills?"

Xiahou boldly lied, "I observed the changes of the seasons, the movements of beasts and birds, the growth and decay of plants. I comprehended it myself."

Xing Tianfan blinked in disbelief, rubbing his eyes to confirm he was looking at a wild man in animal skins with unwashed hair. Shaking his head, he muttered, "My brother has found a treasure." With a welcoming smile, he took Xiahou's hand, saying, "Wonderful. Brother Chihu, with such skills, you're most welcome."

Glancing at the sky, Xing Tianfan noted, "We've wasted too much time here. Brother Chihu, come with me to finish the patrol duties, then I'll take you to our house. My brother is on duty at the palace today and won't be able to see you until late."

With a snap of his fingers, the wind restraining Bai dissipated, leaving him sprawled on the ground. Bai dared not act out, retreating behind Xiahou and eyeing Xing Tianfan's back, contemplating a surprise attack.

Xiahou mounted his Heiyan horse, riding alongside Xing Tianfan down the street. Xing Tianfan asked curiously, "In your southern lands, do you also name boys after the beasts they kill when they come of age? What's your name?"

Xiahou replied, "Baolong. At my coming-of-age ceremony, I killed a steel-armored dragon." He revealed the dragon tattoo on his chest, gleaming in the sunlight.

Xing Tianfan's smile widened, nodding approvingly, leaving Xiahou puzzled. Why was this high-ranking Heiyan officer so eager to befriend him? Xiahou had come to Anyi to join the Heiyan army and seek legendary sorcery. But Xing Tianfan's warm reception felt almost like a strategic alliance.

As they passed a grand tavern, a powerful voice boomed from the second-floor balcony, resonating like thunder and making Xiahou's ears ring. "Xing Tianfan, is this the young man who embarrassed Xiang Liu?"

Xiahou looked up to see a tall, imposing man with a rectangular face, dressed in black robes and a blood-red belt. His eyes shone with a commanding presence, and his robust figure seemed to dominate the space around him.

Xing Tianfan respectfully dismounted, saluting the man. Xiahou followed suit, mimicking the salute. Xing Tianfan laughed, "Huntianhou, your news is quick. My brother is on palace duty today and can't join you for drinks."

Huntianhou, eyeing Xiahou with interest, smiled, "Opportunities are plenty. I'll send some fresh blood wine to you and your brothers tomorrow." Nodding at Xiahou, he added, "Your Heiyan army has found a good recruit. With strength like his, few can stand against him."

Xing Tianfan beamed proudly at Xiahou. "This is Baolong from the Chihu family. He killed a steel-armored dragon at his coming-of-age ceremony. Everyone in the capital will want him."

Huntianhou swirled a jade cup, chuckling, "Too bad his Wu power is still weak. Baolong, how old are you?"

Xiahou replied, "Just turned sixteen three months ago."

The men on the balcony were astonished. "A near-ninth-grade Wu warrior from the southern wilds, at sixteen? Remarkable."

Huntianhou's smile broadened, "A true hero doesn't care about age. In the capital, many young men ten years older than Baolong are still stuck at sixth or seventh grade. Xing Tianfan, show Baolong around our great city."

Laughing, Huntianhou added.