
The World's most Overpowered Side-Character

After saving one world from a demon god and earning the trust and admiration of a perverted goddess who wants to be his plaything, Sol's terrible luck causes him to get summoned again to another world with her almost as soon as he returns to his own. However, this time around he refuses to take on the role of a hero. Instead, he decides to challenge a pantheon of gods as a side quest while living as a simple and misunderstood man under the protection of his goddess who took his place as hero. Unfortunately, even without trying Sol can't avoid attracting trouble and is constantly getting dragged into epic battles against the gods without even trying because of his cocky personality and bad habits. But that's fine too, if the gods want to fight then he'll gladly take them on and plunder them into ruin!

Rowan_Eternal · ファンタジー
313 Chs

Please, Break Me.

*A long time ago, when the vastness of space was still a young concept, and the pillars of creation were in their infancy, only the dark dimension existed, there were no gods, there were no demons, there was just the light that hid below all and the darkness that prevailed above all. It was like this for many millennia; a status quo with a darkness that was uncontested, a darkness that was undefeated.

But through the passage of time that darkness started to get pushed back by a new entity that sought equilibrium, the powers of the beginning; a concept of life and destruction so powerful that it erases anything in its path, whether that be the darkness that tried hiding from it, or the light that stood behind it and slowly grew, and so it became a struggle between these three great primordial entities.

The Beginning which held no allies, the Darkness that wanted to swallow all, and the Light that utilized the Beginning and gained power overtime.