

THE UNFATHOMABLE LOVE The love at distance can be torturous, as you always desire closeness to your beloved .But closeness and distance are not only physical definitions of space but also how we understand our heart . So while physical distance between us may be great ,that space may always be small within the heart holding close to the ones we love and trusting in that steadfastness can calm our heart and soothe our minds no matter how far the physical distance between us. While loving another from far away may be difficult ,faith in our love may keep us strong Prologue: The atmosphere was a pleasant one,the chirping birds,the fiery sunset which was giving a beautifull view of nature. The sound of kids laughter which was slowly getting reduce with their way towards their home. The only sound left was of the tides in the water!! Yes it was a beach . But there was still a soul waiting for someone . This displeased, disheartened man is still sitting near the beach without any care of Time, Family, Friends. Ofcourse why would he care about anyone else apart from her . But this devastated person is longing for his soothing, HIS love, HIS life who is no more with him. SHE LEFT HIM!! She left him alone in this world. Even though he had family & friends to accompany him all the time, to cheer him up, to reduce his pain .But no one can remove HER memories from his heart,no one can replace HER. Neither can bring her back . People tell him to admit the fact that "SHE IS NO MORE- SHE IS DEAD". But he will never beleive it,infact he never believed it even for once because he knew somewhere in his heart that SHE IS ALIVE. SHE WILL NEVER BREAK HER PROMISE OF LEAVING HIM ALONE. . . Somewhere near a greenery filled nature a women is playing Hide & Seek with Her Love, Her Life..And a beautifull moment to cherish when a lady is running in every possible direction to find her very naughty, cute, loving & Innocent 3yr old kid from past 10 minutes . And this time she got hold of him ,to which a cute replay came "MUMMA" & the atmosphere filled with mother -son laughters.. . . As i think about the distance ,i start to crave your brilliance .i dream to see you for an instant .without you i question my existence.. _________________________________ ~The Unfathomable Love ~ The story revolves around two people who are madly in love with each other but got separated due to some reasons.. What was the reason?? Whydid they get separate?? How will they reunite?? This story is a fusion of two golden Era's.. This is a combination of both ancient and modern era where the main leads are living in different environments that are very opposite of other.. I hope my readers will imagine this story as per my imagination..

Candycuteboss · TV
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13 Chs

Chapter 5

After few hour's .Abdul felt something twitching him on his nose and large weight on his neck.with  this irritation he slowly opened his eyes just to get scared with a feet on his neck and a toe near his nose.!! He could see only a feet .he pushed the feet and got up from his place and saw a horrible view ..Their chariot was at beach side collided with a coconut tree. And the surrounding was unfamiliar.and he looked for Abrar .

There he was a lazy bump sleeping peaceful with his mouth half open, one leg on couch and other leg outside the chariot, his body was lying in a zig zag way as if an octopus has spread his hands and legs, his one hand was clutching banana which was half eaten and his other hand on horse tail YUCK.!! Then Abdul look for the great  jalal who had insisted to ride the chariot and as always he was holding a pair of anklet in his hand and other hand holding rope of horse and is sleeping like a lost child.. Abdul felt pity for his friend.. And the angry Abdul woke Abrar from his danger sleep who too is shocked seeing their destination..

Abdul:- This is all because of you idiot. It was your duty to stay awake then why did you sleep??

Abrar:- Even you were sleeping huhh.!

Abdul:- that's because it was  my chance to sleep.!

Abrar:- No , it was my chance to sleep.

Abdul:- Mine

Abrar:- Mine

Abdul: - It's all your fault

Abrar:- No , it's your fault.

Abdul:- Yours 

And the argument goes on till they heard "JUST BE QUITE"..!! and they moved their eyes towards source of voice. 

Jalal with sleepy eyes:- what happen? Why are you guys arguing?

Abdul and Abrar in unison:- CONGRATULATIONS!!🎉 YOU CREATED A RECORD. ! 👏🏻👏🏻

Jalal:- I don't understand??

Abdul and Abrar: - means congratulations for getting lost for 100th time and making us reach a clueless place😏😑 ..

seeing surrounding he understood what he did and gives a guilty smile  but this is not India neither Bangladesh.

Jalal:- By the way where are we?

Abdul:- Why are you asking us? You are the one who bought us here.

Abrar:- yes.! It's because you again dreamt of your jodha while riding and bought us here.

Suddenly Abrar realized that he took jodha's name and saddened his friend. He cursed himself for taking her name ..

Abrar:- I didn't mean that .. actually. i .. ja.

Jalal:- Come let's ask someone about this place

And went away without waiting for their response.

Abdul:-What was the need for you to take Jodhaa name.?

Abrar:- it just happened by mistake, but it's all your fault. You should have not allowed him to ride..

Abdul:- ohh , then why were you quite when he was deciding to ride??

Abrae:- that's because...

Abdul:- because because??

Jalal who notice Abdul and Abrar are not behind

Jalal:- are you guys joining or should I leave alone?

Abdul:- yes we are coming..

Abrar:- congratulations for letting Jalal ride us to unknown place for 100 th time

Abdul:- And congratulations for dreaming of Jodha while riding for 100th time.!

Abrar:- And congratulations for reach a new place for 100th time.

jalal again:- coming or not??

With this Abdul and Abrar run towards jalal.. after a lot of walking they found a city 

jalal to a passerby:- Excuse me please, will you tell us name of this place??

person in different language:- I don't understand what you are saying??

Jalal to himself:- which language is it?

Abdul with actions:- what place is this?

Person:- place name??

Abrar:- yes.(Abrar knows little about other languages as he reads books)

Person:- its Kuala Lumpur! ( & Leaves )

Abrar:- kaula Lumpur.?what place is this?

Jalal:- kuala Lumpur ..It's in Malaysia.

Abdul:- It means we are in Malaysia 😥

Jalal while digesting the fact that they came totally opposite side from India:- This place is totally 3,091km away from india...

Abdul:- it's going to be evening..where will we stay in night.?

Jalal:- Let's do one thing, we will stay at someone's place and leave for our destination in morning

Abrar:- This will be ok .. since I am tired after a long journey and need some food + sleep

Abdul:- yes yes .. If someone would have been awake then we would have reach home by now  (taunting  Abrar)

Abrar:- Really.! If someone else also be awake then we would have been at home by now!(to Abdul).

Jalal with irritation :- Will you guys stop fighting.?

Their convo came to halt with voice of someone