
The Vampire Illusion

"I could never find an explanation for what or who I really am ...." " I asked myself about thousand times but I found nothing but one .."A VAMPIRE " .." " I know my obsession has turned my life to a circle of illusions that I can't even pass it or separate between it and reality " " Moving on with my life wasn't easy , but also , I felt relieved somehow .....but they never stop haunting me , those illusions of mine or are they really just nightmares " . " so I had to wait and see , until I found it . ...I'm not a human but also ...not a vampire!? " "Then what am I ?? " Something more and bigger then just a normal vampire or a human being. Our girl name is "jane" . she loved being strong and untouchable , and her life was a series of nightmares and "fake illusions" or at least that's what she call them . she thought that being a human means weakness . and because of growing up on watching and reading only about vampires , she wanted to be as strong and beautiful as THEM , but what will happen if she is already a vampire by roots but more ?? She only needed some time to discover her truly self .

Ranias_Heaven · ファンタジー
5 Chs

The Doubt

The days passed and the autumn holiday was over so it was time for "Jane " and everyone to get back to school .

In the morning "Jane" went to her middle school with her friends . The weather was icy and very cold .

So at the lunch break "Jane" stood with her friends in the middle of the school yard and they begun to chat and talk about their studies , and when they finished they couldn't handle it more because they felt so cold , they were almost freezing , so they asked "Jane" to get back inside their classroom and sit there , but she refused and she told them that the weather isn't that cold to complain about it . Her friends were surprised by her attitude and they told her in a sarcastic way that only vampires are those whom don't feel the cold , so they asked her to let them see her teeth for fun , but just mentioning the word "VAMPIRES " again and talking about that topic that she tried to forget about made her overreact and get mad so she yelled at her friends saying :

_[stop saying the word "VAMPIRES " when you are with me and don't compare me with them ].

Her friends were surprised by her reaction and attitude so one of them called Loren said :

_[ what is wrong with you JANE ? You are acting all weird since we got back from the Autumn holiday !! I mean you are not yourself anymore ] .

And then her other friend sandra said :

_[ That's right , you used to enjoy that topic about VAMPIRES and you were the one to brag about them all the time ] .

And once Jane realized herself she apologized saying :

_[ oh my god ! I'm really sorry you guys , I just overreacted a bit ].

So her other friend kamy asked :

_[ But what happened to you in the holidays?! I mean ....you always say you wanna be one of them or marry a vampire and go to their world . So ...what's this sudden change in your actions ?? ].

Jane sighed and said :

_[ it's just I gave up on these stupid dreams and illusions that I made myself believe in and I wanted to move on with my life as any other normal girl ...who lives in a normal world ] , and she smiled heavily at the end .

Her friend Sandra realized the sadness in her eyes so to let her friend cheer up she said sarcastically :

_[ ohoh...look who's talking about moving on ....then I guess you should start with having a real human boyfriend since you gave up on your charming vampire boyfriend ] , and she gave her that evil smile .

Jane rolled her eyes out of boredom and said :

_[ Never ...Never ever , I'm still a kid ] .

Then Loren said :

_[ then you should be at the kindergarten not here in this school ]

And they all started laughing except for Jane who was mad like a real baby at because her friends are making fun of her instead of confronting her , so she said while smiling evilly :

_[ then you wanna see what this kid can do ?! ...] .

And her friend Kamy said while pushing her cheeks in a cute way :

_[ well , I don't think this cute kid is capable of anything that's evil ].

Jane pushed away Kamy's hands and said :

_[But cute kids bite too ].

And she started running after them under everybody's eyes .

And then the school's Bell rang announcing the end of the lunch break and the classes are about to begin . So Sandra stopped running and stopped Jane by putting her arms around her shoulder and said :

_You will always stay our little vampire ...like it or not ] .

And then Kamy said while pushing her cheeks :

_[ plus you can't hide your cute little fangs forever little vampire ] .

Jane pushed both of their hands and said with light anger :

_[ what did I just said ??].

Loren could see that Jane is still annoyed , whenever they mention VAMPIRES so she said tryna calm the weather :

_[ you guys should understand that she really meant what she said about wanting to move on with her life away from that world and vampires ....so we should respect that and support her ] .

She walked closer to Jane and continued while crossing her arm with hers saying :

_[ c'mon , we'll be late for class ] .

And they walked to the class in silence.


The school finished and "Jane" went to her home .

And once she arrived she told her mother that she'll rest a little and she will come to help her in peeling the garlic .

Minutes after ,she changed her school clothes and wore what she usually wear at home , a blue T-shirt and a baby pink short , and she went to peel the garlic with her mother .

In the beginning , "Jane" didn't feel the burn at the level of her skin , but after peeling the garlic in deep for longer ....her skin became swollen and burned and she felt a great pain , so she went to the bathroom to wash her hands with water and soap but it didn't want to stop burning so her mom massaged her hand with olive oil since it helps calm the burn , but even that didn't help her stop the pain , so she was left with no choice but to sleep and perhaps forget the pain .