
A Downhill Beginning

I hate the sun.

Its always glaring at me.

I hate nature.

Insects want to suck my blood, critters want to crawl on me. I quake at the thought.

I hate the ground.

Its always hard and rough, tree branches poking into my back. I don't know why I chose to sleep….

Somethings wrong.

Springing forward, I check surroundings with the alertness rivaling a meerkat. The results: craggy rocks, giant trees, and a hatefully warm sky. Someone's trolling me.

Standing up, I realize just how large the trees were. They were large enough to rival California Redwoods. All around, the myriads of verdant greens and ancient browns encompassed my sight. The air was pure, unlike the city pollution I was used to. Up high, birds were rousing for there morning serenade.

A breeze rolls by. I feel cold in places that shouldn't be.

Goosebumps shroud me. I am in the woods, that was swarming with bugs and spiders, alone, and my kidnappers deigned to leave me with no clothes.

My heart starts beating, my skin crawling as I hyperventilate. Curling into fetal position, my mind starts to shutdown.

Ten minutes and a strangled deep breath later, I relax enough to where I can logically assess my situation.

Someone had kidnapped me, leaving me with nothing. I hate everything.

'It's okay, I can do this. I can fix this.' I assured. Looking towards the peaking sun and I head in that direction, praying to find civilization.


An hour passed. No signs of humanity, no signs of shelter, and no indication of an end to all the flipping trees! Breathe. Breathe.

I started counting. For each oak tree, I would punch my abductor in the gut, for each maple, the head, and my personal favorite, for every evergreen, a kick to the groin. Grinning with sadistic glee, I trudged on.

Awhile back, I noticed that the ground was slopped. I hoped there was a road at the bottom of this hill, or mountain, or whatever I'm standing on.

To my dismay, I ran into a river with another mountain towering on the opposite side. It was a pristine thing. Never thought there was a river this clear left on earth, but here I stand.

Trudging up to the shore, I splashed the frigid liquid onto my sunburned face. Stopping to think a second, I gazed at my reflection. I felt like something was off.

For starters it was a kids face, about four years old. His hair was a familiar mess and the eyes. They were a burning amber-gold. Reaching out, the boys hand mimes. Touching the water, I recognized an important fact.

It was my face.

Patting down my body, I feel several major changes.

Aside from the eyes, I was exact copy of my younger self. Even worse, I had shrunk to a tiny matchstick kid with no fat on his bones.

In fact, I was starving with how skinny I was. Skin clung to my ribs and my stomach curved inwards unnaturally. My body caught up with the fact and extreme hunger racked through my intestines.

Panicking, I stumble back from the river. My arms pressed to my waist. 'It hurts. It hurts really bad.' Everything started piling up, I couldn't handle it. All of the stress. Everything.

A splash in the river broke my turmoil.

About twenty feet away from me, a blue bird with an orange bill was waddling in the water. It was pretty much a duck's blue, fluffier cousin. There was a sense of familiarity, but my head was too jumbled to remember anything. Watching it listlessly float around, realization struck.

'That can't be right. They don't exist. This was some sick joke, there was no way this is happening.' The world was spinning. My mind broke and I fainted.


The sun was rising by the time I awoke. Comprehending information was beyond me at this point. I just gazed at the hatefully warming sky. Like that, I watched the sun slowly climb above the trees until the lake was glittering.

Sluggishly, I sifted thoughts together until it was a chaotic goop. 'It was nice knowing yah sanity'

The first thing I gathered, was that I got taken and then dumped in the middle of nowhere.

The second, was that during this trip, I had regressed to a four year old version of myself with nothing to my name.

Finally, I was sent to a universe where creatures can bend the laws of physics and sling it around like a bad meme.

I laugh dejectedly.

'This is absurd, how does one go to sleep, then wake up in the Pokemon universe?' I hate my life.

Slapping myself, I get up and do what any person would do in this situation. I scream like a newborn babe.


Now that its out of my system, I decide to find food and shelter. As much as I want to continue screaming and cursing my luck, the cramps in my gut are crying for attention.

Taking a deep gulp of river water, I temporarily sate my hunger. Thinking its my best option for finding food, I follow downstream.

There are berry trees in the Pokemon universe right?


I was exhausted by this point in time. The sun had crested its peak, and was now on the journey to the horizon. All I have seen was non-berry tree after non-berry tree and the only signs of Pokemon were the birds chirping and the faint scuttle of who knows what in the bushes.

By now, I am tired, hungry, and irritable. Never a great combination.

The scenery has smooshed together for the last hour and my feet are raw with blisters. I keep chugging water to help sate the cramps, but I just end up feeling bloated and unsatisfied.

The wind blew through the trees, carrying a faint coppery scent.


Swiftly tracking the smell, I trudged through the bushes, scratching my tan skin in the brambles. Crossing the hedges, I stop cold. Before me was the corpse of a small squid like creature. Blue blood pooling onto the ground. I dry heaved on sight.

Horror sets in

I played the games a few years back. During that time, I would read these Pokedex entries about Pokemon doing some messed up things to its fellow living beings.

Not only that, but people and animals can't subsist on berries or plants alone. They need meat and because of normal farm animals never making an appearance, there is only one other alternative. Pokemon.

Its things like this that no one ever noticed because its a kid show, idolizing friendship and inter-species cooperation. Where do people get leather from? The fur coats that many characters have? It couldn't just come from nothing.

This fantasy world, just turned very real. Life, death and survival are everyday struggles. Its kill or be killed.

Turning back to what I believe was an Inkay, the pain in my stomach returned full force. Deciding quickly, I search for any potential predators that could have killed it. Giving the all clear, I grab the still warm corpse and head back to the river. Washing off the blood, I run downstream for a while, hoping to leave any potential threats behind me.

A fair distance away, I sit down and look what's in my arms. From first glance, I could tell that it died from something slicing open its own head. From the rough manor of the cut, I would say it ran through a sharp branch or something. From there it bled out.

Gulping, I resolved myself for what I planned to do next. Chomping down on a tentacle, I viciously tear it off. It was gummy and reeked of metallic blood. As I swallowed, I wanted to throw it back up. Each bite was like tearing through sinew. I was disgusted by the raw taste and my ravenous hunger for more.

As I finished the tentacles, I moved to the head. There was overwhelming taste of salt water intermingling with the acidic blood. Organs, flesh, skin. None where left by the time I finished this bitter meal.

I choked on its sharp beak and cartilage spine; coughing them out as reminder of what I consumed.

Sitting down, I looked at the mess. My hands were blue from the blood. Crawling to the river, I washed them, before noticing my mouth was dripping as well, giving it a feral depiction.

I slammed the water before collapsing, sobbing at what I did. It was illogical. I had to eat. But the sheer ferocity at which I consumed. The brutal chewing then swallowing. It terrified me that I could be so, so, inhuman. So similar to a wild beast. And the fact I will probably have do that again in the future scared me.

I hated this. I just want to die. Everything hurts. I wasn't even satisfied after that. My body felt revulsion at eating what was once an intelligent creature. Collapsing onto my back, I drift into unconsciousness. My last thoughts before darkness' embrace.

Please end me.

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon in any form.


TheQuibbler is back. Hope you like the chapter. It’s a lot longer than the prologue so you should have a better feel for what kind of story this is. Leave a comment below I will try to get back to you as soon as possible.

4/19/2020 - Did an edit, polishing it out. Let me know what you think.

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