
The Xia Dynasty and Atlantis

In his previous life, while carrying out a special mission, he was severely ambushed by the enemy. With the resolve to complete his mission at all costs, he launched a desperate attack that triggered an energy explosion from one of the nine cauldrons—an object of secret research in Zone 53. This explosion, under the influence of an unknown power and following an unclear pattern, transported him to a strange era. He personally experienced the bloody turmoil at the end of the Xia Dynasty, a period that marked the end of mythology and the beginning of history in China. He witnessed the rapid decline of the once extremely powerful Xia Dynasty, taking on the identity of a hidden star from the Wu religion's Star Sect. He helplessly observed the fall of the Wu and the rise of the Dao, becoming entangled with legendary figures from history. He saw firsthand how history became stories, stories turned into legends, and legends eventually evolved into myths, only to vanish completely into the annals of history, leaving behind mere fragments and glimpses.

Ko_jo · Eastern
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44 Chs

Volume 1, Chapter 12: Leaving the Mountains

For four years after his coming-of-age ceremony, Xiahou remained in the village.

The reason was simple: his father, Chihu Xiu, had fathered children with one wife and two slave women simultaneously. As the only child, Xiahou had to stay home to care for them. Fortunately or unfortunately, the three women gave birth to five children altogether. Xiahou's mother bore twin boys, while the two slave women gave birth to a boy and twin girls, respectively.

With five more mouths to feed, Chihu Xiong became even busier. He had to hunt large amounts of meat and trade animal hides for wine and millet, tasks that both he and Xiahou were responsible for. Additionally, they had to ensure that the two slave women didn't tell the children anything about the Yi Wolf people. These responsibilities kept Xiahou extremely busy, leaving him no time to leave.

After four years, Xiahou's mastery of the Xuanwu True Art had returned to its eighth-turn level from his previous life. His muscles were as strong as steel, and his bones tougher than diamond. Only then did he find the time to consider leaving the mountains to seek out Xingtian Dafeng in Anyi.

Sitting by the fire pit in their hut, Xiahou sipped strong liquor from a large bowl. His long black hair fell to his waist as he eyed the newly acquired slave woman and asked softly, "Father, is this how things were always done? Will this woman cause any trouble behind our backs?"

Chihu Xiu, sitting cross-legged and looking contentedly at the rare animal hides, antlers, and sinews hanging on the walls, replied, "It's been this way for many years. We take wives and have children with them. When the children are old enough to understand, we trade the women for obedient ones to prevent them from corrupting the kids. This new woman's husband died, and her tribe sold her because she had no sons and they wanted her hut. I traded two slave women for her; it's a fair deal for us."

Looking at his five younger siblings rolling and playing on the ground, Xiahou smiled warmly. "Father, is there enough money for the family now?"

Chihu Xiu laughed, pointing at the hides and antlers around the room. "With the dragon hides you brought back, we have enough to feed the family for a year. Don't worry about it. I'm still strong, with plenty of strength left."

Patting Xiahou's shoulder with his greasy hand, Chihu Xiu added, "Take those two bags of copper bear coins when you leave the mountains. You can't trade animal hides for food outside; you'll need money. Don't worry about the family."

Xiahou nodded, finishing his drink and pouring the remaining drops into the fire. Watching the sparks rise, he said softly, "I'm relieved to hear that. While I'm away, don't go up the mountains unnecessarily if the family has enough. Take good care of my younger brothers."

Chihu Xiu, grabbing a piece of millet cake and a chunk of meat, replied, "Don't worry, son. Your father has eaten more meat than you've seen beasts. I'll teach them your Xuanwu True Art when they're older."

Xiahou smiled wryly. "It's Xuanwu True Art, Father. And remember, don't reveal its secrets to anyone, not even Uncle or the shamans."

Chihu Xiu chuckled slyly, a rare look of cunning in his eyes. "I know, son. Remember the Màng Láng tribe, three hundred miles away? They were wiped out because they caught a jade-horned rhinoceros. We'll keep it within the family."

Xiahou gave his father a deep look and suddenly laughed. "Aren't you curious how I got it?"

After a moment of silence, Chihu Xiu laughed and clapped Xiahou on the back. "You said the gods taught you in a dream, and I believe you. But maybe it was the spirit of our ancestor who gave it to you. Anyway, you're my son, and that's enough. When you leave the mountains, make a name for yourself and bring honor to our family."

Xiahou bowed deeply. "I understand, Father. I will leave tomorrow."

Chihu Xiu's face grew somber. Ignoring the heat, he grabbed a piece of meat from the pot and stuffed it into his mouth. "Go, my son. Only young eagles that dare to leap off cliffs learn to soar in the sky. Go to Anyi and make your mark."

Xiahou smiled faintly, feeling a wave of sadness. "Take care of yourself, Father. And look after Mother and my siblings."

Chihu Xiu frowned, annoyed. "You don't need to remind me. If things don't work out outside, you can always come back. Our village may not have much, but there will always be food and a wife."

Xiahou laughed heartily. He thought of the delicate figure of the woman he once promised to protect. "I will remember, Father. I will come back."

Suddenly, Bai leaped through the window, dancing excitedly on Xiahou's shoulder, spraying saliva everywhere. Xiahou quickly reassured him, "Of course, Bai. We will go together. We're brothers, after all."

The next morning, without disturbing the tribe, Xiahou left the village, accompanied by Chihu Xiu, his mother, and the shaman. Leading his black steed, Hei Yan, he looked back to see the shaman waving his bone staff, Chihu Xiong waving, and his five siblings watching him.

Feeling a pang of sadness, Xiahou looked at the sky and whispered, "Leaving again. This time, I hope my luck won't be so bad." Patting Bai's head, he shouted, "Bai, get on Hei Yan. Let's go! The world is vast, and we have much to explore."

Bai roared, jumping onto the steed. Hei Yan, with blood-red scales and a trail of red smoke, shot forward like an arrow, its black horns parting the air. Xiahou and Bai sat comfortably behind, shielded from the wind.

Xiahou exclaimed joyfully, "Wonderful, Hei Yan! What a treasure you are!"

As they sped across the plains, the scenery blurred into lines, then into a haze. The sound of the wind was faint, and they traveled swiftly. The green grasslands stretched endlessly, golden sunlight filtering through the clouds, painting the world in hues of gold and red.

Xiahou laughed freely, shedding his burdens. His tribe was safe, and he could now enjoy his new life and seek greater power. Perhaps he might even find a way back to his original time. He wondered about the promise he made in his past life and how he could fulfill it in this one.

Riding across the plains, he witnessed countless tribal conflicts. Tribesmen killed each other, capturing women and children as slaves. Xiahou sighed, "The wilds are truly savage."

His journey had just begun, and the adventures ahead promised even greater challenges and discoveries.

With the peak power of an eighth-level Wu warrior and a body that might even surpass a ninth-level Wu warrior, coupled with Bai, a fierce beast with greater physical strength, Xiahou encountered numerous battles on his journey but remained unscathed. Instead, he collected valuable items from the ruins of several destroyed tribes. On one blood-soaked battlefield, he was delighted to find a heavy six-foot steel sword, which he used to replace his ordinary long sword from home.

"Heaven spins and stars shift, endless battles rage. People weep and cry, slaughter knows no bounds," Xiahou summarized his view of the vast grasslands in a few words as he crossed them after five days, feeling a bit melancholic.

Beyond the grasslands lay more mountains. Hei Yan, his black steed, skillfully traversed thirty-nine mountain ranges, crossed fifty-three rivers, and finally reached the plains beyond after crossing a ten-mile-wide river. A muddy road stretched northward, marked by the tracks of caravans. A hundred miles further, a city with earthen and stone walls came into view.

The city, with six-zhang-high walls and a perimeter exceeding three li, was surrounded by dozens of villages within a hundred-mile radius—a true city.

"A city? And built with earthen and stone structures, so meticulously constructed," Xiahou stared in awe at the people entering and exiting the city gate. They wore coarse cloth garments instead of animal hides, looking much more orderly than the forest or grassland dwellers.

The city gate had a two-story structure, with a black flag fluttering in the wind atop it. Xiahou couldn't read the characters on the flag, as literacy was rare in the forest, even among the shamans. He could only gaze blankly at the flag.

Imagining the various delicacies from his past life, Xiahou's mouth watered, and his stomach growled. Chuckling at himself, he patted Hei Yan's neck and urged him towards the city gate. Turning to the excited Bai, who was chattering behind him, Xiahou warned, "Bai, there are many people here. They look clean and refined, so be civil and don't scare anyone. We don't need more trouble."

Listening to the soft and pleasant accents of the travelers and merchants on the road, Xiahou was relieved to find they spoke the same language, sparing him the embarrassment of not understanding or being illiterate.

At the city gate, he saw a dozen robust soldiers in leather armor. Xiahou nodded slightly, recognizing the faint bloodthirst in their eyes, indicating they were seasoned warriors. The soldiers, seeing the imposing Xiahou riding Hei Yan, wearing animal hides with a large T. rex tattoo on his chest, were visibly alarmed and took a few steps back, not daring to approach him.

Stopping before a soldier who seemed to be a minor leader, Xiahou, unsure of their customs, clasped his hands in greeting and asked loudly, "Sir, may I know what place this is and how far it is to Anyi?"

The soldier straightened up and quickly responded, "This is the territory of Lord Wo Tianhou, the southern province of Next Prefecture, known as Wotu. This city is called Guxu City. May I ask where you come from, brave warrior?" The soldier stared intently at the six-foot steel sword hanging from Xiahou's waist and the drooling Bai with its sharp teeth, shivering slightly.

"Wo Tianhou? Next Prefecture? Guxu City?" Xiahou blinked, nodding slowly. "Thank you, sir. I am from the distant southern wild forests of the Chihu tribe, traveling to Anyi on an agreement. How far is it to Anyi?"

A merchant caravan leader passing by overheard and looked curiously at Xiahou, calculating briefly before laughing, "You're heading to Anyi? From here to the central Yizhou region of the Central Plains is over seventy thousand li. For an ordinary person, it would take several years, but with your steed, you should be fine."

Thanking the merchant, Xiahou rode Hei Yan into Guxu City. The city was bustling, with shops lining the main street and merchants and peddlers coming and going. Most goods were animal hides and herbs, though occasionally someone would sell jade-like items, sparking competitive bids from merchants. Everything was traded openly and fairly, reflecting a simple and honest society. The streets were paved with large stone slabs, clean and tidy.

Xiahou scratched his head. "What is this? It seems commercial development here is quite advanced. Was it just my bad luck to be reborn in a wild jungle, living like a savage?"

While he pondered, Bai, unable to control himself, drooled over the delicious smells from the butcher shops and inns. Fearing trouble, Xiahou quickly chose a small inn and ordered plenty of meat and wine. Hei Yan, also a meat and wine lover, joined the feast.

As they ate, Xiahou grumbled internally, "I expected better food in the city, but it's just slightly better than what we had in the village. The wine is a bit better than the cheap stuff back home, and the meat is only slightly improved with basic seasoning."

After the meal, Xiahou called for the bill. The innkeeper approached cautiously, eyeing Bai nervously, and said, "Ninety copper bear coins, sir."

Ninety? Xiahou was shocked. The money bag given by Xingtian Dafeng contained only two hundred copper bear coins. Spending ninety on one meal meant they would need to hurry on their journey and avoid unnecessary stops. Though he had picked up some valuable items, Xiahou planned to sell them in Anyi, fearing being swindled here.

Reluctantly, Xiahou grabbed ninety copper bear coins from his bag and handed them over. The innkeeper, startled, quickly returned eighty-nine of them. "Sir, you must be mistaken. One copper bear coin can be exchanged for ninety copper coins. You gave me ninety copper bear coins!"

The honest innkeeper explained the currency system: one copper bear coin equals one hundred copper coins, and one copper bear coin could buy five loads of top-quality millet. The meal had only cost a little less than one copper bear coin because Xiahou, Bai, and Hei Yan had large appetites.

Dumbfounded, Xiahou realized the value of the copper bear coins. Grateful to Xingtian Dafeng, he also felt a twinge of annoyance, recalling how Dafeng had collected nearly a hundred money bags from their bet, each worth a fortune.

Thinking of Xingtian Dafeng and his elite Black Hoof army, Xiahou felt a surge of excitement. Leading a royal guard unit was akin to commanding a prestigious military force in his previous life. Xiahou smiled wryly, imagining himself transitioning from a special agent to a military leader.

"Bai, Hei Yan, let's hurry. We'll reach Anyi in ten days if we travel day and night!"

With a cheer, Xiahou, Bai, and Hei Yan set off northward, leaving Guxu City behind, eager to see what surprises Anyi held.

"Anyi, let's see what you've got! What can still amaze me?"