
CHAPTER 11 Meet Benita Jamieson

My name is Benita Jamieson...and my father can buy the whole of this shopping mall she announced ...

I just keep staring at her ...I could see she was getting uncomfortable...another rich spoilt kid to deal with ah ...

She started to walk toward me and my assistant wanted to stop her, but I waved him off.

We started at each for about 10 minutes, then she smiled and brought out her hand ...

That was rude of me, let me start again she said smiling with her hand stretched out toward me for a handshake ..Hello, I am Benita...

I ignored her hand, and answered hello Benita, I am Trisha..the manager of the store. She obviously was trying to sweet talk her way out of this ...and I am not going to allow her.

She wants to play adult game..well well she came to the wrong person.

Afetr about another 10 minutes, and she realised I was not about to play with her....she signed dramatically, okay...I am going to apologise, I am so sorry I didn't mean to steal anything...

You mean you didn't mean to get caught...I replied looking at her ...what is she doing here unsupervised..where are her parents I wondered? I turned to the the security supervisor who was glaring at her, what happened I asked him.

He explained that this was the third time he has caught her stealing, that she puts the things inside her backpack and always tries to sneak out with them ...

He left her twice after alot of begging and him warning her but this time he felt we should inform her parents and even report her if need be...

Report her...hmm she is just a child ..I thought.

what did she steal? I asked him...

I didn't steal, I wanted to....I turned and gave her the look 😠...she immediately kept quiet.

The security supervisor continued, she took some cookies, a computer game console and some girly bangles...

I turned to her, why I asked ? Looking at her I knew she didn't need those things ....her branded tshirt and sneakers have more than covered the price for those things.

She just looked down, not saying anything ....playing with her fingers.

I told the supervisor to go bring the things she stole...I asked her sit down. My assistant was staring at me, like what are you doing ...

Where are your parents? I asked

My dad is in the office, she asnwered ...I waited for information about her mother when she didn't say more I wondered if her parents were divorced.

Why are you here alone? she turned back and looked at my assistant as if saying she doesn't want to talk with him there.

I beckon to my assistant to leave us ...

After he left, she continued playing with her fingers and looking around my office..I am like who will leave a child this young to be running around...what is happening in this world.

I ignored her since she didn't want to talk, I continued with my work...I suddenly felt a little body close to me..when I looked up we almost hit our heads together...what..

Sorry she said I wanted to see what you were doing ...

I was like "_"...

I ran away from home she said suddenly...I was bore and daddy wouldn't be back till late so I thought to have a little fun ...

You call this little fun, I asked her ...she is definitely a spoilt brat this one...

She just shrouded her shoulders...like,it is to me.

Please don't tell my daddy, he will be very very angry..his face will be so red she said giggling

This is not a joke young lady I said sternly...go sit down.

She sat obediently looking at me with puppy eyes ...

My assistant knocked and walked in with our security supervisor, they brought in all the things Benita stole.or took...oh whatever

I gestured for him to give it to her ...he was surprised...

She hesitated in taking them, I don't really need them ..

The security supervisor got more angry..You ..

Give them to her ..and leave us I said I will handle it fro here, thank you. He left my office reluctantly.

What's your house phone number? I asked her ...or your daddy's number.

No please, you can call the house my nanny will come pick me up, she called out a number and Joe started calling it immediately.

Someone picked up, and Joe introduced himself and told them that Benita was with us, the person on the line was very anxious...I could hear his voice.

Joe assured him Benita was alright and they should come pick her up. After he concluded the call, I told him to go wait for the person coming for her and he left.

Are you not going to shout at me, press charges, tell me what a spoilt girl I am, Benita asked

I looked up from my work at her...since you know you are a spoilt brat you don't need me telling you again.

I like you she suddenly said...

And I don't like spoilt brats who just likes to look for trouble, and think of only themselves. You know that your nanny will be in a alot of trouble...

And my bodyguards, and our housekeeper ...she added ...using her hand to slap her forehead..

Very adult like I noticed, seems like this child spends alot of time with adults.

Oh you have bodyguards? ...right the spolit rich kid I said rolling my eyes.

She laughs, said again I am really sorry...please don't tell my daddy. I will behave, I promise..

I am going to hold you to that promise, you look like a smart and intelligent girl. I looked at her in the eyes and warned, I am going to have to tell your dad so you will be reprimanded and corrected since this is not your first time.

She looked down, looking like she was going to cry...really I wondered she is no more playing big girl...

I suddenly felt for her, probably her parents are very busy and they don't have time for her.

Come I said gently...she turned around and came over to me...

Why did you take those things, I asked because I know you don't need them.

I was just playing around ...she answered looking down

look at me ..I told her. She raised her head and looked at me ...shop lifting is no joke. Its stealing and you could get into alot of trouble.

I gave her a well deserved lecture ...and called the security supervisor on the phone, she apologised to him for been rude.

After some time,, she suddenly asked can I eat the cookies I am hungry.

I laughed, of course they are yours after all...

No, I must pay for them ..she brought out some money from her backpack....

Don't bother , they are a gift from me to you ...

But I don't need the computer console...I already have two at home ...as for the bangles...

keep those, leave the computer console immediately said .

My assistant brought her a juice, and she started eating and jumping around in my office. ..

She stood in front of me again and said did I tell you I like you ...

I looked up and relied yes you ...but I am still trying to decide if I like you or not ....

oh but I am a very good girl she said pouring and started dancing around my office happily.

She looks like a sweet girl I thought to myself , ust then ...

My assistant came in and told us that her nanny and driver are here to pick her up...

Suddenly, she started crying.. I don't want to go ...I want to stay with you.

I am like "_"...I am confused now, We just met like an hour or so ago and I am now her bff...

Look, your dad will...

Why don't you come with me, I am, sure my dad will like you she said ..

Now I am confused, her dad will like me...

I got up from my sitting position ( and I must tell you that was no ease task) and walked toward her, I wiped her face of the tears .

Her eyes widened when she saw my stomach...you are pregnant, you are going to have a baby soon and I love babies..she said delightedly.

I smiled ...yes my baby is coming soon...

Please can I come visit you she asked with a puppy face...

I don't think that will be a good idea, your parents don't know me ...

Are you married the little girl asked ....you must be since you are having a baby.

The mind of a child I said to myself...how do I explain it to her that I am not married but I am pregnant....Your nanny is waiting and we don't...

Please, let me visit you ...where do you live?

Ah ...this very persistent little person I said to self..

You can have my number , I turned to my assistant and instructed my assistant to give her the number.

You can call me whenever you like I told her ...she was happy but...not happy at the same time.

Cool., I will manage that for now ..

Ah the little adult ...I said laughing. I gestured to my assistant to bring her nanny in...the nanny rushed in anxiously....

Thanking us, the nanny pulled Benita towards the entrance door.

I laughed at the expression on her face, and said I have given you my number haven't I ?

She came back into my face and gave a hug, then joined her nanny at the door.

Wow ...that was a surprise. I wasn't expecting it...I waved at her ...

And she stock her tongue out in a playful matter ...

Really ...😁