
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs


Spring rain did not play riddles with Zhang Yi, he said directly: "Wait until you attend the assembly, our captain hopes you can go to meet him."

"Because you outtowners don't know much about Blizzard City. It's possible to be tricked into going where you shouldn't go by mistake."

Spring rain smiled and said: "If what I expected is correct, the black robe team of 100 Li Changqing has co-opted you to join their team?"

Zhang Yi heart way: Hundred Li Changqing can not have this courage, if I go, his captain can not keep.

But spring rain thought he was right.

He smiled more: "After the death of the former captain of the Black Robe team, the strength of its team has fallen to the bottom of the six major investigation teams." It may even be cancelled in the future."

"So I hope you'll be careful not to be cheated."

Zhang Yi heard Deng Shentong to ask themselves to chat in the past, is to invite themselves to join their team.

Unfortunately, Zhang Yi can not join the Blizzard city plan.

Just reach out not to hit smiling people, according to hundred Li Changqing, the Deng Shentong status in the Blizzard city is still on the border army.

Then Zhang Yi naturally will not offend him.

Then Zhang Yi said, "After the meeting is over, I will pay a visit to Mr. Deng Shantong!"

Spring rain eyes slightly open, showing a satisfied smile.

"Well, I'll come and see you then. So you can learn more about the history of my Celestials. And the strength of waiting!"

After saying that, spring rain turned back to the battle center.

And the next few people are looking at Zhang Yi.

Fat Xu asked anxiously, "Boss, now you are being targeted." Oh, there is no way! You are like a dazzling diamond that cannot hide its light!"

Zhang Yi said faintly: "With my strength, being concerned by them is inevitable."

Even before absorbing the source of the original empty night, Zhang Yi's performance was enough for the border army to pay attention to.

So it's unavoidable.

People, too good is also a kind of trouble.

"But if I don't want to join Blizzard City, I'm sure they won't force me to."

Border Jun Wu and Hundred Li Changqing have mentioned this to him.

The investigation team and the Yanyun unit, the demand for loyalty is very high.

Therefore, the process of absorbing inhumans from the outside world is very strict, not only needs to be strong, but also has to consider the origin, character and so on.

As for the forced recruitment thing, you'd have to be the kind of person who was so capable that Blizzard City's top brass would have to take you under their wing without shame.

For example, after Zhang Yi fully exposed his strength, he will probably face this situation.

Now all he's showing is the strength of an elite investigator.

Looking at the Blizzard city, although this level of combat effectiveness is not much, but the six major investigation teams and Yeonyun troops will not be too few.

Listen to Zhang Yi said so, everyone is also relieved in the heart.

Because according to what they heard before, the rules in this Blizzard city are very complicated, and according to each person's contribution to determine the survival information.

When Zhang Yi came to the blizzard city, they must also follow, then can be restricted by people too much, which has in Tianhai City at ease?

As for Lu Combustible, his eyes have been on the box in Zhang Yi's hands.

Zhang Yi naturally knew what she was thinking and smiled: "Let's go, let's go back quickly!"

He wanted to see the new weapon, too.

They went back to the apartment.

The waitress who had served them was relieved to see them safely back.

She frowned a little, clearly unhappy.

But also dare not show it here, but the professional smile on his face has become cold.

Zhang Yi also too lazy to pay attention to her, and everyone went back to the room.

Xiao Honglian and others are staying in the apartment at this time, do not know Zhang Yi and Wu Di duel things.

They came to Zhang Yi's room, looking at the black box in his hand with great anticipation.

Liang Yue and Lu Combustible, in particular, are the most curious about Zhang Yi's newly acquired weapon.

Zhang Yi did not hide anything, put the box on the table, and then reached out to open it.

There was a whoosh, and when the box was opened, a white cloud of smoke filled the air.

Zhang Yi frown, subconscious will dodge, but Lu can be very understand his said: "This is used to maintain the metal chemical agents, can ensure that metal materials are not corroded." It is usually used for maintenance only for very precious treasures and weapons."

Zhang Yi this just put down the heart.

When the smoke cleared, the pattern of the horizontal knife inside was revealed.

All of them could not help but come close to examine the shape of the weapon.

At first glance, you can feel the extraordinary knife, full of cyberpunk style, under the light of the knife body is a layer of blue, the handle is wrapped in black leather.

This knife is not long, the body and handle are only a little more than one meter, about 1.2 meters.

Compared with the long knife Longming used by Liang Yue, its length is relatively short.

The blade is straight and can be used for piercing and cutting.

It's not a wide-open weapon, but it's better for close combat and parrying.

The advantage lies in the close reaction and convenient carrying.

"Good knife!

Liang Yue recognized it at a glance, "This is similar to the style of Tang Hengdao, although it is not an ancient style, but also a good object for close combat."

Zhang Yi raised this horizontal knife, although he is not a knife expert, but also can feel the sharp edge of the blade, definitely not under the dragon!

Lu can not wait to say: "Zhang Yi brother, let me look at it?"

Zhang Yi smiled faintly: "You take it to see!"

In the end times, cold weapons are most effective only for the Inhumans of the enhanced system.

After all, this is not ancient times, and all kinds of heat weapons are very useful.

Zhang Yi asked for it to do the bonus, but also only to add a self-defense blade, and most of the time will not be used.

Because of this, when hundred Li Changqing gave him this knife, he did not feel too distressed.

Of course, this is not to say that it is not valuable, but for inhumans above Zhang Yi's level, it is not as good as the power most of the time - except for Inhumans who use weapons to combat melee.

Lu Combustible reached out to take over the knife, its weight is not heavy, only five or six catties, but it is very sharp.

Just suitable for Zhang Yi's own strength is not particularly huge to use.

Lu Combustible touched the knife body with both hands, and the skill of "divine machine handling" was immediately launched, and immediately began to analyze the overall material structure.