

I am new to wrighting but wean I saw that no one was useing mortal shell I decided to TRY and make one anyway here goes this ——- After geting hit by a truck our protagonist, $&@? is immediately thrown into the world of mortal shell before finding hem self in DC —— first world: MORTAL SHELL second world: DC … all rights are to the original creator

Voided_fox · 映画
12 Chs


"Pray, what wayward spirit beckons?"

The beautiful sisters voice reverberated through out my mind I have never heard something so beautiful in my life.

" I shall name you Foundling, and you may call me Sester Genessa."

I quite like the name although I would like to change it to my last name, I couldn't help but smile as I thought this sadly that's all I could do as I am

You're uninitiated in the Revered's mysteries, I see. What a curiosity you are, wearing a man like a shell. You've awakened him, but you know nothing of him yet.

If guilt could be seen on my face you would see none.

Fetch me one of his mementos, and some tar, too, and I'm sure we can stir up some recollections. Of course, first you must find his name.

She blabbers before reaching over and pressing her finger to my head however the moment she did that a name poped into my head and visualized itself to for me

Harros, the Vassal

"The brigands pointed us toward the temple. Shunned by the Devout, their allegiances lie with those who offer Tar or spirits. They entertain themselves with drunken antics or violent cruelties. They know better than to attack us, but they followed us at a distance, hoping for scraps."

A man's voice said in my head but I didn't get to sort out the new knowledge before another bundle of knowledge forced itself apon me but it didn't feel foreign instead it felt like mine

And little by little everything that I didn't know I now knew

Stepping back I looked at Sester Genessa my whole being trembled and I took another step back my mind felt like it was flooding and pretty soon I fell to the floor, my hands squeezing my head however no scream left my mouth because how could I?

I had no mouth and I have no eyes but then how did I see. These were really thoughts that I shouldn't be having with this headache so instead I started to think about a infinite field of wheat and grass, a sun and some wind made it all the better and my headache slowly came to a stop.

Opening my eyes I looked around me but quickly lost a lot of my interest wean I realized it was the same old tower like in the game however there was one thing different and that was me.

So geting up I slowly I shook the rest of my disorientation away, gave a light bow and walked up the stairs passing the wepon slots however I stoped wean I saw a big black cauldron connected to the Smithy but after a couple seconds I continued until I saw a very small staircase, and the bell that was hanging over it. Slowly I ascended the staircase and low and behold I saw him and saw me to immediately he lighted up with enthusiasm

My, oh, my. Aren't you a rare specimen?

Vals said however I waited till he was done with what he was saying before I was ganna ask but he seemed to understand what I wanted

"Hmmm I have recently found my self in possession of two unique pills one is blue wile the other is red from my understanding if you were to swollow the red pill you will get a giga Chad body." He said scuffing as he opens up his other hand

"And this blue pill will make you have a beautiful and cutest body" after that last bit he simply just stood there his eyes expecting but this wasn't a easy choice with one I could have a body of peak masculinity wile, the other wile the other one looks better but is a little weaker it is obvious I should chose the red one, right?