

I am new to wrighting but wean I saw that no one was useing mortal shell I decided to TRY and make one anyway here goes this ——- After geting hit by a truck our protagonist, $&@? is immediately thrown into the world of mortal shell before finding hem self in DC —— first world: MORTAL SHELL second world: DC … all rights are to the original creator

Voided_fox · 映画
12 Chs


But I didn't I reached over and picked up the blue one but as soon as I tuched it, it turned to dust and floated into me wile I felt something leave from me into him

Huh so that's how you exchange IGC in the real world was my last thought before the world turnd upside down and before I knew it I was falling and I couldn't comprehend that fast enough so I slammed on the floor.

my true body was forced out of the shell as this happened but even after the fall my body still spasmed it took all my effort to crawl myself up into the fetus position I closed my eyes

Opening my eyes I feel immediately assaulted by the faint light of Fallgrim but that did not stop me and and pretty soon I was standing up and inspecting my hands and my body I could tell that they were flawless and soft. Letting that thought end there I went back into my shell and walking back into the tower Sat in one of the tombs and started to really think and sort out my memories and thoughts.

I was in mortal shell that much is clear in which I am very thankful for I mean I could have ended up in marvel or DC where there are multitudes of things that could go wrong however at least here I have a guaranteed ascension and power but the greatest thing about this is that the final boss was tied up makeing this experience so much more safer.

I am a foundling, so pretty much a orphan but I like unborn so much better but I need to get my self a proper name and after a second or two it came to me, Hrafn, he I liked it I thought squealing with excitement almost takeing over me but I was able to control it and focus at hand.

Looking up I stared at Sester Genessa she was just standing there humming to her self and immediately decided that that she was the most important person here and quite literally she is. She is the reason why I can "respon" however that's not the only reason why I think she is important, it's also because in the game she was the one who took care of him the most and it was by giveing him meaning, so with that I slamed my hands down on my knees and started to get ready my plans were to go over to that infinite place to get some obsidian I had some plans with that cauldron not just that but the tower didn't have glass and I wasn't going to that freezing place just to look at my self but as I was walking to the door I herd Genessa giggling from across the room

" if you can give me legs I would join our hands in the ceremony of the red rope, and although I am content with what I have I don't mind reaching for more."

I was shocked seeing as we have known each other for less then a hour but at that moment I didn't care as I felt my mind grow distant and a feeling of something wrapping around my finger.

Nodding my head I walked out of the tower surcharging my memory's I found a map leading to the seats of infinity and I started to move that way carefull not to make my presence known to the Brigand but also fast enough so that it didn't take a thousand years to get there however as I made my way down I saw the small camp I passed by wean I first arrived but there was something different there was not a Brigand playing the lute or eating and it didn't take a genius to understand why.

So they don't respon I thought as I ran past the roting corpses of the Brigands and down a path that looked like the one I followed wean everything was just a game. Pushing that thought aside I fall and tool to the ground barely dodging the spear and bolt that was comeing my way but before thay could attack I was already running past them only takeing a short break before continuing running and I was met with a kiss from one of the bolts the Brigand shot at me however instead of confronting them I ran sometimes one would get lucky and get a hit in me but I wasn't standing still so in no time I reached the cliff. Quickly I ran up to the closest Brigand and with out breaking my momentum flung us off the cliff time seemed to slow down allowing me to feel how my sword wiggled around inside him luckily I didn't have to seeing the floor come into view I tried to prepare by hardening only to feel my self unharden just as we hit the floor I was thrown out of my shell and with the left over momentum I bounced and rolled before eventually coming to a stop.

Pain ricocheted all over my body. Dragging my self a little I flopped down right next to a chunky shell, I had to climb up a little but as I tuched his head and settled in i immediately felt relieved of all my pains. Still siting down l look at we're I just dropped and if I could use my mouth you would hear me gasp in front of me stood Harros standing over the Brigand with both hands on the hilt of the sword wile the Brigand had a dagger in its hands. It was a very pleasant picture however after a couple more minutes of looking at the scene that I unintentionally created I pointed my attention towards the huge ass tower and after a little bit of straining I was able to get the sword back but as I was looking at it I saw a crossbow that was fully loaded on the wast of the Brigand and I didn't time picking it up I walked over to the guard I pointed and pulled the trigger and throwing the crossbow at him I quickly stabbed my sword into its neck and before it could recover but I didn't trust it so I kept on whacking until it's head was off it's blood then and only then did I walk up the stairs feeling like a king.

1,080 words yay

Voided_foxcreators' thoughts