

The story follows Noel an aspiring writer, who works for a company to publish her book. Despite being the head writer, she struggles to come up with a plot and ending that satisfies her director, and her story is repeatedly rejected. She seeks advice, but nothing seems to work... On the verge of giving up, Noel later finds herself in her novel amidst a battlefield and discovers a new direction for her story.

Cie_Novel · Fantasy
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6 Chs

CHAPTER   1                I  AM  NOEL

How far can your voice go? Is it enough to show your pride? Enough to prove yourself? Is it enough to change someone's heart?

" There are 200 billion stars in our universe, I lift my head to see them every night… I'm such a fool, how can I not notice, that there's one dazzling just right by my side " he finally heard your voice, but how long should he wait for your return, you're secretly shining deep in his eyes yet you left him with words he can never say back…


It feels so real… unbelievable gasp escapes her mouth, her breath slowly starts to relax as she was awoken by the light of the sun. She feels listless as if she got hit by a big sharp rock straight into her chest, down deep into her heart. All of her emotion runs as if there's no tomorrow, all of it in just a dream she can barely remember. It wasn't clear, something unexplainable is blocking her mind to recall. Thus, feeling unmotivated. She was just an ordinary girl, she was an aspiring writer, who developed a large imagination, a big dreamer ever since she was little... At last, she lifts all her weight to get up and brushes her pensive emotions. The sun's rays continues to rest on her room and slowly moves into her face, she started yawning as birds fly free and chirped around at a single branch of a tree next door as if there was someone they can return to. It was peaceful as she took a deep breath and do stretches like a kitten waking up from a long sleep. She stops at the moment as she smells something down the stairs. The sound of bacon and eggs getting ready to serve for her, all she needs is to go down to finally eat her breakfast.

"There you are, How was your sleep Noel" Her mother greeted her with tenderness as she squeezes her daughter's cheeks like she was still a toddler. Noel, still looking tired and restless smiled back at her mother. Her love is irresistible. Her dad started to sneak at the back like a robber robbing a bank, he tiptoed toward the stove, only to steal a piece of bacon,

"Hey! I'm afraid you'll be arrested for stealing, Dad!" He was caught up by a strict responsible young man. He stopped and look straight up, and there he was his son, Noel's younger brother, standing before the three of them. His eyes widen as he faces the piece of bacon his dad is holding. Noel and her mother turn back to see the commission. Oh no! A strong, manly man getting caught by a toddler, what a fearless act! Noel's brother continues to sue their dad for sneaking behind for some bacon… Nevertheless, they continue to sit in their simple dining area, eating and laughing as they talk about life like they're traveling around the past and varied stories. It was such a lovely day for her. Getting up, and being greeted by the world, a delicious meal, and a warm smile from her loved ones. A moment to behold as she ready herself for her work.

She take a final look in the mirror and was held gently. She was shocked for a moment but was feeling joy, as it was her own mother giving her a warm hug at the back. " I know you'll do great," her mother said as she continued to lock Noel with her love. These words left her speechless as she was always on the verge of giving up, not just to herself, but also to her biggest passion. She put on her best and gave her mom the tightest hug. All of this was seen by her younger brother, as he puts on a weird look at the both of them… To his surprise, She responded with her tongue sticking out her face, mocking her younger brother– it indeed made him jealous but he ignored his sister and went walking toward the opposite way, avoiding eye contact and her sister whom he thinks is annoying.

"We're off to go now!" Noel shouted while fixing her shoes. Unaware that she was getting watched by her brother, who wants revenge for what she did earlier. Noel slowly open the gate and held it for as long as she could to wait for her brother to come out. She called his name… then called for the second time, then again. She was double thinking if she should just leave him for good since she'll be late for her work… She waited for what felt like a year, and he finally showed up, he walked passed by her sister with a suspicious look. Almost like he's planning something silly, he continues to smirk and chuckles, fully aware of what he's doing. He walked behind her sister and waved goodbye as he was about to go to school. They went on their separate ways as he still laughs secretly at her sister. This was unexpected, as once Noel arrived she noticed what her brother did to her.

"That brat!! You're dead later Kevin"

She then crumpled a small piece of paper she saw at her back… what a vengeful child, he strikes back by writing, "I'm stinky" on the piece of a sticky note. Noel's co-worker can't stop laughing. From morning gossip that filled with laughter as she walked toward her desk. Good thing, her best friend came to the rescue; smoothly picked up the note behind her. No comments as he knew the reason. He has known Noel for a long time. Both of them are childhood best friends, they're inseparable, unstoppable, and most of all they are the vibes, Benjamin being the life of a party and event.

He gave Noel a pat on the back, reassuring her that everything will be ok… He understands her more than everybody else. "You can do it" This put her heart at ease as she was about to present her project to the higher ranks of the company. An hour has passed and she finally heard her name. She walked down the hallway with confidence. Before entering the room she recalls her motivation, the reason for all of her fights, and the high hopes she puts when making the presentation. She clutches her hand while holding her laptop, words can't explain what she feels at the moment, as the doors open and lights made her lift her head; standing proud as she begins to introduce herself.

" I am Noel…"