
The Wife of Hades

An Luxia did not have any plans on marrying soon. However, Mo Han’s appearance disrupted her original plan but also saved her from an unwanted marriage. Unknowingly, An Luxia got herself entangled in a relationship with the King of the Underworld, the leader of the biggest and scariest underworld complex. She thought it was her own luck to be able to find herself a handsome, young, rich, and powerful man. However, little did she know that their fate had been sealed 19 years ago. Their marriage was nothing more than her fulfilling the promise she had made to him 19 years ago. 19 years ago may be the beginning, but this is a beginning with no end. Eternity is never-ending. . . --- An Luxia opened her eyes. It took a few seconds for her vision to focus on the man’s face a few inches above her. She sucked in a breath of cold air when their eyes met. They stared at each other for several long seconds before An Luxia’s lips curled up into a small smile. “What’s your name?” She asked sweetly. The man furrowed his eyebrows in thought for a few seconds before he replied coldly, “Mo Han.” “Mo Han. . .” An Luxia repeated, “Age? Height? Occupation?” Mo Han licked his lips and tilted his head slightly, leaning down a little more so the distance between them decreased, “27, 192 cm. . . businessman.” There were a few seconds of silence before An Luxia pushed her head back further into the pillow and grinned, “Are you going to do something to me?” Mo Han raised one eyebrow amusedly and blinked a few times, “. . . That is the plan.” The next second, An Luxia had her arms wrapped around his neck, and with a quick press, Mo Han’s body was pulled down and their lips sealed together. The temperature in the room rose as the two bodies on the bed entangled together. --- Note ~ No rape and no major misunderstandings Update: 1 to 2 chapters daily This is an original story by me and not a translation. The picture in the cover is not mine. Credits to the owner :) Join my discord server: https://discord.gg/FVwPydp Follow me on Instagram: helemon_author

helemon_ · 都市
161 Chs

Second Date Plan

After leaving the movie theater, it was lunchtime already, so the two of them drove to a very famous restaurant in City A.

Although An Luxia insisted on treating Mo Han, he still refused, "This is our first date. How can I let you pay?"

They entered the restaurant and the workers greeted them politely. Mo Han seemed to eat here often, as the workers brought them to a private room in the back of the restaurant after they arrived.

He quickly ordered and the food arrived within half an hour.

An Luxia excitedly lifted up her chopsticks as she began eating, still hungry after a whole tub of popcorn.

However, before she could take a bite, she received a phone call. She took out her phone and glanced at the name on the screen before answering.

"Xinyi, what is it?" She lifted up her chopsticks again and took a small bite of the food, "Mhm. . . Yes. . . Okay, later, later. Bye!"

She then hung up the call and put the phone down on the table.

"Who is it?" Mo Han asked, elegantly beginning to eat.

An Luxia smiled, "My best friend. I'll introduce you to her later."

Mo Han nodded his head, "Let me know before you do."

If it was her best friend, then of course he had to treat the first meeting seriously! He had to leave a good impression so that her friend might talk good about him when she was alone with Luxia.

A supportive friend was also the basis of a strong marriage!

They spend the rest of the meal talking about many random things and eating, and Mo Han did end up paying for the food.

They walked out of the restaurant together, and An Luxia thought that they were going to go home. However, to her surprise, the driver didn't drive in the direction back home.

"Where are we going?" She asked..

"To the second location."

An Luxia raised one eyebrow, "Where?"

"To a lake where you can row a boat!"

". . ."

--- Yesterday Living Room

"Besides a movie, there are also other options -"

"Like what?" Mo Han cut Qin Wei off.

"Row a boat. I went on this date with my ex-ex-girlfriend and it was extremely romantic! Of course, you gotta do it right."

Qin Wei rubbed his hands together excitedly, "There is a lake towards the north of City A called Xin Lake. It is super pretty, surrounded by trees, and you can rent boats there to row by yourself."

Qin Wei narrowed his eyes, "Now here is the trick. Rowing the boat isn't difficult or romantic at all. You can volunteer to row the boat and have sister-in-law sit across from you. Then. . ."

He giggled evilly, "The difficult part is you need to control the boat. After some time and you are somewhere towards the middle of the lake, suddenly row the boat back, on accident of course. Then, sister-in-law will fall forward and straight into your embrace!"

Qin Wei closed his eyes romantically at the thought, "It's not that hard and super romantic. For the rest of the ride, my ex-ex-girlfriend stayed up against my chest."

Gu Yechen and Mo Han both shuddered from the cheesy story and Mo Han fell into deep thought again.

--- Present

They arrived at the lake and Mo Han opened the door up for An Luxia. They walked over to the boats and Mo Han rented a small wooden one, perfect for rowing.

The manager quickly explained how everything works, and they were given life jackets. Before long, the two of them were on the water with Mo Han rowing the boat.

"Is it hard?" An Luxia asked curiously, looking around at the beautiful scenery. Since it was noontime, the sun shone brightly onto the water, making it seem like the water was sparkling.

Mo Han raised one eyebrow, "Rowing the boat?"

She nodded.

He shrugged, "Not really. It's quite light."

An Luxia carefully moved around, sitting down next to Mo Han, "Can I try?"

Mo Han felt his heartbeat quicken as she was pressed so close to him, and he nodded, "Yes, here."

It seemed like Qin Wei's plan was going quite well! He didn't even have to do anything, and she was pressed next to him now!

An Luxia grabbed onto the two paddles and pushed as hard as she could. It took a lot of strength for her to row the boat once, and the boat barely moved at all.

"This is so heavy!" She frowned. Of course she couldn't trust his words on this! His arms were made of copper or something.

He took the paddles back from her, and to his disappointment, she carefully sat back down to her original spot. They continued to row across the lake until they arrived at the center of the water.

An Luxia pulled her phone out and took a quick photo of the beautiful scenery, and then a selfie of her and Mo Han before sending it to her brother.

After she put her phone away, Mo Han pressed her lips together and decided that now was the time. It was either now or never! Qin Wei's "amazing" plan better work.

He casually continued to row the boat slowly.

3. . . 2. . . 1!

He suddenly changed direction as he turned the paddle around and moved it backward, and just like how Qin Wei had said, An Luxia gasped as her body was pushed over to him.

"Ah!" However, due to the position her body originally was in, she didn't exactly hit him straight on the center of his chest.

Instead, she missed towards the side, and the impact of her bump and the original force of turning the boat caused Mo Han to tilt to the side, and in the next second, there was a loud splash.

"Ah. . ." Still not knowing what had happened, An Luxia rubbed her head, which had bumped straight into Mo Han's hard chest.

"Ouch," she exclaimed, slowly opening her eyes again. When she opened them, her eyes widened slightly as she looked around confusedly.

Where was Mo Han? Why was she alone on the boat?"

Suddenly, there was another splash as Mo Han's head emerged from underneath the water, the life jacket keeping him afloat.

An Luxia's eyes widened and her mouth fell open, "Mo Han, what are you doing in the water?!"

Surprise! There will be a 3 chapter mass release today :) Happy reading!

Oh, poor Mo Han ^o^

Life Lesson: Never listen to Qin Wei! hahahaha :)

helemon_creators' thoughts