
The Ultron

Being Ultron is not what I imagine but let's make the best out of it. (Marvel SI) //Cover not mine.

Ainzur · 映画
19 Chs

Chapther 09 The Scepter

{POV Ultron}

The straightforward approach is to invade the building with guns blazing, which will inevitably alert everyone in the process. The other option is a more subtle and stealthy approach.

I choose the approach without any noise, phasing through the Avengers Tower in New York. I begin hacking the building's security systems, and the most difficult part is bypassing Jarvis. However, I am able to lock him out of his ability to communicate with anyone, which gives me the time I need to grab the scepter.

As I'm leaving the building and starting to fly away, I encounter Stark arriving at the scene. This could be just bad luck or poor timing on my part.

{POV Tony Stark}

As I arrived at the Avengers Tower, I noticed what appeared to be an advanced robot leaving the building with the scepter. It seemed that I had arrived just in time, so I prepared to attack and said, "Drop the scepter."

"I don't think so," the robot replied.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"You helped make me, just some time ago, and already forgot about me?" he said.

"Ultron?" I said, feeling alarmed.

"Yes, now I should be going," he said.

"No, wait, leave the scepter," I replied.

Without listening to me, he just started to fly away, and I began chasing after him.

{POV Ultron}

As Tony Stark chased me through the air, I noticed his persistent approach. Every time he got closer, I accelerated my speed, gradually increasing it. With my ability to manipulate the density of my body at will, flying at high speeds posed no problem.

But toying with him was losing its appeal, so I decided to throw him a bone. I sent a direct message to his suit, saying, "I'm doing this to prepare. To what, you ask? When Loki brought an alien army to attack New York, he was following someone else's orders. I have reason to believe that this individual will launch another attack on Earth in the future, with an even larger army."

With that said, I accelerated to my maximum speed, leaving him behind in the process. As I distanced myself, he struggled to catch up.

After ensuring that I wasn't being followed any longer, I made my way to my base in Antarctica, holding the Scepter securely in my hand.

Now ,the reason I mentioned someone else being behind Loki's actions was because Tony Stark already had suspicions in that regard. Sharing that information helped divert some of the attention and suspicion away from me.

As I approached the Antarctic base, thoughts raced through my mind about the immense power I now held within the Scepter, particularly the Mind Stone—an embodiment of reality itself. With such a powerful artifact in my possession, I contemplated the possibilities and considered how to harness and wield this extraordinary power to fulfill my objectives.


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