
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

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57 Chs

Chapter 6 Wanted Order

 Hannah nodded: "Detective Hunter and Detective McCall were popular figures in the LAPD in the 1980s and 1990s. Of course I know that. Especially Detective McCall, as someone who can work in that male-dominated police force. In the 1990s, there were few outstanding female detectives in the LAPD, and they have always been the idols of all our female police officers."

  "They live on Maryland Street, do you know them?" She suddenly turned to look at Jack.

  More than mere acquaintances, in Jack's previous life, almost most Siris people born in the 1970s and 1980s knew this pair of partners. "Hunter" can be said to be the first thing that most Siris families came into contact with after they got their first TV. One of the American dramas.

  "They live together? You mean they are married?" Jack was keenly aware that something was wrong. What impressed him most in his previous life was that the beautiful Didi married a doctor who came out of nowhere. I don't know that episode. It made many Siris people hate him, and it also made Jack hate American TV screenwriters for the rest of his life.

  "Of course, it has been more than ten years. They are also the most enviable model couple of LADP. The police department invites them to participate in commemorative activities every year."

  Jack took a long breath and leaned on the passenger seat. Since Hunter and Didi's relationship can independently separate from the original plot, and he will be more confident in saving Zoe's fate.

  The two arrived home soon. Jack was about to go upstairs to sleep when he suddenly remembered something and said hello: "Hannah, if you have a chance, take me to visit Detective Hunter and Detective McCall, please?"

  Hannah looked a little confused. He nodded, but didn't ask any more questions.

  The next day, briefing conference room.

  The commander on duty, Superintendent Wade Gray, walked into the noisy conference room with a gloomy face, and the police officers who were whispering among each other immediately fell silent.

  Superintendent Gray's slightly middle-aged and fat black face today looked more like the bottom of a pot that had been burned for twenty years without washing. He took out a stack of A4 papers, distributed them one by one to everyone's desk, and then said loudly.

  "This is an internal arrest warrant for Lance Selby. Yesterday this person violated his parole. If the danger level is one to ten, this person's level is twelve." "

  This person was previously arrested for attempting to kill someone using a carpenter hammer. He was sentenced to five years in prison. Whoever can pull him off the street will receive a heartfelt commendation from his superiors and two tickets to Sunday's Super Bowl football game."

  Hearing the whispers below, Superintendent Gray paused. Stern eyes glanced at everyone.

  "Attention, there is intelligence that this person may have accomplices, and is very likely to possess automatic weapons. Everyone must be careful." The

  wanted poster is a white man with messy hair, about 35 years old, ordinary appearance, only a pair of Fish bubble eyes are more eye-catching.

  Jack and Angela came to the gun warehouse, and Angela indicated that he would receive two more M16 automatic rifles in addition to the original Ithaca-12 shotgun today.

  After checking the firearm, Angela asked Jack: "How is your long gun shooting?"

  Jack carefully put the equipment into the trunk and replied: "It is about the same level as a pistol, and the 100-meter target with mechanical sights is excellent."

  Drive . On the road, seeing that Angela had no other instructions, Jack was a little confused: "Why don't we try to find the wanted criminal?" Angela looked confident

  : "The two groups will actively look for clues, we only need to pay attention to the internal communications. , to catch such a felon is not allowed to go alone, they will definitely call for reinforcements."

  Angela was obviously more concerned about her lunch than the wanted criminal.    

  "What are we having for lunch today? Is it the fried one or something like yesterday? I like the taste of that very much."

  Jack complained that he was a foodie again, and answered honestly: "I originally made onions for three people this morning. For the noodles with oil, Hannah took away most of the rest, and I can give you the rest. I also have rice here, and the other side dishes are garlic broccoli and fried pork chops. We need to find a place with a microwave for heating at noon. ."

  "No problem, leave this to me. I know where to find the microwave."

  Angela tilted her head and glanced at him, with curiosity in her tone: "Jack, are you really only 21 years old?"

  Jack sighed. Tone: "If you are forced to be alone at the age of 18, relying on a small grocery store left by your parents to support yourself while saving money to go to college, you can only learn to cook and take care of yourself." "

  In fact, I I have always wondered why young people in this country would rather just eat hamburgers when cooking tutorials can be easily found online, and cooking by yourself can save money and satisfy your taste buds."

  Angela laughed and said: "I think That's why I doubt your age. Your words and deeds make people feel closer to that old rookie. Only those who were born in the popular era of disco would have such thoughts like you."

  Jack nodded in agreement: "Indeed, it is. "Compared to Lucy, John and I have more in common."

  He wished that his young and mature personality could be established early, so that he would not have to worry about being seen through as a time traveler. Although Americans may not necessarily have this concept, This pastor is still working part-time as an exorcist, so being suspected of demonic possession is even more troublesome.

  Angela looked at the young man who was driving seriously, staring at the overly handsome face and feeling slightly absent-minded.

  "What's wrong?" After waiting for a long time and not hearing her speak, Jack turned to look at her.

  "Nothing, I was thinking, if the young people in this country were as mature and self-disciplined as you, how easy our work would be." Angela touched her hot cheek and tried to hide her thoughts that were running away.

  The patrol work in the morning was very relaxed. The two of them only issued two traffic tickets, and it was noon.

  We came to the place where we had lunch yesterday. Angela actively took the big lunch box to the nearby convenience store to heat up food. Jack bought two bottles of Coke as usual. As soon as he sat down, he saw two other rookie groups arriving together.

  "Hey, John, Lucy, is there any news about the wanted criminal?"

  Lucy shook her head, while John looked a little excited and couldn't wait to sit down and said: "We found an associate of Lance Selby, named Da Lis Ruan has a gym registered in his name. We plan to go there after lunch."

  Jack nodded: "If there is any new information, remember to report it to the internal channel in time. This guy is very dangerous. He is not alone. Two groups of people can handle it."

  After lunch, Jack and Angela continued to drive on the road. The daily life of patrol officers was so boring. In fact, although the beautiful country in the previous life was filled with guns and violent crimes, more than half of the frontline police were still there. The patrolman never fired a gun in his entire career.

  Of course, in this strange world of American TV series, Jack never expected to live a peaceful life. Being a street patrol officer was not the career end he planned for himself. Maybe the FBI was a good option.

  Of course, the higher you go, although relatively free, it also means higher risks.

  (End of chapter)