
The value of a hero

This is a story about Doryoku Suzuki, a kid whose powerful and uncontrollable quirk gave him many problems throughout his life, and who unlike everyone else, his only dream and goal is to help his mother instead of being a hero. —The story mostly takes place at the same time as when Aizawa was studying at the U.A. —Bnha and the image on the cover don't belong to me obviously. —Any advice to improve the writing is welcome.

Grim_Jester · アニメ·コミックス
62 Chs


After a few minutes to verify that all the innocents were rescued and that all the students were together, High command made them stand in front of him to give the results of this hero practice.

"It is true that I managed to cause a lot of destruction, but that does not matter is the government's problem! You did it great!!" High command said giving a thumb up enthusiastically as if the whole battle from before hadn't happened.

Doryoku and Oboro had the same blank expression on their faces, it was disappointing to see that he wasn't even tired after all the effort.

"By the way I'll give you extra points because I didn't even notice you helping the innocents, just like I taught you!" High command said making all the students in the hero class nod, except for Doryoku who seemed quite confused.

"You are new to this boy but I have a motto, 'A true hero doing a perfect job, is the one who does not even appear on cameras', if nobody knows that there was even a problem, it is a triumph!!" High command said in an explanatory tone and proud at his words.

Doryoku was able to quickly understand the vision of High command, very true words that he never expected to hear from someone like him.

"You are all approved with maximum marks and can withdraw!! Except for the two who restrained me, I have to speak with them personally" said High command with an excited smile, causing Doryoku and Oboro to gulp nervously.

The rest of the students went to the locker room to change their clothes, although some were curious to know what they were going to talk about, but it was not a good idea to disobey High command, leaving Oboro and Doryoku alone.

Oboro sneakily hid behind Doryoku, something that Doryoku understood as it was logical considering his quirk, but still he felt offended knowing that Oboro wouldn't think about it so quickly.

"You guys!!" High command said making both of them jump a little in fright.

"You did a great job!! Especially you the cloud talent, you only got one hit !!" High command said with satisfaction pointing at Oboro.

"Although I have to admit that you, the absorbing talent, are a real nuisance to anyone! Good grief what a tank!!" High command said with acknowledgment and targeting Doryoku specifically this time.

At High command's words they both relaxed a bit, although they still seemed to be alert.

"You have a 100 cloud talent, you are not very thinking and it shows, but you know when to fight in addition to all your weaknesses and that already makes you a great hero for yourself!!" High command said with considerable satisfaction as Oboro grinned widely and puffed out his chest with pride.

"And you absorbing talent, you lost control and you had a lot of mistakes in combat, but you understood everything at chilling speed and you always took care of your mistakes without fail, you definitely deserve to be in the hero class!" High command said in a warning tone and more serious, but still quite satisfied with Doryoku's performance.

"Don't worry, that's what these tests are for, it will be a pleasure to take you to the peak of your talent, the rest will depend only on you!!" High command said cheering him on with great emotion making Doryoku nod with a slight smile and determination.

"Regarding qualification I will be generous and give you a 99, after all you had me on the ropes many times and made very good plans!" High command said making Doryoku feel an arrow piercing his heart and lose all his spirits while Oboro patted him on the back.

"You can go cloud talent, I still have things to talk with absorbing talent!" High command said making Oboro nod and walk away towards the locker room.

When Oboro was far enough away and only Doryoku and High command remained, the latter took a more serious expression and said...

"Boy, those losses of control of yours are a serious problem, although from what I saw from the sports festival you have improved a lot, they still mean a great danger" said High command with a serious tone while Doryoku nodded understanding the serious problem that this was.

"I already said it before, that ability is very useful, people like you tend to think too much and that makes them weak and even predictable in combat, something that is only solved with a lot of experience and training" said High command with an explanatory tone while Doryoku was paying attention.

"I'm not telling you to use it as an animal, I'm telling you never forget that feeling, that instinct, because a skill like that will be very useful to you one day I assure you" said High command ending with his explanation.

Doryoku understood what High command was referring to, that ability made him able to maintain a solo combat with him for a long time despite everything, but for now, the best way to gain control was to continue on the path he was leading, learning more about himself.

"Well that's not why I stopped you, I got very serious!!" High command said going back to his excited attitude while Doryoku looked quite confused.

"I couldn't help but hear the story of your tie and your name boy! It really touched me quite a bit!" High command said releasing masculine tears as Doryoku smiled nervously.

High command delicately took his purple beret and showed it in front of Doryoku and then said.

"My little sister gave it to me a long time ago, and it also has a little story behind it" said High command in an explanatory tone as Doryoku listened curiously.

"Boy, talent is something we don't choose, for example I always wanted to be a great mechanic!But I'm not smart enough and my body is too destructive and big" said High command making a gesture that seemed to represent how difficult it was for him to take a tool with his giant fingers.

"It was difficult actually, that's why I became a hero, that's where my talent was, and in the times I lived in it was the perfect job to always keep my family safe" said High command with a lot of pride and a slight smile remembering his family.

"My little sister gave me this beret to encourage me in my hero work, made with her own hands at 13 years old! And now she is a great designer known worldwide!" High command said who seemed quite proud and happy for his sister.

"Anyway, the day she gave it to me, I understood with my monkey brain several things about talent!" High command said getting more and more excited by his story as he pointed his finger to his head.

"Boy, talent is never wrong, I would not have become a great hero without it, I would not have met my best friends and of course there would never have been this little beret that symbolizes my sister's love, so, listen your talent!! You will never regret it because it will never take you to a place where you don't belong!" High command said putting on his beret again and with a big excited and confident smile.

"You have a great talent to be a hero boy, you have only been a month and you are already one of the greatest talents I have seen, I am sure that this path will make you find everything you are looking for!" High command said with great confidence making Doryoku look quite inspired by his words.

"Now go talent, don't give up and always remember who's with you, that's the most important thing" said High command with a wide smile, making a slight gesture with his beret as a sign of farewell while Doryoku took his tie lightly.

"Thank you very much command-sensei!" Doryoku said quite grateful and with great respect for his master.

"I had to make a good first impression!!" said High command quite enthusiastic as always.

And with this ends the High command test, a rather peculiar test.



After school, Doryoku and Oboro went home after saying goodbye to their friends until the next day.

"It was a great day bro! You did it great, I'm sure you won't have any problems as a hero!" Oboro said with his typical enthusiastic and smiling demeanor.

"Yes, although I have many things to learn, but I just need patience to improve I suppose, in addition to continuing to practice Aikido" said Doryoku a little worried but quickly understanding his reflex problem.

"Well you know? It will always be a pleasure to beat you up in a friendly match" said Oboro as he pointed to himself with pride.

"Thank you I suppose, although it will have to be another day, I want to sleep" Doryoku said with a nervous smile and with enough mental and physical fatigue.

"Yeah, my existence hurts right now" said Oboro with what seemed to be mental exhaustion.

"That's the strangest way of saying you're tired but you don't know why" Doryoku said, smiling slightly at Oboro's strange words.

"Oh that's right! I have to buy some things Okā-san commissioned me, can you help me?" Oboro said suddenly remembering his mother's request in the morning.

"I guess I have nothing better to do, besides I think we ran out of chicken at home, and life without chicken is meaningless" said Doryoku with a shrug and with a lot more inspiration than necessary.

"Great let's go!" Oboro said quite energetically as he led the way to the supermarket.

It was a relatively short walk to the supermarket, and when they got there they parted ways to quickly find what they needed.

After looking for some vegetables that his mother ordered him, in addition to some spices, Oboro walked to the box to meet Doryoku.

He had a small bag of chicken in his right hand and a basket with an insane amount of candies in the other, something that instantly attracted Oboro's curiosity.

"I didn't know you were on your way to diabetes" said Oboro quite surprised to see Doryoku's colorful shopping.

"Okā-chan said that if I didn't buy me something she would give me the 'talk' about puberty, I know what it means and I honestly prefer diabetes" said Doryoku with an explanatory tone and having a chill like Oboro for how uncomfortable than that talk could be.

The line moved quite slowly actually, and when they arrived in front of the box they both saw a young man in his 20s with an expression of utter exhaustion on his face.

"Welcome, please, put, your, food, on, the, conveyor, belt, so, I, can, calculate, the, payment," said the teenager with a rather obnoxious and slow attitude.

Doryoku was not sure if the young adult in front of him was like that because he was an idiot or because he had reasons for it, but he was very sure of something and that was, it was surely very annoying to read what he said in writing.

Anyway, after a VERY slow customer service, Doryoku and Oboro left the supermarket and quietly walked home.

"Here you go by the way" Doryoku said looking for something in his bag and throwing a bar of white chocolate at Oboro.

"Thanks a lot bro!" Oboro said opening the chocolate bar quite happily and taking a bite.

Doryoku on his side also took a bar of bitter chocolate and bit it little by little while they both continued on their way.

"How can you eat that thing? The last time I tasted it it tasted horrible" said Oboro with a chill and a bad taste in his mouth when he remembered the bitter taste of that chocolate.

"And you say so? That piece of sugar you eat shouldn't even be called chocolate, so I read the white chocolate doesn't have pure cocoa, so you're just eating an unidentified white thing" said Doryoku also having a shiver at the remember of the terrible sweet and cloying taste of that chocolate.

"This is a chocolate and it's the best! And whoever says otherwise will have to pass me by, and probably a bunch of weirdos I gather on twitter!" Oboro said raising his arm in a sign of war to defend the white chocolate.

"I wish what you're saying was an exaggeration" Doryoku said shaking his head at the thought of that possible group of weird people.

And after waiting for his mother at home like every day, Doryoku's first day as a hero finally ended.