
The World of TV and Movies

The MC was reborn in a fusion world of TV series and Movies in America.

Shubh_Mittal · テレビ
18 Chs

Harvey Specter, University

The bustling offices of Hunter Law Firm were always filled with the hum of diligent work. I had been mentoring under Aunt Chloe, absorbing every piece of legal knowledge and experience I could.

After recognizing the boy in the mailroom as Harvey Specter, I kept crossing paths with Harvey, each encounter reinforcing my initial impression. His sharp mind, quick wit, and innate understanding of people and situations stood out starkly, even in casual conversations.

One evening, after another long day at the firm, I decided it was time to bring Harvey to Aunt Chloe's attention. We were sitting in her office, reviewing some case files, when I broached the subject.

"Aunt Chloe, have you ever met Harvey Specter? He works in the mailroom here," I began, trying to sound casual but failing to mask my excitement.

"Harvey Specter? No, I don't think I have. Why do you ask?" Chloe responded, looking up from her papers with curiosity.

"Well, I've been talking to him a lot lately, and he seems incredibly sharp. I think he has a real talent for becoming an attorney."

Chloe leaned back in her chair, considering my words. "You think he's that talented?"

"I do," I affirmed. "I think he just needs a chance to prove himself. Maybe you could talk to him, see for yourself?"

Chloe nodded slowly. "Alright, bring him to my office tomorrow. I'll see what he's made of."

The next day, I found Harvey in the mailroom, sorting through a stack of envelopes. "Hey, Harvey. Do you have a minute?"

He looked up, slightly surprised. "Sure, what's up?"

"I talked to my aunt about you. She's interested in meeting you and seeing what you can do. How about it?"

Harvey raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Your aunt? You mean the Chloe Hunter?"

"Yeah, that's the one. She's willing to give you a shot. Interested?"

Harvey's eyes lit up with a mixture of excitement and determination. "Absolutely. Lead the way."

We walked back to Chloe's office, where she greeted Harvey with her usual professional demeanour. "Harvey, I've heard a lot about you from Alex. He seems to think you have a real knack for law. I'd like to see if he's right."

Harvey nodded confidently. "I'd be happy to prove myself, Ms. Hunter."

Chloe handed him a file. "This is a case we've been working on. Take a look and tell me what you think."

Harvey took the file and spent the next few minutes flipping through the pages, his eyes scanning the documents with intense focus. When he finally looked up, there was a spark of insight in his eyes.

"Ms. Hunter, this case hinges on a key witness's testimony. However, there are inconsistencies in their statement. I believe if we cross-reference their testimony with the surveillance footage from the night in question, we can find discrepancies that could discredit their account and strengthen our client's position."

Chloe smiled, clearly impressed. "That's a very astute observation, Harvey. It seems Alex was right about you."

Over the next few days, Chloe put Harvey through a series of tests, each one more challenging than the last. Harvey tackled them all with the same sharp mind and relentless determination. His ability to think critically and spot details that others missed was nothing short of remarkable.

Eventually, Chloe called Harvey into her office for a final discussion. "Harvey, you've proven yourself to be incredibly talented. I'd like to sponsor you to study law at Columbia University but after graduating you have to work at Hunter law firm for atleast 5 years. With your potential, I believe you could go far."

Harvey was momentarily speechless, the gravity of Chloe's offer sinking in. "Thank you, Ms. Hunter. I don't know what to say."

"Just say you'll make the most of this opportunity," Chloe replied with a warm smile.

And so, Harvey began his journey to becoming a lawyer.


Today is the day of the start of the first semester of Columbia Law School.

Columbia University was everything I had imagined and more. The historic buildings, sprawling campus, and academic atmosphere were awe-inspiring. As we drove through the campus, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. This was where I belonged.

We arrived at my dormitory, and Chloe helped me unload my bags. As we stood in the hallway, she handed me a set of keys. "This is your new home, Alex. Make the most of it."

I took the keys, feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness. "Thanks, Aunt Chloe. I will."

Over the next few days, I settled into my new routine. I met my roommates, explored the campus, and attended orientation sessions. The workload was intense, but I thrived under the pressure. My past life memories and the skills I had learned from Rick and Dee Dee gave me a unique advantage.

One day on a Sunday, while I was in the Hunter firm library studying, I received a text from Chloe. "Come to my office this afternoon. I have something important to discuss with you."

Curious, I made my way to aunt's Chloe's office was on the top floor, and I took the elevator up.

When I entered her office, Chloe was sitting behind her desk, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Alex, take a seat," she said, gesturing to the chair opposite her.

I sat down, my curiosity piqued. "What's going on, Aunt Chloe?"

"I wanted to talk to you about Harvey," she began. "He's been doing exceptionally well, and I have used my connections to get him admitted to your class. I want you both to help and learn from each other in the university. I will also mentor him the same as you."

I was taken aback but also excited by the prospect. "Of course, I'd be happy to. Harvey's also my friend."

Chloe nodded, a smile playing on her lips. "I knew I could count on you. You and Harvey have a lot to learn."

And so, my journey at Columbia took on a new dimension. Harvey and I spent countless hours studying together, dissecting cases, and debating legal theories. His quick wit and sharp mind made him an excellent partner, and we pushed each other to new heights.

In addition to our academic pursuits, we also spent time exploring the city. New York had so much to offer, from its vibrant cultural scene to its endless opportunities for networking and growth. We attended lectures, seminars, and networking events, always eager to learn and make new connections.

As the months turned into years, our bond only grew stronger. Harvey's natural talent and my drive to succeed created a dynamic partnership that impressed our professors and peers alike. We tackled complex cases, participated in moot court competitions, and consistently ranked at the top of our class.

Chloe continued to mentor us both, providing invaluable guidance and support. Her wisdom and experience were instrumental in shaping our legal careers, and we were both determined to make her proud.

One particularly memorable moment came during our second year when we were assigned to help on a high-profile case for one of Chloe's clients. The case involved a complex intellectual property dispute, and the stakes were incredibly high. Harvey and I spent weeks poring over documents, strategizing, and preparing.

When the day of the trial finally arrived, we were both nervous but determined. Aunt Chloe presented the case, while me and Harvey were watching nervously from the sidelines.

The trial was intense, but our hard work paid off. We won the case, and the sense of accomplishment was overwhelming. As we celebrated our victory, Chloe pulled us aside, her eyes filled with pride. "You both did an exceptional job. This is just the beginning of your careers, and I have no doubt you'll achieve great things."

Her words meant the world to us, and we were more determined than ever to succeed. Our time at Columbia was filled with countless such moments, each one reinforcing our commitment to our profession and hard work.