
The Waltz of Secrets, Lies, and Betrayals

What happens when you get betrayed by the one person you would take a bullet for? What will you do when you find out the truth? Do you forgive or do you want revenge? In a time when North and South Korea were at cold war, you and your father were caught up in the mix. After your mother's death, a six-year-old you and your dad were moved to the North by the organization that your dad worked for, PSS (Private Security Services), to spy on North Korea. It was only you and your dad in this place and after years and years of waiting, North and South Korea have at last reached a makeshift agreement. Now, you are finally able to return to South Korea, but at what cost?

Random_Writer · 音楽·バンド
8 Chs

A Surprising Night

I was fuming with anger not because he had decided to follow me to PSS, but because of what he did in the alleyway before. I was played with so there's no way I was going to let him be. That jerk.

'Who does he think he is? Does he think he's the only one who can play games? Hmph.'

I tiptoed to his bedroom door and cracked it open just a little and was greeted with a messy and unorganized room. He had different pieces of clothing and lego thrown around everywhere on the floor. I squinted through the darkroom with the help of the light that was coming through his open window, but I didn't see him though.

'Huh? Why is there no light? Also, where did he go? He went into his room though.'

I pushed the door open and stood up straight as I walked into his room confidently. I looked around and couldn't find him. I was about to run to Uncle to tell him that his son had disappeared into thin air, but I heard some noises. I looked around again and saw that his closet door was cracked open just a tiny bit. I tiptoed over to his closet and peaked in.

'Oh shit!'

I backed away as fast as possible but ended up stepping on one of the lego pieces and tripped. As I was about to fall l held onto the closet door's handle and pulled the door open to reveal a very surprised half-naked Kim Taehyung in the middle of changing his clothes.

I quickly closed my eyes and braced myself for the fall on those stupid sharp painful lego pieces, but Taehyung oppa saved me. Again.

'Not again.'

I opened my eyes and saw him smirking at me. I was red again only this time it was even worse. He didn't even have a shirt on and I was caught sneaking around his room and peeping. Can this get any worse?

"Wow, we meet again beautiful. I didn't expect you to be so bold though, coming into a man's room at night like this? You are one naughty girl." Taehyung oppa seemed to love teasing me and what's worse was that I blushed even more.

"Be quiet. No one was peeking around your disgusting room. I came because..."

"Hm, why did you come then?" Taehyung oppa pulled me closer to his chest and I could feel his abs through my shirt. I was holding onto his arms and I could feel them flexing as he held onto my body. I couldn't keep looking at his eyes anymore, they looked very dark now, almost black in the darkroom.

I looked down and away from his piercing stare and I heard him chuckle. I moved my hands away from his arms and softly pushed him away from me as I took a couple of steps back from him. Surprisingly, he let go easily unlike the other time in the alleyway. I was glad otherwise, my whole face would have been set on fire.

"Ahem. Well, I came because I-um-I wanted to tell you that you didn't have to come with me to the job interview. I didn't want to burden you that's all." I quickly came up with a justifiable excuse. I knew exactly what I came for, I wanted to tease him, but it seems like now is not the time.

"You sure about that? You don't sound too confident." His already low voice seemed to become even deeper as he took a step towards me. I looked up at him to disagree, but he took another step towards me. I could clearly see his eyes now and they seemed like endless black holes. I couldn't look away anymore. I was rooted at my spot as he walked right up in front of me.

I mentally shook myself. "Um, Taehyung I think I should go now. Go to sleep we have to wake up early for the interview." I was about to turn around and leave, but his voice stopped me.

"Why would you burden me? I am going there for my own reasons so, rest assured. Also, I know you weren't here only to talk about the job interview."

I looked at him for a second and saw his expression. It was unreadable, but it seemed to look right through me.

'What the hell was he thinking now? Aish, I should leave.'

"I am not obligated to answer any of those questions. If you're worried about me then, don't be I am fine. Also, if you're going to the job interview for your own reasons then that's great. I am glad. I thought you might be forcing yourself to come with me that's all. Anyway, good night Taehyung."

I was at the door when Taehyung oppa replied.

"Fine, don't tell me anything, but I am always here for you. Just warn me before you do something stupid. Also, who said you could call me just "Taehyung"? Are we the same age? I am two years older than you so be respectful you little kid." He warned me. I didn't realize I had only called him by his name.

"Yeah yeah, whatever Taehyung-ssi." I teased him as I left his room. I knew he meant for me to call him oppa like I usually do, but oh well.

"Is she seriously that dense?" I heard him say as I closed the door to Tae oppa's room.

'What does he mean now? Did I do something stupid? Wait, why is my heart beating so fast? Why does Taehyung oppa always pull tricks like this? Why am I the dense one? Doesn't he know he's a flirt? Aish, I don't know anymore!'

I went to my own room and laid down on my bed thinking back to the look in Tae oppa's eyes.

'He actually looked hot there for a second. Never knew he had this side to him. What a player. I bet that's how he gets all his so-called "girlfriends". Whatever, stop thinking of that idiot.'

I tossed over to the other side of my bed and his eyes popped into my head again.

'Oh, my freaking god! Let me sleep in peace! This jerk, always playing around and teasing me. What the hell does he get out of it? Just wait until I get better at fighting if I get to work at PSS, I am so going to crush you!'

While thinking of ways to get back at Tae oppa I ended up falling asleep.

At 6 o'clock in the morning.

"Hm, you kind of look cute while you are sleeping. Not that I am ever going to tell you that directly."

'Who is this? W-wait why is Taehyung in my room right now? Did he just call me cute? Oh wow oppa. Nice going.'

"I heard everything already though," I mumbled through my sleep.


I opened my eyes to see an extremely surprised Kim Taehyung. He also looked cute himself, he was blushing. :)

'Wow, the difference between the realm of day and night.'

"You know you blushing is really cute as well." I smiled at him as he got up from my bedside and turned his back to me.

He purposefully lowered his voice and said, "Breakfast is ready and we have to leave in an hour. The interview or party, whatever you want to call it, starts at 8 in the morning and ends at 8 in the evening. Get dressed." With that, he walked out of my room stiffly.

15 minutes later.

"Good morning Uncle. Morning Tae oppa." I greeted them happily. They looked at me skeptically though.

'What's that look for?'

I sat down awkwardly and ate some toast. Finally, not being able to understand why I was being judged first thing in the morning I asked, "What is wrong with you two men? Do I have something on my face or what?"

Taehyung ended up laughing and Uncle smiled warmly at me and told Tae oppa to be quite.

"Um, Y/N you aren't wearing those clothes to the party right?"

"I-um yes?"

"See I told you this idiot wouldn't have understood anything!"

I glared at Tae oppa. 'Who was he calling an idiot? What was he then?'

Uncle cleared his throat and got up from the table leaving me with an annoying Taehyung who kept on laughing at me. When Uncle came back a few minutes later he had a bag in his hand, which he handed to me.

"What's this Uncle?"

"Open and see if you like it."

I followed what Uncle said and opened the bag to find a beautiful long elegant black dress inside it with a pair of black heels and a red clutch. It was perfect.

"Wow~Uncle this is beautiful. It's exactly something I would pick out!" I looked at Uncle and gave him two thumbs up for his choice, only to find out it wasn't him who had chosen all this.

"I would love to take all the credit, but it was Taehyung who chose all this for you."

'Crap, it was him?'

I looked over at him to see him arrogantly sipping his tea thinking I was going to say thank you to him. Ha-ha, the joke's on him then.

"But still, Uncle you paid for them, right? So that means you were the one who bought them for me. So, thank you once again. I'll go and get ready now! Thank you, Uncle!" I left the table while basically skipping to my room. The day had started off on the right foot.

30 minutes later. 6:50 am.

"Yah, ugly turtle are you even ready? We have to leave in 10 minutes!" I heard Tae oppa yell from the other side of the door. I was already ready. I just felt weird wearing a dress like this, I never had the chance to wear something like this in the North so, it was kind of new to me. I was feeling insecure and then there's Tae oppa who's probably going to make fun of me. So, I was a bit nervous as well.

"Y/N it's okay come on out. I am sure you look just fine my dear." I heard Uncle reassuring me.

'Uncle is so sweet and understanding, but why is his son such as asshole? If Taehyung was only half as good as Uncle I might have actually liked him. Ahhh what am I saying? Who would like that idiot?'

I finally got myself together and opened the door. Right in front of my door was Tae oppa with his fist hovering. He was probably about to bang on my door again.


I looked at Tae oppa in surprise.

'What did he just say? Did he for once not call me ugly?'

I smirked at him.

'Guess it was worth it to put on this dress and try to make myself look presentable.'

Tae oppa suddenly started to clear his throat and backed away from me to stand behind his dad. I saw him peeking at me from behind his dad though.

'Ha, he thought he was slick!'

"Wow Y/N you look amazing! If only your dad could see you now, he would have cried. His daughter turned out so pretty just like her mom." Uncle came up to me and hugged me. I gladly hugged him back as well, I missed appa all of a sudden.

'Don't cry you are going to mess up everything.' I reminded myself before letting go.

"Alright, enough with the drama. Let's go, otherwise, we're going to be late."

Tae oppa walked out leaving me to run after him.

"Yah, Kim Taehyung wait for me id-"

I had run out the main door without looking where I was going only to run right into Taehyung oppa.

He caught me, even though he wasn't expecting me to fly out of the house right behind him. He looked down at me and I looked up at him. I saw him look at my eyes and then at my lips and then back again. Right as he was about to say something to me Uncle came up behind us.

"You guys are going to be late! Hurry up!" He pushed Tae oppa and I down the stairs and away as he yelled after us, "Yah Kim Taehyung take care of Y/N and make sure she doesn't go anywhere she's not supposed to!"

Tae oppa continued to walk straight ahead and only waved his hand to signal that he had heard Uncle.

"Come straight back home okay Y/N? Make sure that idiot comes with you as well!" Uncle said to me.

"Yes~Bye Uncle," I replied and when I looked back to Tae oppa he had already left me. I had to walk fast in order to catch up with him.

'Why in such a hurry Kim Taehyung?! Don't you see I am wearing fucking heels?! Pabo!'

I gave up trying to catch up to him and walked at my own pace wondering if he'll notice. After some time I saw him turn his head a little trying to see if I was still with him, but I ignored him.

"Yah, can't you walk a bit faster?"

"Woah, what a gentleman! Can't you flipping see that I am wearing heels for the first time in my life?" I yelled at him. I mean how inconsiderate can he be? Wasn't he the one who brought my things?

He stopped walking and turned around to face me. I stopped walking as well not sure what he was going to do next. He surprised me by walking back to me and holding out his hand towards me. I looked at him questioningly.

'What does he want now?' I looked at him suspiciously.

"I am not going to eat you, you know. Hold my hand so that you can walk faster. I need to get there on time, unlike you." Taehyung oppa said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him all the way, never once letting go.