
4. Disastrous Dinner.


I know my mum is worried sick about me. She was the one to comfort and hold me when I was broken beyond repair. I used to drink day and night to subside the pain. It made me numb. She begged me to stop destroying myself, mentally as well as physically. Days went by, and the pain changed into anger. And that anger, which filled me in and out, made me do things, which I would never have thought to do even in my dreams. That anger changed me into a different person. And all this happened, only because of the one person, on whom I never wanted to set my eyes ever again. And that is Eleanor Griffin. Eleanor, who was the love of my life once. But now, she is nothing but a mistake, a grave mistake of my life. That I still regret of.

My mind was too busy to comprehend what exactly my mum was talking about. But I caught her few words "marry Eleanor this time".

"Wait! Are you asking me to marry her? Mum, she broke me terribly. It was hard for me to forget her. But I did. I forgot about her about the days, I spent with her. And now, she is here to marry me?. I said in utter shock.

"But-" I cut off my mom and continued "Listen, mum. She can't just walk into my life again and tell me to marry her. IT IS JUST RIDICULOUS." It was hard to hide the sarcasm in my voice.

"Baby, I know. But I thought, maybe it's a fate. She is back and she is also read to accept you. Hell! She is ready to marry you. Then, why not? Marry her before she changes her mind. Because I know, how much you loved her." She said sounding desperate.

"Mum, make some sense, please. Don't be desperate. You also know, It's not fate. It is a scheme. And a cruel one. I loved her once but not now. And she is not here because she loves me, she is here because she is being given the assurance that she needed. It is not love, it is business. And you know that better than me." I said correcting her.

"I know, love. But you know, I will support you in whatever you decide and do, right?" She walked out of my room asking it. Probably, going to prepare for the night.

"Yes, Mommy." I said loudly so that she can hear me. A minute later I heard her say loudly " Stop being cheesy". I knew she would say this because she never liked me calling her mommy, she always made me call her mum or mom.

It was not 5 yet. So, I took my time to get ready. First, I cleaned my room and then showered and shaved. I thought of wearing pant and suit for the dinner because I know both my dad and Gramps would be wearing pant and suit as well but I wore my most comfortable clothes, my sweatpant and t-shirt. Because I neither was impressing anyone nor attending any business meeting. I can just be myself. I left my room exactly at 6:30. I found my mum in the kitchen, she was ordering around the servants and giving them the last minute instructions. She was perfect as always. When she was finished with the instructions, She came to me and we both made our way to the living room of our house, where my dad was waiting patiently. As soon as my father saw me, he shot up from his seat and made his way to me in long strides.

"Are you crazy to wear something like this for dinner? Go and wear something decent." My dad said in hushed whisper, as soon as he reached near me.

"Wait! What do you mean? Am I walking around naked in the house? I don't think so. I am wearing something decent itself. And if you call, this decent-" I said gesturing towards his pant and suit. "then sorry to disappoint you because for me those aren't decent but flashy. I am not here to show off my closet to anyone. I am here to have my dinner." I said explaining him like a college professor.

My mum was really trying hard to suppress her smile behind her funny face that she was making. Before my dad can argue any further, my Gramps and Eleanor, both walked into our large living room. I was grateful for the distraction. It had been 5 five years since I have seen her. And here she is wearing a floral dress and has also drapped a shawl around her shoulders to give a classy look to her get up. She was more beautiful now, than I remembered her.

As soon as she reached near me she pounced on me and gave me a tight hug. "I missed you so much, David. I love you." I thought it was my hallucination. Because I knew, she would never say those words. But my mum's expression said something else. And then it clicked to me that she said those in reality and it was not my hallucination. As soon as I realized it, I got out of her embrace and shoved her away from me without hurting her. My action confused her. But she overcame it.

"It's been a long time. But I don't think we are in any relationship to hug and confess, right." I said without hesitation.

"But, David, we were lovers. And I still love you. I know, I made a grave mistake leaving you back then. And I regretted it a lot. I am back and I want you. I want to be with you." She pleaded with me.

I glared at her for good 5 minutes and turned to my mum totally avoiding her pleading. "Mum, I'm hungry. Let's go I'll help you set the table."

"Donna, let me help you too." She said and gave a heart fluttering smile to my mum.

"NO, THANKS. I think you should be her to accompany Chris and James. I think, they need your company the most." My mum said in utter disgust.

" DONNA!-" my mum cut off James before he can say anything further and said turning to me, "Let's go, son".

"Thanks, Mum." I said gratefully.

After the table was set, my mum ordered Mrs. Blake, the most trusted servant of ours, who was helping us to set the table, to usher them all to the dinning hall. She did as she was told. Everyone got seated. And we all started having. The silence was too much. I knew my gramps wanted to speak desperately but he was holding back. It was weird.

"David, I want you to help me and your dad as soon as you finish your college. I think, it's your last year. So, I am hoping to see you around in the company from coming year." He informed me. Obviously, he can never hold back. Finally, the cat was out the bag.

"And-" so it was not the end. God, kill me already. "I want you to get married to Eleanor by the end of the next year." I can't believe my ears of what I was hearing. At the same time I heard a squeal of excitement from the person beside me and she piped up in her sweet voice. "I can't wait to walk the aisle towards you. I have always dreamed of that. Really, I'm so excited." I gasped in awe. And I was utterly speechless. I turned a bit to my left, so that, I can look at her. Really! I can't bring myself to tell her anything. Wow! She is making me feel really disgusting.

"Do you think this is some kind of joke Eleanor?" I asked almost being furious, it is really hard to hold back. "Why would I be joking, love? I have always waited for this day." She said sweetly but it felt like she was spuing venom all over me. The endearment "love" broke all the holds that I had in me and I yelled, literally yelled busting my fist on the dinning table "STOP CALLING ME WITH THOSE ENDEARAMENT. AND STOP FAKING. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" She got scared of the way I was speaking.

"DAVID! HOW DARE YOU RAISE YOUR VOICE?" My gramps said in angry voice. "APOLOGIZE, NOW!" He said sternly. I can't believe it, I just really can't believe it. Even though I was never taught to be disobedient but I disobeyed him for first time.

"Sorry, if I disappoint you, gramps. But I can't apologize to her. ACTUALLY, I WON'T." I said stiffly.

"David, please." My mum said in a low and sorrow filled voice. I thought to do as she wanted me to but I reconsidered it again. Because as I remembered, doing as they want has made them think that I can't oppose. But they are wrong. At least, they are this time. I mouthed sorry to mum because I know it will hurt her but I have no choice. I can't let them lead my life on my behalf and order me. I want to live my life as I want. And I don't want to be ordered around.

I faced the most disappointed person in this room and said stiffly "I don't know why you are so hell bent to destroy my life? I, really, don't know. But enough is enough. Stop pressuring me to take over your business, to marry the girl you want, to stop playing football. Please, stop. I want to play because I'm happy when I play. I'm not interested in business but I'm happy with the idea to help you one day with it. But, not now. Now is the time, where I only want to play, play for my state and play for my nation one day. So, please let me play. I love you, gramps. But, I love football too. I hope you understand. Because it is my life. And I am the one who should lead it and make decisions about it not you, gramps." He was speechless and didn't know what to say. Because it was the first that I had spoke my mind out. And I'm happy to do so because I feel relieved. It feels like the most heavy burden was lifted away from my heart. I didn't give him any time to recover before that I turned to look at Eleanor and I spoke more stiffly than before "And, you, Miss. Eleanor Griffin, let me tell you very clearly I am neither interested in you nor want to marry you. It was over between us when you chose to walk away from me because of my choices. No, Actually, I think, it was over when you fucked someone else behind me. Because I still remember the exact words you told me that day, should I repeat." She tried to stop me from speaking but I spoke before she can "you are fucking boring. You don't know how to arouse a woman. You don't know anything about "sex". You are just fucking shit on bed." "This were your exact words when I tried to convince you not to break up with me. So, stop faking and disturbing me. You are nothing but a piece of shit to me now. So, stop bothering me and my family for fuck's sake and get the hell out of my life." I said and left the dinning hall. It was a disaster and a big one. And I didn't want to be a part of it anymore.

While driving out the gate of our mansion, I called Peter, Peter Ashton my childhood friend. Because I really needed a drink today and I don't like drinking alone. He answered the call on the 5th ring and said "Hello" huskily. Shit, holy shit, because I totally forgot that Rose, Rose Carter, Peter's girlfriend was going to come down to the city today. And the way he sounded, there is no doubt I interrupted their spark of the moment. But I needed him today. So, I cleared my throat and said "Hello, sorry to interrupt man. But do you think you can come for a drink with me? I asked doubting. He sighed and said "I will be there in an hour."

"Thanks, Man. I know it's wrong of me to ask you out for a drink at this time but I need you tonight, please." I said with much pain.

"It's okay. Don't worry yourself. I can tell by your voice you have suffered the great storm." He said with slight chuckle and continued " I will be there in an hour to cheer you up."

I was so grateful to him that I can't even put it in words. I thanked him again and hunged up the phone. I just wanted to forget everything about this night. I wanted to forget the disastrous dinner and fuming arguments. And I also wanted to numb my pain desperately, that only a drink can do.

Donna (David's Mum)....

It was the first time, my son, my David, fought against his gramps for his right. Up untill now, he used to obey him. But today, he surprised me by speaking his mind out. I know his gramps, James, will never change his mind but I will support him and I know Chris will too. Right now, he is wrecking havoc of his wrath on Chris. And I can hear, Chris is trying really hard to defend our son. Eleanor got going after the disastrous scene. I was left alone in the dinning hall, I was able to hear James yelling at Chris.

I went out on the courtyard for some privacy and called peter, David's childhood friend, I know he would be with him. He picked the call on 2nd ring, but I was not able to hear him over the sound. It was too loud, I instantly knew, they were in a pub. He said "Hello" this time I was able to hear him. I think he moved to someplace, where he can speak peacefully.

"Hello, Peter. It's me, Donna." He instantly recognized and said "Hey, Donna. How are you?"

"I'm great. Thanks dear. And how about you and your family?" I asked as a formality.

"All great, Donna." He said with a smile in his voice.

"Peter, can I ask you something? Please." I said desperately. "Of course, why not?" He replied instantly.

"Is David with you? I asked him. He hesitated for a bit but replied "yes, He is. But don't worry, I'll take care of him. Won't let him drink much. And I'll drop him before mid night."

"Thank you so much, Peter. It would be great." I said with gratefulness.

"You don't need to thank me or be grateful towards me, Donna. Because, he is my friend. I will always do what I'm doing today. Because I'm sure he would have done the same for me if I were in his shoes. So, don't worry and go to sleep." He said comforting me.

"Okay, but instead of going home after dropping him, you can stay the night. Because it would be too late to go home. Okay!" I said .

He replied instantly "If it's too late, I will think about the offer." and chuckled.

I hunged up the call after thanking him again. I can't believe both of them have grown up so much. Not only them but Sam Redcliff too, whom I saw growing up with them together. And they all have grown up into handsome and good men. I am really proud of them. I want all three of them to have a happy and glorious life ahead.

Maybe today, it was not a better day for my son. But I hope tommorow will be. A mother can only hope........