

The story follows Noel an aspiring writer, who works for a company to publish her book. Despite being the head writer, she struggles to come up with a plot and ending that satisfies her director, and her story is repeatedly rejected. She seeks advice, but nothing seems to work... On the verge of giving up, Noel later finds herself in her novel amidst a battlefield and discovers a new direction for her story.

Cie_Novel · ファンタジー
6 Chs

CHAPTER   2              A WRITER’S HEART

After almost felt like countless hours of describing, sharing, and unfolding new ideas, she was finally done with her presentation and gave the summary of the project. She starts her presentation well, and her introduction grabbed the listener's attention, so much that they stopped looking at their phones and media in and put their time viewing ad scanning the projector full of proposals she worked hard on… The efforts she puts in are visible. In the end, the whole listener liked it. They weren't just impressed but wanted to offer her to join other companies and collab with them. This struck her so hard and was feeling ecstatic, it was a silver lining just waiting to be grabbed… Before she could ever speak about her willingness, she was cut off by her boss clapping while slowly walking toward her.

"That was wonderful Miss Noel. I knew you can do it. I knew you were the one…The one who'll help us; to rise our company's name!!. And I, Mr. Chu, was grateful to have not fired you all these years hahaha" He laugh so loud that Noels loses a chance to even speak with the other. A lot is going on, but all she can hear was Mr. Chu taking all the credit. With all of the reasons, he could make. Both of them knew that the project was produced and created by her. Yet it feels like she was just an air passing by the room. No one even took a glance at her after getting hyped up by Mr. Chu.

She doesn't understand, What she feels or how should she feel. She froze, standing there, in front of the crowd she used to talk and look through while granting her work. Those crowd who were supposed to look to her, but somehow lost their ways and direct their attention to someone else. She felt cold and numb for a moment as she watched her boss fade and be swallowed by people who adores and praised him when it was supposed to be her drowning with lovely words and feedback. Her co-worker pats her back. She suddenly calmed as she heard his voice "I'm so proud of you bestie…You did well". It made Noel's heart melts. She might fail to get the expectation she wants, but as long as someone like Benjamin is beside her, it is fairly enough to make her smile.

That day, she went home happy but rather broken… Coming up with the conclusion that her boss doesn't deserve attention while all the work and hardship was on her. She felt like they were never treated right, always at the bottom of the company, working for those superiors. "It's not fair" she angrily squinted her eyes as she slowly walks to the train station. Looking out the window, she sees the night sky full of stars. It was cold yet so warm it was her favorite time of the day. Her gaze was holding those shines as if she has someone in her mind… She sat on a bench at a nearby park just minding her own business and having her moment. It seems like a long day, she took a deep breath feeling the cold breeze as it passes by. It's peaceful and quiet but the city light surrounds her everywhere it didn't even feel like she was alone as cars and vehicles drive by the busy street right beside her. Time is ticking and she had to go home. She looks around for a Taxi, but as each car passed, she slowly viewed an image of a man just around the corner of the railing of the bridge, Just ahead of her, she didn't hesitate to run, as it looks like the man was planning to end his life. She lends her arms, trying to go fast to catch up with the anonymous man. Thinking it's not too late to save him. At a close distance, she holds her breath trying to get a grip of the pathetic man. The world seems to take its turn, she didn't mind the cold she just wanted to help…help a stranger out of this sick situation. She speaks to herself about how can people be so ruthless. Finally, she felt his arm and quickly pulled the man away from the edge. With all her strength she shouted like crazy


Still catching her breath with all the running, she got tired and fell to the ground, but the second she lifted her head the man is already looking at her. Though not in a weird way, but rather showed her a soft-tender look. Almost like a puppy who got lost and asking a treat for a long time. He looks like in his mid twenty's or even younger. A while later, Noel assisted him to sit on a bench and brought a drink from a convenience store. She sighed and took another glance at the man finding him handsome. She blushed for a moment, but eventually looked away as she felt like she was being weird. She wanted to ask him so many questions. So many that she can't even start. But she got destructed when she saw his knees bleeding. "Wait right here sir, I'll buy you a bandage"... Although with the silence he's been treating her, Noel never suspected him as she wanted to wait for a moment when the man can freely express himself without pushing him to. Everything was too late to know when Noel came back only to see no one waiting on the spot. "Did he leave me already?" She was upset, not just because he left without a thankyou or an expression of simple gratitude, but because she also didn't get the chance to get the stranger's name. She goes home thinking about yet another heavy event in her mind…

She got off the taxi cub and greeted her parents as soon as she enters the house. All went well and they ate dinner together. Although she went straight ahead to her brother. Giving him a death stare, she hasn't forgotten what he did earlier… She brings her secret weapon… A slipper quickly flew toward Kevin, almost hitting him. This made him scared and hid under the table to seek safety. But besides their chaotic relationship, their parent was delighted to see them together having a normal sibling moment. It turns out to be a fine day after all. She's done with her project, saved someone's life, and not expecting any return. She sleeps peacefully as she prayed for yet another day ahead of her. She realizes how many people got into personal and serious problems that made them do such a harsh decision. While she's there…Laying comfortably on her bed, with soft blankets on and enough pillow to secure her, and someone she can hug every night. "At the end of the day. I'm still blessed"