
3. Totally Messed Up


"David, wake up. It's already noon." My mum said gruffly.

"Mum, let me sleep for some more time." I said sleepily.

"No, David. No means no. Get your ass out of that bed, RIGHT NOW!" She said much more gruffly than before.

God, really sometimes she can be the real pain in my ass other than my dad and Gramps. But I love her nonetheless.

"Stop it, mum. you are too loud." I said covering my face with my pillow.

"What the hell, David? Are you really going to be like this? You are a grown man not a kid anymore. Stop being childish." She said throwing the pillow to the far corner of my room.

"Oh, come on, mom. You know I was out on the field practicing for the whole morning. I'm tried to death. Can't take rest for some time, huh? Tell me, can't I?" I said in frustration. She is really getting on my nerves today. She understands everytime, but today, she is acting like a child herself.

I rolled the other side of my bed so, my back was to her. The bed dipped a bit as she sat at the edge of the bed. She was tensed, I can sense it clearly. So, I asked her "Is something bothering you?"

She started with a low and soft voice "Son".

Shit, it's too bad. Because she calls me "Son" only when something bad is on it's way to jerk me down and wound me terribly.

" Mom, say it. What is it, again?" I said sitting straight on my bed and hoping it is just my speculation. But I know it's not.

She continued with worry filled in her voice, "Gramps, he is coming for dinner tonight?"

"What?" "Here?" "Why?" I asked with sarcasm dripping from my voice. I already know the answers to those questions but still I want to hear it from her.

"You know why he is coming. I don't think I need to repeat the reason." She said and looked away.

I know it's not her fault. Not at all. She is doing her best to support me. Even though my dad and gramps are making it hard for her, she is standing beside me like a strong rock.

"It's okay, mum. I understand. I will handle." I said hugging her tightly.

She got out of my embrace and said " I am not finish yet, son."

"What, really, mum? What now?" I said. Every passing second was making me worried.

" Your gramps is not coming alone." She said and looked at me to see my reaction. I gestured her to continue. "He is coming with Eleanor."

"Eleanor! Which Eleanor? Wait! Don't tell me he is coming with Eleanor Griffin." I said with a defeated tone.

"Yes, son. He is." She said being embarrassed. It is just ridiculous. I don't understand why is he so hell bent on constructing my life.

"Mom, he knows that we have broken up, right?" I asked in frustration.

"Obviously, he knows, David. It was the biggest news to him. You know, he almost fainted after knowing." She said in amusement.

"Really! No one told me. But if he knows about us then why this drama again?" I asked because it is really too confusing.

"He thinks, she is a good match for you." I almost got choked to death by hearing her being a good match for me. Really, people are so delusional.

"Mum, let him think whatever he wants. I don't care. But what about Eleanor, why didn't she refuse to come?" I asked feeling disgusting. I was in utter shock all these years just by thinking how easy it was for Eleanor Griffin to dump me. I don't want her anywhere near me.

" Your gramps assured them, that you are going to run the family business after you get your degree just like him and your father. So, she got convinced to marry you." She informed me.

"WHAT THE HELL? IT IS FUCKING RIDICULOUS." I shouted at the top of my lungs.

"DAVID! MANNERS." She shout to calm me down. My mum always knows how to calm me down. She used to do the same when I was a kid.

"Mum, you know it's not right. Am I a product that they are selling to benefit there business? Good Lord, how long do I have to tolerate this?" I said feeling totally defeated.

"I know , baby. But we have to. You can't get defeated now." She said ecouraging me.

Yes, Mum is right. I have to be strong. And I know I can do this. I have to do this, for mum. "Mum, I will be strong and take care of it. So, don't worry at all." I said and hugged her tightly, she hugged me back.

"I love you, mum." It's going to be a long night today, I thought looking out my window.