
The Vampire Illusion

"I could never find an explanation for what or who I really am ...." " I asked myself about thousand times but I found nothing but one .."A VAMPIRE " .." " I know my obsession has turned my life to a circle of illusions that I can't even pass it or separate between it and reality " " Moving on with my life wasn't easy , but also , I felt relieved somehow .....but they never stop haunting me , those illusions of mine or are they really just nightmares " . " so I had to wait and see , until I found it . ...I'm not a human but also ...not a vampire!? " "Then what am I ?? " Something more and bigger then just a normal vampire or a human being. Our girl name is "jane" . she loved being strong and untouchable , and her life was a series of nightmares and "fake illusions" or at least that's what she call them . she thought that being a human means weakness . and because of growing up on watching and reading only about vampires , she wanted to be as strong and beautiful as THEM , but what will happen if she is already a vampire by roots but more ?? She only needed some time to discover her truly self .

Ranias_Heaven · Fantasy
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5 Chs

the strange nightmare

While "Jane" was in her deep sleeping she met  a man in her dream ,  wearing a long black robe,  and he had fangs and white skin walking closer to her while handing her a bracelet , and once she was gonna catch it she woke up . not to lie she felt a little scared and even had goosebumps in her whole body from the scene of him getting closer to her .

But she thought it was just a nightmare .

She felt a little thirsty at the middle of night so she decided to get down the stairs and get herself a glass of water to drink , so she went to the kitchen and drank almost a whole bottle of water without even stopping for a bit to breath , and after she was done she returned to her room immediately and  lay down on her bed while putting her head on the pillow and  closed her eyes,..... moments later,  she began to hear whispers telling her:

_ "jaaaaane.... jaaaane

...jaaaaaaane..... " .

"Jane"  was so scared at the moment that she couldn't even move her body afraid of what she'll see  , she kept on praying that it's just another illusion.

Now minutes have passed and the whispers still didn't stop , so she gathered some courage and opened her eyes , and once she opened them the whispers disappeared... at first she saw nothing but her room  so she stood up and turned her head around left right looking for anything or anyone suspicious , but there was nothing , but once she turned to see behind her she saw the same man from her nightmare standing so close in front of her. Her eyes widened but she didn't cry and she didn't do anything,   she came back and lay down on her bed again as if she saw nothing , she hide her head under the pillow not to see or listen to anything and then the man began to speak with "jane" trough her mind,  saying to her: _[ Jaaaaaaaane........you are one of us..... Jaaaaaaane... suck them all ] . "Jane" answered him with a quite voice :

_[ no i won't , they are my family , and you are nothing but an illusion my mind made ] .

and she closed her eyes and her ears and prayed to lord that she will sleep now and let the morning comes as soon as possible .


Sun rises announcing the beginning of a new day , which mean it's finally morning ,  and "Jane" woke up still surprised from the strange nightmare that she had yesterday and which seemed so real for her , she felt as if it was a calling  for her to know the truth about her true self , her real nature and to find and follow the roots of her origins. 

She brought her diary quickly and wrote in it all what happened with her yesterday.  Then she went to the school as usual and that nightmare still engraved in her head .

  She sat leaning against a tree in the courtyard of her school and she started reading what she wrote in her diary about that nightmare trying to explain What really  happened,  and suddenly she heard a voice that belongs to a  girl whispering :

_  [Jaaaaaane... Is it still uncleaaaaar ?!.....you are one of uuuuuus...... you didn't understand yeeeeeet??...... once your age  becomes 18..... you will discover what isn't clear to you nooooow... ]. Then she threw her a collar and continued talking :

_ [ Take this collar and  wear it until you turn  18 years old ].

and the voice disappeared right after that leaving Jane in a great confusion and mess in her mind .

Since that day,  "Jane" remembers the words that she heard from that girl it  has remained cemented in her mind,  and she hasn't been able to forget it.