
The New Character

"Now, what do you call it? A coincidence?!" Hebrew yelled in frustration.

They were walking on the street towards Hebrew's house, after examining the Ewer street where the recent murder took place.

"Okay..." Jessica sighed.

"I know Winchester was there every time the murders took place, even at the recent one too, but, don't you have a slight bit of faith in Winchester?" 

"Why would I?!" He yelled again, glaring at Jessica.

Today Jessica could see how restless Hebrew was. His eyes told everything. The rage burning inside him like a flame was enough to let others know by the smoke it produced.

"I mean...we almost solved the case. Why don't we just arrest him and investigate him?" 

"Arrest? And you think Mr Stone will let us?" 

He banged his fist into the wall, "F*ck It!" He yelled.

Jessica frowned. She had never seen him so frustrated and angry. Though he has many times gritted his teeth and clenched his fists in anger still, he never cursed. He never did that.

She went near him and kept her hand on his shoulder.

"Mr Hebrew, why are you behaving-"

Before she could finish, he jerked off her hand.

"Stop. Being. Concerned!" He yelled again.

"If you think that I'm not suspicious of you, then forget it. I'm just working on this case with you to earn a damn living! Just so I can live until I die!" 

"Mr Hebrew-" He left her alone on the street as he took a u-turn.

"Mr Hebrew! Wait!" she pleaded. She couldn't run after him. She was wearing heels, and the roads were slightly rough, which made her nervous with the thought of running on it wearing them.

She stood there. She can't go back to his apartment. He locked it before leaving. Sighing in frustration, she took a taxi and went home.


Hebrew was nowhere to be found. Crossing streets alone in the dark, he feared nothing, not even the thugs.

He kept walking until he reached a bungalow, neither too big nor too small. Just big enough to show that someone prestigious lives here. Hebrew gritted his teeth again.

*knock knock* 

He banged on the door as much as he could. After a second the door opened, and there stood Winchester wearing his night suit, rubbing his eyes.

"Who's he- Flynn? What are you do-"

He never finished the sentence as Hebrew got his neck pushing him inside his house.

Winchester struggled and slapped Hebrew's hands, gripping his neck. Hebrew's eyes were showing no fear or hesitation today.

"Why don't you say the truth, Winchester?" Hebrew gritted his teeth, the veins of his hands and neck bulging out.

"For god's sake just spit it!" He yelled.

"Why...are...you...doing....this?" Winchester's voice was wheezy. He barely had any breath inside now.

Hebrew glared at him, and then suddenly his eyes fell on the knife kept on the table near them.

He quickly picked it up...

Keeping it on Winchester's abdominal region, he pressed it lightly making Winchester cry in fear.

"You always wanted to know why I don't trust you anymore? Huh!" 

"You." He pressed the knife inside a little more.


Hebrew's eyes glistened, remembering those days in which he felt the most betrayed, most alone. He can never forget those days.

"You thought I would never know what you did to me?" Hebrew's words made Winchester widen his eyes.

His face was pale, no breath left inside. Still...he never thought Hebrew would know the truth, ever.

"YOU!" he yelled, and scratched his abdominal region with the knife on the right side. 

He loosened the grip, making Winchester fall and gasp for breaths. Blood dripped from his wound and from the knife in Hebrew's hand. It didn't satisfy Hebrew yet. Winchester looked up at Hebrew, who was still stabbing his glares.

"You bloody liar!" He yelled and was about to stab him with the knife when everything went black.

His vision blurred. He touched the back of his head and wasn't able to understand where the blood came from. 

For the last time, he looked at Winchester, scared to death. His eyes looking at Hebrew and Hebrew's behind. Hebrew's eyes fluttered, and the knife left from his grip. 

At last, his eyes closed themselves, and he fell...


The telephone is ringing again...

Hebrew opens his eyes, gradually letting it settle to the bright atmosphere of his room.

'It's a new day?' His mind questioned.

'What happened last night?'

'How I came here?' 

'Why my head hurts?'

Rubbing his face abruptly, he sat upright.

The telephone is still ringing...

"Ugh!" He groaned, as usual.

Sliding through his blanket, he made his way towards the hall.

"Shut your mouth!" He yelled at the telephone before picking it up.

"Hello?" His voice was gruff.

"Flynn, this is important and so...I'm informing only you." The other side said.

"Fernsby? What happened?" Hebrew questioned as he recognised the voice.

"I examined the last victim and so...I came to realise that her finger has someone else's blood. The DNA doesn't match with her. I guess she attacked the murderer in self-defence. And if that's the case then...the murderer might have a fresh wound somewhere on his entire body."

Hebrew froze at his place, his lips slightly parted and he kept looking void.

"Hello? Hello, Flynn...you there?" Fernsby asked.

"Ahem!" He cleared his throat.

"Did that DNA match with anyone?" He questioned.

"Nah! I found no one to match it with. Do you have anyone?" He asked.


"Okay then...I'll call you once again if I find anything else."

"Hm..." Hebrew mumbled, and the call disconnected.

Hebrew stood in the place but then, suddenly, his eyes fell on his surroundings. There was a pillow ok the sofa, the chairs had changed their. positions too.

"This isn't how I leave it before..." He mumbled. 

And that is when he felt someone's breath on his back of the neck. He quickly understood who it was and so he turned to grip her hands so that he could teach her a lesson today. 

"Eva, you better stop doing-" But as he did, the person standing held his hand, turned him around and made him kneel. 

"How come you started missing that woman so much, Flynnie?" The man had a perfect British accent, even better than Hebrew.

Hebrew's eyes widened in realisation. 

He slightly tilted his head and now could see the person from the corner of his eye.

"Eric?" He said and the man let him go.

Hebrew quickly stood up and he could now see a tall and broad man with black hair and black eyes standing in front of him.

"Oh! You do remember me?" He kept his hands on his waist.

Hebrew rolled his eyes, "It's you who vanished somewhere without informing me." He crossed his arms over his chest.

Eric walked past him towards the sofa and took his seat. Crossing his legs, his one ankle on the knee of the other. One arm resting on the head on the sofa and the other on the arm. 

He smiled lightly. "It's good to see you." 

Hebrew nodded, he walked towards the kitchen, "at least...you're back."

Eric shook his head. Hebrew would never admit that he is happy to see him too. And this arrogant ass attitude towards him made Eric smirk.

Hebrew was making coffee for both of them. His back facing Eric.

"Where have you been all this time?" Hebrew's question made Eric's smirk fade away. As he remembered, he had to tell Hebrew something, something, quite important.

"I..." He hesitated and rubbed his forehead.

"Met your mother." His words made Hebrew freeze at his place. The mug for the coffee still in his hand.

His eyes widened, and he looked outside the window, just in front of him. Before Eric could know Hebrew's expressions, he whiffled it off and started stirring the coffee powder in the mug.

Eric sighed. He knew Hebrew would ask nothing about her, even if he wanted to. 

"She misses you Flynn, a lot." Eric's voice was low and calm.

"I know you can not meet her, but at least, write her a letter once in a while. She's been quiet ill these days." 

Hebrew gulped, his vision getting blurry because of the tears pooling inside his eyes. He was trying his best not to show his emotions. Still, his mother's topic made him weak.

"But don't worry, she has enough money to survive. And also, I didn't tell her about your situation."

Hebrew kept stirring the powder in the milk, and a dead silence took over. Eric kept looking at his friend. He had seen all difficulties of Hebrew's life. 

He could see how affected he was by his mother's information, but there was nothing Eric could do. He frowned and sniffed his runny nose.

"And, tell me where else have you been these days? I mean...I don't think you would've lived there for so long." Hebrew broke the silence as he walked towards Eric with two mugs of coffee.

"I kept running in London, from small towns to vast cities. Hid everywhere, but you know his men found me everywhere. I guess the saying is true, never underestimate the boss." And they both chuckled.

"How come you thought about coming to me?" He took a sip of his hot coffee.

"Well, I hadn't thought even for once, cause I knew Eva would be around. But yesterday when I saw you in the bar, all wasted I followed you." 

He smiled and took a sip, too.

"You followed me?" Hebrew frowned.

"Yup! Don't you remember? I brought you home..."

I have decided to update daily except on Saturdays....

Thanks For Reading

Aislinn_Jaspercreators' thoughts