
The Way You Look

A Story Of How the Priestess Kagome and the Mighty Lord Sesshomaru Fell in Love.

AKEN0X · アニメ·コミックス
15 Chs


Chapter 5 

As I stirred from the depths of slumber, the fever that had plagued me receded, leaving a sense of rejuvenation in its wake. I turned my gaze to my left, where the enigmatic Demon Lord Sesshomaru had kept vigil. A wave of sadness washed over me as I beheld his empty seat.

"Lady Kagome! You're awake!" Rin, the young ward of Lord Sesshomaru, exclaimed with unconcealed excitement. "You've been asleep for two days! You worried the others terribly!"

A small smile tugged at the corners of my lips at Rin's heartfelt concern. "I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused," I replied, my voice still groggy from sleep. "Where is Lord Sesshomaru?"

Rin's eyes widened in surprise. "Lord Sesshomaru left a couple of hours ago. He was with you for two days, tending to your fever and ensuring your comfort."

A sense of bewilderment washed over me. "That's strange," I muttered, trying to piece together the past few days' events. "Why would he stay by my side for so long?"

As I lay there, lost in contemplation, Rin continued to fill me in on the events that had transpired during my slumber. The others had been anxious about my condition, constantly checking in on me and whispering worried words among themselves.

"Lord Sesshomaru rarely shows such concern for anyone," Rin said, hushed. "But he seemed genuinely worried about you, Lady Kagome. He hardly left your side, even when you were unconscious."

Her words stirred a complex mix of emotions within me. I had always harbored a secret affection for Lord Sesshomaru, but I had never dared to hope he might reciprocate my feelings. His reputation as a ruthless and detached demon lord contradicted the compassionate side I had glimpsed during our encounters.

A soft knock on the door interrupted our conversation as I processed Rin's revelations. The door creaked open, and a familiar figure stepped into the room. It was Lord Sesshomaru, his eyes gleaming with a mix of concern and something unreadable.

With trembling hands, I accepted the bowl he silently offered me. Its contents, a mysterious liquid, shimmered under the sunlight. My curiosity stirred, but I hesitated, unsure of its purpose.

"What is this?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. Lord Sesshomaru's golden eyes met mine, their gaze inscrutable. He remained silent, his lips forming a thin, enigmatic line.

The tension in the air grew palpable, and a quiet anticipation hung between us. My mind races, trying to decipher his intentions. Was this a test of my trust or a gesture of kindness?

As minutes passed, the silence stretched on, becoming almost unbearable. Yet, I couldn't bring myself to break it. There was a strange power in Lord Sesshomaru's presence, a sense that he held the key to unlocking secrets beyond my understanding.

Finally, unable to resist the allure of the unknown, I took a sip of the liquid. It was cool and refreshing, with a hint of sweetness that lingered on my tongue. A warm sensation spread through my body, easing the tension surrounding me.

As I continued to drink from the bowl, Lord Sesshomaru rose from his seat and approached the door. In a moment of spontaneity, I grabbed his moko moko, the soft, fluffy fur around his neck. I smiled, my heart pounding with anticipation.

"Stay, Lord Sesshomaru," I said, my voice soft yet firm. "I must repay you for your kindness."

Sesshomaru stopped in his tracks, his golden eyes glancing over his shoulder to meet mine. His gaze was piercing, but I held his stare, my resolve unwavering.

After a moment's pause, Sesshomaru released a soft sigh. His eyes turned back to the door, and he began walking again. But just as my heart sank with disappointment, he stopped again.

A slight frown appeared on my face, and he turned to look at me thoroughly. "Repay me?" he repeated, his voice deep and melodic. "How do you intend to do that, Miko?"

I took a deep breath, my mind racing. "I... I am not sure yet, Lord Sesshomaru, but I promise I will find a way to repay your kindness. I owe you a debt, and I will not rest until it is paid."

With that, he turned and left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. I smiled, a sense of determination filling my heart. I had caught Lord Sesshomaru's attention and was determined to prove worthy of his kindness.

As Kagome sat in her humble hut, lost in contemplation, her loyal companion Rin approached her. With her innocent curiosity, Rin posed a profound question that set Kagome's mind in motion: "Lady Kagome, how will you repay Lord Sesshomaru?"

Kagome's thoughts raced as she explored various possibilities. Perhaps she could offer him something he needed or become his humble servant. However, as she pondered her options, Rin's voice suddenly interrupted her reverie.

"Lady Kagome!" Rin exclaimed. "Why don't I ask him the next time he returns?"

Kagome's eyes lit up with realization. Rin's suggestion was brilliant in its simplicity. By directly inquiring about Lord Sesshomaru's needs, they could ensure their repayment would be meaningful and genuinely appreciated.

Over the next two weeks, Kagome and Rin eagerly discussed their plan. They carefully considered the best and most appropriate way to phrase their question. Kagome knew that Lord Sesshomaru was a proud and aloof individual, so she wanted to ensure she approached him with the utmost respect.

Finally, the day arrived when Lord Sesshomaru was expected to return. Kagome, feigning busyness, pretended to be engrossed in picking herbs outside her hut. As Lord Sesshomaru approached, Rin stepped forward with nervousness and determination.

"Lord Sesshomaru," Rin said, trembling slightly, "Do you need anything?"

Lord Sesshomaru paused, his golden eyes narrowing as he regarded Rin. "Hn?" he replied, his tone curt and dismissive.

Sensing Lord Sesshomaru's impatience, Rin hesitated momentarily before continuing. "I was just wondering," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "Is there anything I, or Lady Kagome, can do for you?"

Lord Sesshomaru's gaze shifted from Rin to Kagome, who had stopped her work and was now watching the exchange with rapt attention. A long moment of silence ensued, filled with anticipation.

Finally, Lord Sesshomaru spoke. "There is nothing I need," he said, his voice cold and distant. With that, he turned and walked away, leaving Kagome and Rin standing in his wake.

A few minutes later, Kagome entered the hut, her expression a mix of disappointment and confusion. "Well, what did he say?" she asked Rin.

Rin sighed and related Lord Sesshomaru's response to Kagome. Kagome frowned, her mind racing as she tried to make sense of his words. Why would he say he needed nothing? Was he being polite, or was there something else at play?

Over the next few days, frustration consumed me. The persistent thought of repaying Lord Sesshomaru's kindness gnawed at my mind. In exasperation, I stormed out of the hut, determined to find him. "That stubborn dog demon needs nothing? I'm sure he does," I huffed under my breath.

My feet carried me towards the lake, where he often sought solace. Emerging from the dark forest, I spotted him sitting on a rock, his gaze fixed on the moon. "Lord Sesshomaru," I uttered softly.

"Miko," he replied, his eyes turning towards me. His piercing gaze locked onto mine, sending a shiver down my spine and making my heart pound.

"Lord Sesshomaru, I must repay your kindness. Is there anything I can do? I can be your servant for a week or get you something. Anything," I offered earnestly. "My mother taught me that I must repay people's kindness."

A smirk tugged at the corners of his lips as he listened to my rambling. "Then it is settled," he declared.

"Huh?" I blinked in confusion.

"You'll belong to me for a week."

With that, he rose from the rock and began to walk away. "I expect you tomorrow morning, Miko."

My heart fluttered with excitement and trepidation as I ran off like a giddy schoolgirl, eager to embrace the adventure ahead.

The next Morning

I awake in the depths of twilight, stirred by a restless anticipation. My heart beats a steady rhythm, a symphony of eagerness and apprehension. I rise from my futon, stretching limbs that have yearned for movement. In the soft, golden glow of the morning sun, I perform my ablutions with the utmost care, ensuring that my body is perfumed with the delicate fragrance of cherry blossoms. With meticulous precision, I dress in my finest kimono, its vibrant hues reflecting the blooming flowers of spring.

Adorned in my attire, I gather my prized possessions—my trusty bow and a quiver filled with razor-sharp arrows. With a determined stride, I go outside, my heart pounding with anticipation. I choose a spot where he often graces with his presence beneath the sprawling branches of an ancient maple tree. The morning air is still and heavy with the scent of dew-kissed grass. I take a deep breath, inhaling the tranquility of the moment.

As the sun climbs its celestial ladder, I remain steadfast in my vigil. Two hours pass and a sense of drowsiness begins to creep upon me. Impatience gnaws at my resolve, and I huff in annoyance. Just as despair threatens to consume me, a flicker of movement catches my eye. My heart skips a beat as I behold him—Lord Sesshomaru, the stoic and enigmatic demon lord.

His long, silver hair flows gracefully in the gentle breeze, glinting like moonlight. I bow deeply, a gesture of respect and admiration. "Lord Sesshomaru," I utter, my voice trembling slightly. He acknowledges my presence with a curt "Hn," his gaze distant and inscrutable. My heart swells with awe and trepidation as he turns and strides purposefully towards the other end of Kaede's village.

Determined to follow in his footsteps, I quickened, struggling to keep up with his long, effortless strides. "He sure does walk fast," I murmur, panting slightly. With a mixture of curiosity and anticipation, I follow him, eager to discover where his journey will lead.

Hours later

In the heart of the dense forest, where the sunlight struggled to penetrate the thick canopy, a small clearing appeared like a hidden oasis.

As they emerged into the clearing, a sigh of relief escaped Kagomes' lips. The soft grass invited them to rest, and the gentle breeze whispered secrets of the forest. With a graceful dismount from his majestic moko moko, Sesshomaru settled down on the verdant grass, his long silver hair cascading over his shoulders like a silken river. His eyes closed, and an aura of serenity enveloped him.

Kagome had been silently observing Sesshomaru throughout their journey. Her heart fluttered with admiration and affection as she beheld his quiet strength and composed demeanor. As the sun began its descent, casting a golden hue over the clearing, Kagome couldn't resist the allure of the moment. She sat close to Sesshomaru, her heart brimming with awe and love.

"The sun is slowly bidding farewell to the day, yet it seems too early to succumb to slumber," Kagome murmured, her gaze lingering on Sesshomaru's face.

As if roused from a tranquil dream, Sesshomaru opened his amber eyes, revealing their piercing depths. A hint of a smile graced his lips as he spoke in a deep, resonant voice, "Miko, do you intend to grace me with your unwavering gaze eternally?"

Caught off guard, Kagome's cheeks flushed with a delicate shade of pink. "Haha, no, Lord Sesshomaru," she replied, her gaze shifting away. "I was merely admiring the beauty of the sunset."

A comfortable silence descended upon them as they reveled in the moment's tranquility. Kagome felt a sense of peace and contentment in Sesshomaru's presence, a feeling that transcended words.

After contemplating, Kagome softly inquired, "Is there anything I can do for you, Lord Sesshomaru?"

Sesshomaru remained silent for a while, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon. "No," he eventually said, his voice measured and composed. I find solace in this moment of stillness."

Kagome understood that his silence was not a rejection but a reflection of his self-sufficient nature. "I suppose I'll take that as a 'no' then," she said softly, adding, "Perhaps I shall keep myself occupied by meditation."

With that, Kagome closed her eyes and allowed her mind to drift into profound calm and tranquility. Unbeknownst to her, Sesshomaru's gaze lingered on her for a moment longer, a flicker of something akin to admiration sparking in his eyes.

As darkness enveloped the forest, casting an ethereal glow over the surrounding trees, Kagome's eyelids fluttered closed, finally succumbing to the embrace of sleep. Having spent the entire day following Lord Sesshomaru and battling mystical creatures, her body craved rest. She bid Lord Sesshomaru goodnight with a gentle bow, seeking a comfortable spot to lay her weary head. "Hn," was his curt response, acknowledging her farewell before returning his gaze to the flickering flames of the campfire.

Moments later, after Kagome had drifted into a deep slumber, Lord Sesshomaru rose from his spot with silent grace. His golden eyes, usually sharp and piercing, softened as he observed Kagome's sleeping form. Despite his fearsome reputation as a powerful demon lord, Sesshomaru couldn't help but feel a sense of protectiveness towards the young woman. Kagome had wandered into his life unexpectedly, bringing with her a warmth and light he had never experienced.

A thousand thoughts raced through Sesshomaru's mind as he watched over her. He had always prided himself on his strength and independence, believing he needed no one. But Kagome had challenged that belief, showing him there was more to life than power and solitude. Her compassion, courage, and unwavering spirit had touched his heart in a way he never thought possible.

Quietly, Sesshomaru reached out a hand and gently brushed a lock of hair away from Kagome's face. Her skin was soft and warm beneath his touch, and he couldn't resist the urge to linger for a moment longer. At that moment, time seemed to stand still as Sesshomaru allowed himself to be captivated by Kagome's peaceful slumber.

Kagome's senses detected a gentle touch upon her in a peaceful slumber. Stirring from her dreams, she slowly fluttered open her eyes, her vision adjusting to the night's darkness. As her vision cleared, a figure revealed the striking countenance of Lord Sesshomaru.

His presence was unexpected, and Kagome couldn't help but feel a mix of surprise and anticipation. His piercing golden eyes met hers, their intensity causing a shiver to run down her spine. A certain aura about him, a blend of strength and grace, left Kagome fascinated and a little apprehensive.

Lord Sesshomaru's gaze seemed to linger on Kagome's face as if studying her features. A flicker of emotion crossed his usually stoic expression, but it was gone so quickly that Kagome wondered if she had imagined it.

Kagome's heart raced with awe and disbelief in a surreal and fantastical landscape. Her eyes darted around, taking in the extraordinary sights that surrounded her. Glowing orbs of light floated gracefully in the air, like celestial lanterns illuminating the night sky. Strange and beautiful creatures roamed the ethereal realm, their forms and movements resembling something from a dream.

As Kagome's gaze fell upon the striking figure of Lord Sesshomaru, a sense of wonder washed over her. His commanding presence and piercing gaze held her captive, and she couldn't help but feel an inexplicable connection to him. With each passing moment, the reality of the situation began to dawn on her.

Excitement and trepidation coursed through Kagome's veins as she realized the boundless possibilities before her. The world she had always known seemed distant and insignificant compared to the magical realm she now found herself in. The boundaries between reality and fantasy blurred, and the line separating the two became indistinguishable.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Kagome turned to Lord Sesshomaru, her eyes filled with determination and wonder. Tinged with amazement and a hint of disbelief, her voice echoed through the ethereal expanse: "It is a dream! This must be a dream!" The words carried through the air, leaving an imprint on the very fabric of the otherworldly realm.

Lord Sesshomaru's gaze met Kagome's, his eyes reflecting a depth of knowledge and power she could only glimpse.

Amid the chaos and confusion surrounding him, Lord Sesshomaru grappled with a perplexing difficulty. He had always prided himself on his unwavering grasp of reality and ability to discern truth from illusion. But his senses seemed to betray him in this peculiar encounter with the enigmatic Kagome.

A nagging doubt crept into his mind as he observed Kagome's actions and listened to her words. Could it be that she did not perceive the world like he did? Was it possible that she existed within a different realm of reality that defied his comprehension?

Lord Sesshomaru's rational mind struggled to reconcile this possibility with his innate sense of certainty. His eyes beheld the same trees, rocks, and sky as always. He could feel the wind's chill on his skin and the soft touch of the grass beneath his feet. Everything seemed tangible and real.

Emboldened by emotion, Kagome gently grasps Lord Sesshomaru's chin, tilting his face towards hers. In the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the canopy of trees, their breath mingles, anticipation crackling between them. With a tender determination, she presses her lips to his, a gentle touch at first, tentative yet full of longing.

Feeling the warmth of her kiss, Lord Sesshomaru's stoic facade begins to soften, a flicker of vulnerability dancing in his golden eyes. As Kagome deepens the kiss, he finds himself drawn into the moment, the world around them fading away as their connection intensifies.

Their second kiss lingers, a sweet surrender to their emotions. Typically reserved and aloof, Lord Sesshomaru allows himself to be swept away by the tide of sensation, his lips moving against Kagome in a silent symphony of desire.

When Kagome finally breaks the kiss, her fingers trailing gently through his silvery hair, she feels a sense of contentment wash over her. Closing her eyes, she leans back, the exhaustion of their journey finally catching up to her as she drifts toward sleep.

Lord Sesshomaru watches her with a soft smile, a rare expression of tenderness gracing his features. Carefully extricating himself from their embrace, he tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear.

As Kagome's breathing settled into a gentle rhythm, signifying her descent into a peaceful slumber, Lord Sesshomaru remained for a few moments longer, savoring the air around her. The weight of his affection for her, a sentiment he had long struggled to acknowledge, settled heavily within his heart, causing his usual stoicism to waver.

In that quiet moment, his emotions, usually hidden beneath a mask of indifference, found a voice. His love for Kagome, the mortal shrine maiden who had captured his heart in ways he never thought possible, bloomed within him, tender and vibrant. The strength of his feelings surprised even him, accustomed to solitude and self-reliance.

With a final, lingering glance, Lord Sesshomaru turned away, a soft smile playing on his lips as he returned to his resting place. It was a rare moment of vulnerability for him, an admission of the love he had harbored for so long. The memory of Kagome's sleeping face, serene and peaceful, would stay with him, a cherished solace in the trials ahead.

As he settled into his slumber, Lord Sesshomaru found himself thinking about the future, which he now envisioned for himself and Kagome. The weight of his affection had shifted from a burden he once carried in silence to a source of strength and purpose.