
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

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57 Chs

Chapter 7 First Blood

American comedy-oriented dramas like "Rookie" have lost several positive characters. As for other American dramas stitched in, there are many big scenes, and the number of dead characters is quite large. Bundle.

  Besides, he was also very curious. Since the beauties in this world are several levels better than the corresponding characters in the original drama, what about the famous ones, such as the long-legged Jewish one next to Family Man? It would be a shame to see it.

  Of course, it is too early to say this now. Now he is just a patrol officer of the LAPD. Apart from being handsome, he has no connections and his pocket is cleaner than his face. How can he get to know those influential people? But fortunately, there is a system. As long as it develops slowly, sooner or later it will happen.

  At about three o'clock in the afternoon, a call suddenly came over the police radio, requesting additional police support.

  Jack and Angela couldn't help but feel refreshed. Then John's communication was also accessed from the private channel. They caught the accomplice - Darius Nguyen. He revealed the whereabouts of Lance Selby and was currently hiding in the clock. In the house at No. 1350 Guan Street.

  Lucy and Tim report that their police car is currently closest to the suspect's location and they will be the first to arrive.

  Angela, who was in the co-pilot, immediately replied to the command center that they would go to the location immediately. At the same time, Jack, who was driving, turned on his police lights and siren, looked through the reflector and saw that there was no car behind him, lightly applied the brakes, turned the steering wheel hard, and turned around to accelerate.

  Seeing that the destination was still 3 minutes away, the radio station suddenly became noisy. Lucy and Tim, who arrived first, tried to go around to the alley behind the target house to block Selby's retreat, waiting for follow-up reinforcements to arrive. As a result, they accidentally Selby and another of his accomplices were encountered in an alley, and the two men armed themselves with automatic weapons and opened fire on a police car.

  Lucy and Tim got out of the car and tried to fight back, but their pistol firepower was completely unable to suppress the two M4A1s, and Tim was shot and fell to the ground.

  Hearing Lucy's panicked voice from the intercom, Jack gritted his teeth and stepped on the accelerator, accelerating further, while Angela began to check the two M16 assault rifles that had just been taken out of the trunk.

  As the car turned the corner, the sound of a police helicopter's rotors could be heard above the two of them. Officer Talia Bishop was reporting on the intercom that a suspect had been arrested and that the main suspect, Selby, was fleeing towards the residential area of ​​Clinton Street. .

  Jack turned onto Clinton Street and was looking around for the target. Suddenly a figure emerged from the backyard of a house. He saw the police car honking its siren and raised his hand.

  The glass of the police car in front of Jack was directly shattered, and the bullet passed by his ear and shot into the seat cushion.

  "Fuck!" Feeling the surge of adrenaline in his body, Jack grabbed the M16 that Angela had checked for him, put the gun directly on the steering wheel, and shot the suspect's escaping figure through the front window. Three short bursts of fire, and at the same time, the sound of Angela firing could be heard in my ears.

  Seeing the suspect Selby stagger a few steps and disappear into the street, Jack and Angela opened the car door and got out of the car, and began to pursue on foot.

  The two turned the corner and found that John, who had arrived at an unknown time, was confronting Selby on the pedestrian path near the neighborhood park.

  At this time, Selby threw away the empty M4A1 and placed a Browning M1911 on the head of a female passerby. Seeing that his attention was completely attracted by John who was facing him, Angela motioned for Jack to follow her. Walk.

  The two of them walked around to the right, where there were a few tall palm trees blocking their view. Selby was very emotional, sometimes putting the pistol against the hostage's head, sometimes pointing it at John, while John was using his verbal skills, trying to Try to persuade the other person to put down their weapons.

  Angela turned to look at Jack and asked in a low voice: "Are you sure your rifle shooting results are excellent?"

  Jack understood instantly, put the M16 against his shoulder, and replied in a deep voice: "The distance is less than 20 meters now, so I'm sure to shoot first." No problem."

  Angela also set up the gun and said in a cold voice: "When he points at John again, shoot. I have my hand and your head. Pay attention to the angle so as not to accidentally injure the hostages."    

  Before he finished speaking, the M1911 in Selby's hand pointed at John again. At the same time, a gunshot sounded and two bullets were fired at the same time.

  A cloud of blood mist exploded from Selby's head and wrist, and he fell to the ground. Amidst the screams of female passers-by, the three of them rushed forward together.

  John very considerately blocked the body on the ground with his body, helped the female passerby aside and softly comforted her. Angela kicked the pistol away from the ground, and Jack suppressed the discomfort and looked at the body.

  Selby's gun-holding wrist was directly broken, with only a little flesh remaining connected to his right hand. Half of his head was opened, and tofu was scattered all over the floor.

  The power of rifle bullets in the real world is not as weak as shown in movies and TV shows. Jack tried his best to restrain the desire to vomit and not let his eyes wander.

  He must firmly remember the scene in front of him. This is a process that he must adapt to. This scene may appear many, many times in the future. This is not his original world of peace and prosperity. He must become ruthless when facing criminals.

  Sensing something strange about Jack, Angela pushed him aside, looked directly into her eyes, and asked loudly: "Rookie, are you okay?"

  Jack twitched the corners of his stiff mouth and showed a wry smile: "I'm fine, don't worry. , since you are in the police profession, this day will come sooner or later, right?"

  As the saying goes, people with different fates are also involved in the same case. Jack shot a suspect to death and received three days of administrative leave and psychological counseling arranged by the police station. However, because John was eager to rescue Lucy and Tim, he left his instructor, Officer Bishop, to deal with Selby's accomplices alone, causing her to be almost attacked by the suspect.

  After learning of the incident, Superintendent Gray was furious and almost kicked John out of the police station if it weren't for Zoe's protection.

  "John is a serious student who graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, and has worked as a construction contractor for twenty years. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that his ability is beyond doubt, and his grades in the police academy are also excellent. I really don't understand Gray. Where did the superintendent's prejudice against him come from?"

  After the fierce battle, Jack hugged the limp Zoe, played the piano with one hand on her smooth buttocks, and chatted about the day's events.

  "It's annoying, it's so itchy."

  Zoe giggled and slapped his offending hand away, thought for a moment, and raised her head.

  "I insisted on recruiting John and you because of your character, hoping to bring some changes to the Wilshire Police Department. As for Superintendent Gray, he probably saw another side of himself in John, subconsciously Resistance arose."

  "I heard that Superintendent Gray has actually served for 20 years and can receive a full pension. His family also hopes that he can retire early, but looking at how motivated he is all day long, so , Superintendent Gray is actually experiencing his own different kind of mid-life crisis, no wonder."

  After Jack finished talking to himself, he suddenly realized.

  (End of chapter)