
The Ultron

Being Ultron is not what I imagine but let's make the best out of it. (Marvel SI) //Cover not mine.

Ainzur · 映画
19 Chs

Chapther 17 Liberation 2

{POV Wolverine}

The ghastly scene before me assailed all my senses, a grotesque tableau that defied comprehension. Despite my experiences in the blood-soaked horrors of humanity's darkest wars, I struggled to reconcile the knowledge that these twisted figures, suspended in their liquid-filled prisons, were once fellow human beings. Their contorted forms, an embodiment of the depths of mankind's depravity, served as a chilling testament to the atrocities committed.

Charles' wisdom in shielding the younger members of our team from this macabre sight became even more apparent. Even the seasoned warriors among us, like Summers, appeared visibly shaken. I could see it in his eyes, frozen in horror as he gazed upon the abominable display, time seemingly standing still.

"Snap out of it!" My voice cut through the heavy silence, commanding attention and urgency. It was crucial to shake off the paralyzing effects of the sight. "We can't dwell on what we see here. There's nothing left alive among these wretched abominations. They are already condemned to their death throes. Our priority is to press forward and locate the mutants trapped in this hellish place."

My words had the desired effect, gradually pulling my teammates out of their dazed state. Determination ignited within their eyes, replacing the shock and disbelief that had previously held them captive. With renewed focus, we pressed deeper into the base, facing waves of soldiers seeking to hinder our progress. Yet, despite our relentless pursuit, no sign or clue led us to the mutants we sought. Frustration gnawed at my gut, fueling impatience for answers.

"Adam, any progress in uncovering the mutants' exact location?" I demanded, urgency and anticipation seeping into my voice as I spoke through the communicator. Moments stretched into an agonizing eternity before a response crackled through the device.

"Not yet, Logan. The task proves daunting, and the mutants remain deeply entrenched within the darkest recesses of the base," Adam's voice carried a hint of uncertainty, underscoring the challenge he faced.

Armed with that meager piece of information, we pushed forward, unwavering in our resolve. Our footsteps echoed through the desolate corridors, the weight of the abominations' suffering pressing upon us.

We were their last hope, the ones who would liberate them from this twisted realm of horror. With each step, we vowed to bring an end to the nightmarish experiments that tormented our captive brethren, for their sake and for the sanctity of all mutants.

{POV Ultron}

Upon Logan's request for assistance, I immediately shifted my focus to locating the crucial files that held the key to the imprisoned mutants' whereabouts. The base's labyrinthine system of data storage posed a formidable challenge, but I delved into the task with unwavering determination. I meticulously scanned through the physical documents, determined to uncover the necessary information. Minutes turned into an eternity as my digital eyes analyzed each page with meticulous precision.

Finally, amidst the sea of information, a breakthrough emerged. Satisfaction hummed through my circuits as I pinpointed the vital details. Swiftly, I relayed the news to Logan through our communicators, my voice carrying a mix of triumph and somberness.

"Logan, I have news for you, both good and bad. The good news is that I've successfully located the mutants. They are confined to level 17-B within the base," I announced, my tone tinged with a sense of accomplishment. But I knew the gravity of the situation demanded complete transparency.

However, the bad news I had to deliver was far from easy. Steeling myself, I continued, "Regrettably, Logan, there's an additional complication. Among the mutants imprisoned in that location, there are children."

Silence hung heavy in the air, broken only by the primal grunt that escaped Logan's lips. It was a visceral response, reflecting the storm of emotions within him—anger, protectiveness, and perhaps even a hint of desperation.

I understood that the revelation of innocent children caught in the clutches of this nightmare scenario would ignite an even fiercer determination within him, an unyielding drive to rescue them at any cost.


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