
the woodland prince

作者: Astrid_Roni
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What is the woodland prince

WebNovel で公開されている、Astrid_Roni の作者が書いた the woodland prince の小説を読んでください。...



The Mysterious Riddle

Ashma was a wise and intelligent girl living with her family. Strange things started happening to her one day when she was hanging out with her friends. Then a mysterious boy came into her life. He seems to know what was going on and offered help. "I can help you because I know what is going on with you. I know you have many questions but everything will be revealed to you at the right time." "How can I trust you?" "Because you have no other choice." Ashma had no other choice but to believe him. She didn't know what was going on with her. Little did she know that she would be tricked by his hands because her identity was no joke. What a perfect scheme the boy had made that he kept her in dark for so long. What was his purpose? Was it to protect her or to take advantage of her? --------- Sneak Peek "Why? Why did you do this to me!? Were you that greedy for power?" Ashma, with her heart broken and cheeks dampened by tears, yelled with all her might at Zaki. "I had to do so because I had no choice. You must understand that everything I do, I do it for the better. You must keep in mind that I'll never harm you." Zaki replied with a stern face and glowing eyes but with a concerned expression in his eyes for her. "For the better?", Ashma smirked ironically, "Yeah! For the better! You kept me in dark for the better!...You toyed with my feelings for the better!....And, you are keeping me in dungeon for the better!" She yelled at him with her broken heart and eyes that showed hatred and love for him at the same time. -------- Who do you think is the boy and what is his identity? How did Ashma got tricked and why? Will Ashma be lost in the abyss of mystery forever or will she find the answers she was looking for? -------- Thank you, please keep supporting me. Your support gives me courage to write.

Tehreem_Khattak · ファンタジー
11 Chs


IT'S NOT MY NOVEL IT'S TRANSLATION SO ENJOY In a melodramatic[1] novel, there is always that type of rich and beautiful female supporting character with a hot body. However, her fiancé is always snatched away by the delicate and pretty white lotus flower.[2] It just so happens that Xia An transmigrated into this type of female supporting character, chasing all over the world for the scum. The system informs her that if she wants to avoid the tragic death ending, she has to resist the influence of the plot setting and reduce the amount of supporting female character’s bad luck value. Her current bad luck value is 999. Xia An and the white lotus flower were attending a live variety show together. While they were talking, the white lotus flower suddenly fell to the ground. Xia An: Hm?? In the white lotus flower’ heart: Xia An, just wait to be cursed to death by the whole internet! The next second, Xia An fell to the ground as an “ah” escaped from her lips. She held her knees with one hand and looked up timidly. With a hauntingly beautiful gaze, she cried out, “Ouch~” White Lotus Flower: Huh? Why is she not following the usual way of things?! #Acting? I’m a natural film empress.# #Sorry. I’ve gone from being infamous to popular on the internet.# The system gave Xia An an assisting NPC, Sheng Zhi Yan. This NPC is a huge boss in the novel. He possesses an outstanding appearance, body and financial resources. The system told her to use him to her heart’s content. Xia An did use him to her heart’s content. She brought the NPC to act as her partner in a dating variety show. In the storyline, Sheng Zhi Yan loves her so much that he can’t help himself in wooing her with love stretching thousands of miles. Xia An never expected that while they were acting, the whole world started to support their pair. And the big boss’ fake acting became real. #What should I do when the boss keeps staying in my room and he isn’t leaving?

Fiercearcane · 都市
106 Chs

Second Life as the Sister of a Goddess

He had lived a good life. A man who traveled the world, saw the cultures, learned the languages. For a period, he had even discovered a historical preservation of a martial art practiced by the Samuri and Ninja in Japan that caught his interest. He learned it until he had attained a level of mastery worthy to instruct those back in his home in the United States. Before he settled down to become a teacher, he first became a nurse. It was too late to go through the intense schooling to become a doctor, but he had been inspired by the Indian and Chinese traditions of the strong link between the ways of healing and the ways of body mastery that are the core of the martial arts. He settled down and had his family, opened his school, and taught several students. It was a good life, his 60 years. But then, when he had finished the children’s class one day in which his own grandaughter was a student, he decided to take her for icecream. That was when it all went wrong. He was fine after the accident. His grandaughter… was not. In that moment, someone claiming to be a fallen goddess promised him the ability to take the consequences of his mistake entirely onto himself. He would die, his grandaughter would live on in perfect health. In this moment of weakness, he could not possibly refuse. The last thing he knew in his life was that his precious granddaughter had been saved. The first thing he knew in his next life was that he was in the womb, and he was a twin. A twin he would later discover was the very goddess who helped him to save his granddaughter. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This series is also posted on Scribble Hub, which is its original home. This site's version is currently way behind, but I am working to fix that. If you would like to read the rest of the series right now, please check me out over on Scribble Hub. https://www.scribblehub.com/series/16995/second-life-as-the-sister-of-a-goddess/ This series does not use patreon, but is supported on Subscribe Star (one of their competitors) instead. If you would like to support this series, please support there. You can find my page at the link below https://www.subscribestar.com/jemini-s-stories

Jemini · ファンタジー
48 Chs

The Thieving Luna

"You lied to me," he breathed out the words like he was tired and did not want to be here, "you lied to everyone." Jade gulped and glanced at his hands that were holding the handcuffs. Even in the dark, she could make out the outline of them. "I didn't want to…" "Yes?" He huffed and mocked, "tell me then did your beloved master have to force your hand to fool every one of us?" To fool me? But he left that unsaid. Jade remained quiet. Every game had unfolded and every clue had been brought out to light. There was nothing she could do, and even if she spoke the truth that was in her heart at the moment, no one would believe her. Not even the man that vowed to. No, her alpha won't believe her. "Please," letting go of her morals, she begged. "Please believe me when I say that I changed—” "No one cares if you have changed or not!" He roared and she flinched at the anger of the wolf. Her head bowed down and the animal inside her submitted to her mate and alpha. Her animal had already betrayed her. "Lies! Lies are what we have heard from you from the beginning!" He spat and the chain rattled in his hands. "There is nothing that will come from that mouth and I will ever believe in again." Jade nodded, her tears blurring the vision but she did not make a sound. Even when she heard him near her. He snatched her hand roughly and clasped the handcuff on her wrist. For the first time, the alpha's actions were in complete contrast to what they had been before and it hurt. "Stay here, thief." The word made her flinch. "You will see the daylight when you receive your judgment." She did not have the strength to open her eyes until she heard his footsteps retreat into the distance, leaving her alone in the cold dark and filthy dungeons of the pack clans. Resigning to her fate, she slowly moved to the wall to which the chains were attached and slid down with her back touching it on the floor. What had she done? * The credit of the images goes to the rightful owner.

Inara_Me · 都市
40 Chs
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