
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · ファンタジー
620 Chs


The Lu combustible analysis completes the transverse knife made of Edman metal.

Zhang Yi saw her frown deeply, a serious look, he could not help but ask: "How, this metal can be reproduced?"

Everyone is also full of hope to look at the land combustible.

If you can get your hands on a weapon made of the hardest metal available today, everyone wants to own one.

Even the defenseless can defend themselves with it.

After all, in the last days, who can not love the divine weapon?

Lu Can ran said to the crowd: "I have completed the analysis." "The Edman metal is very complicated to make. Apart from the rare materials used, the forging process is also very complicated."

"For me, of course, it is possible to use the ability of" divine manipulation "and spend a certain amount of time melting Edelman metal. But how to shape it into a sword, I will have to think about it later."

When everyone heard these words, they did not look disappointed, but laughed.

"This should be so, if the top cold weapon materials in the region are easily cracked by you and refined into the same weapon, then they will not have to wipe their necks?"

Zhang Yi and Liang Yue have their own weapons, and among the rest of the people, only Uncle You is a melee type of inhuman, with higher requirements for weapons.

So there's no rush for this amazing Edman metal outfit.

Zhang Yi comfort Lu Can An way: "This thing you don't have to worry about, step by step to good."

Haste makes waste, especially the products of these advanced technical fields, must have enough patience to produce.

If this thing had been so easy to copy, it would have spread throughout Blizzard City by now.

Get Zhang Yi's encouragement, Lu Combustible nodded hard.

"I'll be sure to get to the bottom of it and the black suit as soon as possible!"

Liang Yue took the knife and admired it carefully for a while.

As a martial artist, she is particularly fond of weapons, especially famous ones.

She can use a horizontal knife.

But at this time she is most happy, or Zhang Yi has his own sword, and will not always use her dragon singing in the future.

And in fact, unless it is the time of the war Zhang Yi will give her Longming.

Other times, such as when Zhang Yi practises his own sword, he also likes to use Longming.

After all, every man can't resist the charm of the sword.

"Zhang Yi, give this knife a name! A treasure sword must have its name so that it can fit its owner."

Liang Yue said to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi took back the knife and did not put it into the knife sheath.

Because his different space is the best knife sheath, and not put into the knife sheath, but also to facilitate at any time to take out to meet the enemy.

Looking at the treasure knife shining with a faint blue cold light in his hand, Zhang Yi thought a little and said: "Then call it a saint!"

Divine judgment, the judgment of nature is human life.

Cutting people is like cutting paper, which is the meaning given by Zhang Yi.

After the name of the knife, Zhang Yi let everyone go back to their rooms to rest, waiting for tomorrow's Jiangnan inhuman organization assembly.



The operation center.

Zhu Zheng watched the end of the battle, in the heart for Zhang Yi some appreciation, but also miss the hundred Li Changqing comments on him, slightly frowning, thinking about whether this shield can be used in a suitable position.

That's right. Not a knife, but a shield.

Zhang Yi gave him the feeling that a very good defense, to ensure that they are not in danger, and then fight back to the shield!

This kind of person may be boring, but if placed in the right place, it often produces unexpected results.

Just then the secretary came from outside and whispered something in his ear.

Zhu Zheng raised his head and said in a dignified tone, "Let him come in!"

LAN new city led down, and after a while, he came with a person.

That person is not someone else, it is Wu Di who fought with Zhang Yi before.

Wu Di came to Zhu Zheng not far away, straightened his back and respectfully respected a military salute.

"Commander, the strength of his subordinates is weak, and he did not win Zhang Yi." Please commit the crime!"

Originally, the reason why Wu Di appeared in the password bar so coincidentally, and seemingly reckless to find Zhang Yi single fight, it is not a coincidence.

He did it on Zhu Zheng's orders!

Since the end of the last battle of Tianhai City, Zhu Zheng has been on the heart of the name Zhang Yi.

No matter how the hundred Evergreen report, can not hide the fact.

That is, in the final battle, it is really Zhang Yi with his own power, to block the Inhumans who have just been promoted to Ipsilon level the original empty night!

Although it is just a simple brush, it can fall into Zhu Zheng's ear, but it can not let him easily ignore.

He knows better than anyone what it means to be an Ipsilon-level inhuman.

Even now Blizzard City master like clouds, but there is no inhumans, truly reached the world recognized Ipsilon level!

Even Deng Shentong, border Junwu and other masters, but also so bad.

There is a line, is the difference between clouds and mud!

Even so, Zhang Yi was able to block the original empty night attack many times?

What does that mean?

It goes without saying.

So Zhu Zheng had a plan in his heart.

Zhang Yi will surely come to this meeting, and this battle has long been arranged by him.

Just... The result of this battle, however, let him a little disappointed.

It turns out that Zhang Yi is really good at defense, but the means of attack are relatively poor.

Therefore, Zhu Zheng will lose interest in Zhang Yi and only regard him as a chess piece with special defense capabilities that can be used at special moments.

Zhu Zheng turned to look at Wu Di.

The defeated Wu Di was visibly ashamed in front of Zhu Zheng, and lowered his head, not daring to look into Zhu Zheng's eyes.

Zhu Zheng smiled kindly and said, "Oh, what is there to confess?" You went from awakening your Powers to joining the Black Robes in three months."

"Wu Di, you have a lot of potential. The reason why you lost to Zhang Yi is just because of your lack of combat experience."

At this point, Zhu Zheng's face became a little serious.

"Now the border army is dead in battle, and the fighting power of the Black Robed squad is also seriously damaged. You need to grow up as soon as possible, and in the future, you will carry the banner of the team together with hundred Li Changqing!"

Wu Di clenched his fist, thinking of the border army that he regarded as his father, he was a little sad, but also a great pride in his heart.

Yeah, now he's gonna have to take the lead on the investigation team.

Without border forces to rely on, he will become everyone's reliance!

He's still young, and there's plenty of room for his abilities to grow.

So a win or a loss doesn't prove anything.

Wu Di raised his neck and said loudly: "Yes, commander! I won't let you down!"

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