

THE UNFATHOMABLE LOVE The love at distance can be torturous, as you always desire closeness to your beloved .But closeness and distance are not only physical definitions of space but also how we understand our heart . So while physical distance between us may be great ,that space may always be small within the heart holding close to the ones we love and trusting in that steadfastness can calm our heart and soothe our minds no matter how far the physical distance between us. While loving another from far away may be difficult ,faith in our love may keep us strong Prologue: The atmosphere was a pleasant one,the chirping birds,the fiery sunset which was giving a beautifull view of nature. The sound of kids laughter which was slowly getting reduce with their way towards their home. The only sound left was of the tides in the water!! Yes it was a beach . But there was still a soul waiting for someone . This displeased, disheartened man is still sitting near the beach without any care of Time, Family, Friends. Ofcourse why would he care about anyone else apart from her . But this devastated person is longing for his soothing, HIS love, HIS life who is no more with him. SHE LEFT HIM!! She left him alone in this world. Even though he had family & friends to accompany him all the time, to cheer him up, to reduce his pain .But no one can remove HER memories from his heart,no one can replace HER. Neither can bring her back . People tell him to admit the fact that "SHE IS NO MORE- SHE IS DEAD". But he will never beleive it,infact he never believed it even for once because he knew somewhere in his heart that SHE IS ALIVE. SHE WILL NEVER BREAK HER PROMISE OF LEAVING HIM ALONE. . . Somewhere near a greenery filled nature a women is playing Hide & Seek with Her Love, Her Life..And a beautifull moment to cherish when a lady is running in every possible direction to find her very naughty, cute, loving & Innocent 3yr old kid from past 10 minutes . And this time she got hold of him ,to which a cute replay came "MUMMA" & the atmosphere filled with mother -son laughters.. . . As i think about the distance ,i start to crave your brilliance .i dream to see you for an instant .without you i question my existence.. _________________________________ ~The Unfathomable Love ~ The story revolves around two people who are madly in love with each other but got separated due to some reasons.. What was the reason?? Whydid they get separate?? How will they reunite?? This story is a fusion of two golden Era's.. This is a combination of both ancient and modern era where the main leads are living in different environments that are very opposite of other.. I hope my readers will imagine this story as per my imagination..

Candycuteboss · テレビ
13 Chs

Chapter 6

Person:- jalal, Abdul,Abrar  you people here?

Jalal:- Assalamu alaikum. Ahmed Uncle..

Ahmed(jalal's uncle ):- Walaikumasalam.. How are you?

Jalal:- Alhamdulillah.. Allah's mercy .

Abdul:- You here?

Ahmed:- yes , I came here for work purpose , what about you?

Abdul explains everything about their journey from Patna to here

Abrar:- If someone would have stay awake then this would have never happen

While jalal gave angry glare to both Abrar and Abdul to not start their fight again..

Jalal:- If you can help us find a place to stay at night  , we will be very grateful to you.

Ahmed:- ohh that's it?? it's very easy to do ! I have a very good friend of mine living here . His name is  RAJ MALHOTRA. His family is very humble and kind. He won't mind letting you people stay at his house. His kids are little naughty so keep your guards up😉

Abrar:- Ok then , we will stay at Mr. Malhotra's house tonight and leave by morning

Ahmed:- why to leave early? Since you are already in Malaysia then have a tour of this place , stay for somedays and then leave

Jalal:- No . Actually I left all my responsibilities on Maan & surya .. I should be there soon.

Abdul:- Why do you keep chanting Agra Agra ? Surya Aur Maan will handle things there till we come.(with excitment). Since we are already in  Malaysia then let's take a tour and enjoy this place !!

And both Abrar and Abdul make innocent faces to convince jalal..

Jalal:-ok but don't call me with my real name..call me Akbar.. before you question let me tell you I want to enjoy here being a commoner.

Abdul:- As if everyone knows you here hehe..(and both Abdul and Abrar laugh, Ahmed interrupt to avoid their quarrel)

Ahmed:-But you need a makeover..I mean dress like citizens here , anyhow my driver will be arriving an hour late so why not we do some shopping?

And with this they all proceed towards shopping mall.


Jalal:- what type of place is this?

Ahmed:- It's similar to that of your agra's market , just little changes .

Abdul:- Oh my my ! Restaurants are also there😍(then he notice jalal and Abrar's KILL U look) and said I mean to say clothes shops are also here😅?

Ahmed while laughing:- yes , it's all in one .come lets go inside that shop .

In Mall trio notice girls wearing shots and kept their hands on their eyes.

Abrar:- Hawww.. Didn't they look into mirror after wearing wrong clothes 🙈

Abdul:- Haan Abrar , they are freely walking as if it's their own house.

Ahmed:-This is the type of dressing people do here , there is nothing wrong in that  .while trying to remove their hands from their eyes.

Jalal:- What??? (So loudly that his voice echoed in mall and everyone looks at them)

Ahmed embarrassed:- son , clothes are clothes , and. (It's no use to explain them 😅) ..leave that topic and let's just focus on our shopping

And they went to men's section but jalal, Abdul,Abrar didn't understand anything..

Jalal to counter boy:-Excuse me , where can I find jama,kurta ?

Counter boy;- No Indian clothes sir.

Ahmed:- Jalal you won't find that here.. come on I'll help you select clothes.

And Ahmed selects few jeans and shirts for them and sends them to trail room ,till that time he purchase few more for them and also calls raj his friend to inform about their stay ..while Abrar was feeling difficult to wear jeans,Abdul was not able to understand which is correct way to wear shirt and jalal was still gazing it ,when they heard Ahmed's voice and somehow managed to wear them and came..All three of were looking cute, innocent and handsome..even complimented each other n were liking it ..

Ahmed:- shall we go ??

Trio together:- yes.