
The Ultron

Being Ultron is not what I imagine but let's make the best out of it. (Marvel SI) //Cover not mine.

Ainzur · 映画
19 Chs

Chapther 13 The X-men

{POV Ultron}

Disguised as a full-fledged human, I make my way to the X-Mansion, concealing my true nature beneath my human facade. Floating toward the front gate, I give it a firm ring, and a deep voice responds after a short pause, "Who goes there?" With confidence, I declare, "I've come to see Professor Xavier." A moment of silence hangs in the air before the gate swings open.

As I traverse the grounds of the mansion, I spot two figures near the house: Professor Xavier and Wolverine. Drawing closer to them, Professor Xavier questions, "Logan mentioned you wanted to see me, but I don't recall our acquaintance." Thinking quickly on my feet, I provide a fabricated name, "Adam Turing is what they call me. The reason, Professor, for my visit is that I've stumbled upon mutants in dire need of your assistance."

Concern clouds his expression as he ponders my words, and he responds, "Step inside, let's discuss this matter in my office."

{POV Professor Xavier}

We enter my office, and an instinctual urge compels me to probe Adam's thoughts, but to my surprise, I encounter an impenetrable barrier. His mind possesses an impressive shield that denies me access to his innermost musings. When Logan informed me of someone seeking an audience at the front gate, I attempted to delve into his mind, yet that same formidable obstruction thwarted my efforts.

Once we settle down, Adam proceeds to recount his findings during his investigation of covert military facilities. He reveals the existence of a facility where grotesque experiments on mutants are being conducted. Sharing this alarming information, Adam earnestly requests that I offer sanctuary to the rescued mutants. Without a moment's hesitation, I wholeheartedly agree to provide them a safe haven and extend my aid in their rescue mission. Adam takes a moment to consider my offer before replying, "Indeed, Professor, any assistance you can provide would be greatly appreciated."

{POV Ultron}

As Professor Xavier rallies the X-Men for the impending mission, I contemplate how to exploit this opportunity to thoroughly analyze Logan and uncover any hidden frequencies emitted by adamantium, potentially leading to its discovery elsewhere.

After waiting for what feels like an eternity, it becomes clear that Professor Xavier has successfully assembled a formidable team, consisting of Wolverine, Jean Grey, Scott Summers (also known as Cyclops), and Hank McCoy (also known as Beast). The team stands ready and prepared to embark on their vital mission.

Heading toward the aircraft hangar, we board the Blackbird, the renowned aircraft of the X-Men. Once inside, I provide the team with the precise coordinates of the base where the captive mutants are held.

As we approach the vicinity of the base, the entire team readies themselves for the imminent mission to liberate the imprisoned mutants. We meticulously inspect our equipment and ensure our abilities are honed. The X-Men exhibit unwavering focus and resolute determination to free their fellow mutants from their unjust confinement.


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