

Once lived an elf living a forest villiage he was charming graceful and powerful most in his village say he is the woodland prince though not being royalty at all he took pride that he was so talented but never let get in the way of his family the only thing he cared for the most as the elf grew up he thought to be an adventurer so he did going on grand adventures with his freinds his little brother and him it was a great story and a great experience but as always all good thing must come to an end as when one day is a city a master mind vampire manipulated his henchmen to capture the elf little brother but ended up killing the elf little brother seething with rage the elf killed the henchmen his used to be freinds saw his anger and rather than comforting him he was insulted and left alone as his freinds he used to think we're loyal leave full of despair the elf went a rampage killing any henchmen who looked like the one who killed his brother in his path but after blood harvest he still felt empty even more he felt guilty for the lives he killed for no reason