"Welcome to the world of Pokemon!" Never had I expected those words to apply to me. One day I was a content eighteen year old, playing on my console; now I'm a four year old stuck in the middle of nowhere. I hope someone left me some Pokeballs somewhere.
Bugs buzzed and birds chirped. The rocky bank dug into my back.
Sitting up, I stare out unto the water. Unlike yesterday or the day before, a flock of Fletchling flew by. A Furret chased a Sentret in a tree on the other side of the stream.
Reality always sucked.
Rubbing my teary and puffy face, I feel stickiness on my lips. Blood. Languidly, I wash it off in the water, it clung like a sin.
And like a sin, the consequences returned twofold. Instantly, my body was racked with pain and burning. My stomach convulsed, trying to vomit as my silent screams went unnoticed to the forest. I was groveling on the ground feeling my guts invert and warp. I wanted to vomit, but I couldn't. I tried to stick my hands down my throat to gag; however it was pointless. Soon it peaked and stabbing electric pain burned in my eyes and spine.
Minutes later, it ebbed into an ache and I was able to calm my trembling body. Minutes later, everything was back to normal. Hoping that was the end of it, I gained valuable information. Never eat a Pokemon raw.
Breathing in the morning air, I contemplate my new existence. I could lay around and die, but that can be an even crueler fate. As illogical as it is to admit, I didn't want to turn into a ghost. I'd much rather leave for the afterlife along with…
Any way, that option is out. So the next would be to find a way to return home. In this dimension, it was certainly possible. Palkia would be the best bet. I mean it is a space deity, if it couldn't run its own authority, I would question its godhood. Also, I believe Hoopa has godlike control over space, how else could it summon Palkia or any of the other big three? Either of them could theoretically send me home. But the question was, did I want to go home?
The only thing left for me there was getting a degree, but I can get that here as well. In fact I could take it further here because of all the craziness a Pokemon can pull off. Think of all that a ghost or psychic type Pokemon were capable of doing. Haunted mansions are the cream of the crop here on… what do people here call their planet. Its always "The World of Pokemon" or "____ region". Do they have a name? Or do they really just call it by region?
Whatever it was, all the creatures here can pull off insane feats of physics. If the Pokedex entries are anything to go by, their are Pokemon that can shake the foundations of reality.
I do wonder, which version of the world I am in? The anime or the game? The only way to tell was if certain events have taken place. Then again that might not be accurate either because it could be a mixture of both. Best not to rely on my future knowledge too much.
Pulling back from the rabbit hole, I ask the question again, do I want to go home? Everything was so dark. My life consisted of video games in a blacked out apartment without plans of getting anywhere in life. Complete stagnation. Here, it would be a fresh start.
By my estimations, I am four years old. I could grow and adapt to this world and be what I have always wanted to be, an engineer. Heck, technologies that I could only dream of exist here. To revive fossils into living breathing creatures, holograms, robots, airships capable of capturing legendaries. The possibilities were endless.
Though I think I will keep it simple. Maybe a clock maker or something. Get a nice house with a workshop. Tinker on the mechanical side of things and then throw physics out the door on the side. Ohohohoho.
I calm my evil scientist side before I decide to go down the route of godhood, because that just sounds like a lot of responsibilities. No thank you.
Nodding to myself, I have resolved a battle plan. House, workshop, team of reality bending Pokemon for the fun of it and then death in peace and quiet. No meeting up with Ash, no Red, no evil organizations with plans for world domination. Just tinkering and sleeping.
But, first things first. Leave the forest then find out where I am. I can't avoid chaos if I don't know where I am. Steeling myself, I stand up to follow the river.
Before I could take a step, I see my left overs. The beak and the cartilage spine were still on the ground where I coughed them up. Grabbing them, I notice that the spine had stiffened quite a bit. It was about six inches long and sharpened into an impressive point. I would not be hacking or slashing, but could definitely stab a thing or two.
The bluish crystal clear bone would likely serves as a decent weapon. I then look at the beak and notice its rosy color. Gazing at it, one could set a gemstone into it and then it would be a work of art.
Clasping in my hand, I swore to myself not to let myself dwell on my actions yesterday. They were the result of a starving body and not a sound mind. To prove that I am greater than my baser instincts, I would take these remains, and ensure to never become that beast ever again. I may have to hunt and kill Pokemon again, heck with how crazy this world is, I may have to kill a human being, but I will not lose myself to the depravity. I will remain human, and that is a promise.
Carrying my two treasures, I head downstream. Hoping to leave this place.
Five hours of the same burning sun later, the hunger is back. Not the starvation of yesterday, but the 'I want lunch kind of hunger.'
No signs of berry trees, or edible plants anywhere. Taking another drink of water, I progress farther down the stream.
Of course nothing really changes even as the sun sets. Deciding to camp in a bush, I lay out a bed of leaves. Thinking back to the anime where the main characters camps out or be kidnapped by some Pokemon and then shoved into a nest or tree. The always say how nice it felt. Not the case here. The leaves just crumbled and poked into me. The ground is lumpy and there was not good position to sleep in. In the end I slept like the beggar I was.
By the time dawn came around, I awoke to a stiff, sore back. Whining, I climbed out of my bush. Glancing at the river not too far from me, I decided I need a bath.
Climbing into the frigid water, I noticed how poor my body's condition was. Scrapes lined my thighs and calves. Dust dyed the water brown as it washed off my naked self. My feet were red with blisters and raw, peeling skin. I rested in the water as the sun climbed the sky.
An hour later, I decide I was cold enough and got back on my journey, feeling mud collect in between my toes.
As the morning wore into noon, then noon melts into dusk, I see the first sign of civilization. In the distance, a column of smoke rose into the sky. Finally, a bit of hope buds in my chest. Seeing that it is still a fair distance away, I camp in a bush off to the side of the river. Again, I sleep in discomfort, but the hope of seeing people overshadows it.
A psychotic laugh disturbed my slumber. Jerking awake, I checked the area for that malignant laugh. Not seeing anything directly, I peeked out of the bush for a better view.
Erring on the side of caution, I hide in the bush, clutching my makeshift stiletto till the sun was up in the sky and the scuttles of other Pokemon could be heard. Crawling out and searching for any signs of whatever that was. The only hint of a malicious entity was a single slash on the tree near my bush.
Shaking whatever looming fears I have away, I carry on.
Hours pass by as before and the smoke column is getting ever closer. About noon when the wretched day-star is high and my body fatigued from hunger and stiff from my lousy sleep last night, I noticed something on the ground not far from me.
Ducking into the cover of the bushes and shade of the tree, I inch closer, ignoring all the new cuts I will have gained. Finally, near enough to see, I recognize its gray, furry form.
There on the ground, was an Espurr. It had a nasty gash along its arm, red blood matting its fur. Glancing around for the cause, there were no other Pokemon nearby. In fact, everything was eerily silent. Waiting for several minutes with nothing happening, I stalked closer to it.
Its chest rose and dropped erratically, I knew that if nothing was done soon, it would die. Picking it up, I take it to the water and wash away the blood on its arm. It squirmed and screeched. I looked at its closed eyes and wondered what I could really do to save it. Rinsing the blood off, I notice the swelling and unnatural purple shade on its skin. Taking it out of the water, I clamp my hand around the wound to staunch the blood flow. I can feel the molten fluid, gather and leak through my fingers.
Gently picking it up, I run towards the smoke column as fast as I could. Not stopping for anything, not the scrapes of rocks, not tripping on brambles, cradling the cat like Pokemon as best I could.
As fate would have it, I didn't even run twenty minutes before a blue blur crashed into me.
Gazing at my legs, a blue cat with folded ear was groaning from pain. There were many cuts and bruises on its body. It took me several seconds, but I recalled it being a Meowstic, the final form of Espurr.
Before I could think anymore, another blur charged at us. Thinking quick, I rolled to the side. Where I once sat was a red stinger connected to a navy body. Yellow eyes honed in on me and a familiar malignant chortle rang out. A red sac bulged for second before contracting, spraying a violet gunk. A screen of gold appeared preventing most from touching us. What did, however left my skin numb and turning red.
Huffing, it leaped and struck the gold light shattering it.
It jaunted, laughing as it moved forward with a feral grace. It was a creature that took pleasure in torturing its victims before slaughter. Slashing down with that red stinger, it went for my throat. I threw myself back, but it made little difference as the poisonous digit followed. Just as it was about to break skin, a green light stopped it in its tracks. The creature glared at my feet, Meowstic used its power to protect me.
Its ears open with eyes looking back at us, a blue light enveloped the offender and flung it away. Hopping off my legs, it chased after the beast, while I crawled backwards as fast as humanly possible. My heart thundered in my chest.
A quick glance at the dying Espurr, its condition was not as good as I would like it to be. Glancing around for the Inkay spine, I notice its shattered remains on the ground.
Staring at the spot like an idiot, I realized how outclassed I am.
Did I think that would protect me? It was better as a toothpick.
A loud crash roused my thoughts. The beast had hit the Meowstic into the tree right beside me, knocking it out. Turning to the creature, it laughs. I could not see a scratch on it. Dread pools into my spine. Grabbing the Meowstic, I ran.
Into the woods, I flee. I could hear its gleeful chortle. The rustling warned of its close proximity. The laughter screaming its joy at playing with prey. Tears falling as I awaited my inevitable demise, I continue running, praying for help.
None came.
Finally reaching a limit, I fell over a tree root. Turning, I scrambled into the tree, tearing up my back on its bark. Its eyes glowed as it stalked closer, preparing for the final strike. Before it could though, I noticed the Espurr huff. It had breathed its final breath.
The horror, the inadequacy at saving this creature's life. I watched in slow motion, the beast swinging for the killing blow, the Meowstic's hard breathing, the final stilling of the Espurr. I watched it all. As a final to this grand death play, the Espurrs ears unfurl releasing hell.
A wave of oppressing energy spread out like dread. Trees and the creature were sent flying by the shockwave.
But the most damage was happening in my body. My flesh was squashed and convulsing. Nerves burned with hot, electric fire. The pressure in my brain was the worst. Blood gushed out of my nose as my brain was eviscerated and boiled. I wished for death. I wished to die and be done with the pain. Darkness ate me.
As the sensations soon led to numbness, my muscles spasmed and torn, there was a quake. A tremor of energy that quaked from my gut. It spread like acid. To my brain, to my limbs, to my heart. It traveled my body repairing everything, remaking it. The energy obliterating everything was dragged by my person.
A conflict in my internals battled for dominance. The stuff would repair my body, then shove energy into it, shredding it, then the stuff would repair it, albeit in a different way. Over and over this happened until an accord was struck. The stuff had found an appropriate combination that could house this energy. And housed it did. The blast had been gobbled up and some foreign elements followed. The darkness of shadows, a little green from the trees, a little of the poison in the air.
The stuff had done its duty of contradiction. It had remade something that wanted to die, it had made it feel the energy that it wanted to be numb to. It had created something that would forever shake the world.
Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon in any shape or form.
Its The Quibbler again, coming with a new chapter and boy is it a doozy. Before anyone goes on and asks about me making the MC op when I said it wouldn't, I am not. In fact the changes will be a disability in many/ways. Trust me I dislike op mc's as much as you do.
04/27/2020 - Just did a more thorough edit. Cleaned up some sentences and overall feel of the story. Tell me what you guys think.