
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · 軍事
237 Chs

Chapter 187 Fist

翻訳者: 549690339

Gao Yuan seemed a bit fatigued, but Yu Shunzhou and Nie Erlong were already in excruciating pain.

By now Yu Shunzhou and Nie Erlong had completed one hundred pull-ups, and they were running laps around the not-so-large playground. Circle after circle, they were now drenched in sweat with faltering steps.

"Why do you look so listless?"

Gao Yuan sighed and said, "Dealing with Xinghe is much more exhausting than dealing with zombies. I negotiated with her for four hours yesterday."


Looking at Gao Yuan with a puzzled look, then Xiang Weiguo nodded and said, "If you say it's negotiation, it's negotiation. Today you're going to take on a master, so you'd better perk up."

Gao Yuan pointed at Yu Shunzhou and Nie Erlong, who were still running, and said, "I'm wondering whether to have them train in boxing as well."

Xiang Weiguo shook his head and said, "It's useless, as long as they grasp the basic principles of an infantryman, that's enough. Having them practice boxing in addition to military training is not very significant."

As they were speaking, Gao Yuan whispered, "They're here."

Sun Yunxiang and Li Jingang arrived together; Gao Yuan and Xiang Weiguo turned and greeted them.

"Doctor Sun, Brother Li."

Gao Yuan greeted them first, and then Xiang Weiguo bowed slightly to Sun Yunxiang and said, "Good to see you, Mr. Sun."

Sun Yunxiang smiled, returned the gesture to Xiang Weiguo, and said, "So, you must be Comrade Xiang Weiguo. I've heard a lot about you. The Thirteen Techniques that Xiao Gao wields were taught by you. I've seen him practice; it's not quite perfect, but I can tell that he trains with real effort, real mettle."

Xiang Weiguo laughed and said, "It's just peasant boxing, really just peasant boxing, it can't compare with yours."

After exchanging pleasantries, Sun Yunxiang looked at Gao Yuan and said, "Gao Yuan, I came here to formally accept you as a disciple and then start teaching you boxing today. However, my time is very limited, so I also called King Kong here. When I'm not around, he can teach you to practice boxing."

Gao Yuan looked at Li Jingang, who was, after all, a defeated opponent, so what was the point of him being a teacher?

Sun Yunxiang was indeed very busy because he was Li Wen's health doctor. It was not easy for him to find the time to come, so they might as well not waste time and start the lessons directly.

The few of them arrived in a quiet room, stood still, and Sun Yunxiang immediately said to Gao Yuan, "Practicing martial arts without cultivating the skill is a waste in the end. Whatever you learn or practice, you must put in hard work. But then again, you could practice martial arts all your life and still not learn anything substantial; if that's the case, no amount of hard practice is of much use."

After finishing, Sun Yunxiang pointed at Li Jingang and said, "I will spar with King Kong first. You watch from the side and see how we fight, okay?"

"Alright... Master."

Calling someone "Master" really felt quite strange. Gao Yuan instinctively glanced at Xiang Weiguo because Xiang Weiguo was his first real mentor, though he had never called him "Master."

Xiang Weiguo wasn't looking at Gao Yuan at all—his full attention was on Sun Yunxiang and Li Jingang.

"Master Sun, how shall we spar?"

Li Jingang was taught by Master Sun, meaning he hadn't formally become a disciple, but he was about to learn from Sun Yunxiang, for as Sun was to teach Gao Yuan, and he was to be a sparring partner, he surely had to pick up a few moves.

Sun Yunxiang unhesitatingly said, "You use Xingyi, and I'll use Xingyi too. Let's first show Gao Yuan the characteristics of Xingyi Quan. Remember, we must fight for real and not hold back, or Gao Yuan might think our skills are all for deception."

Li Jingang hesitated a bit since he was in his prime while Sun Yunxiang was well past his prime. There was a saying that one's fists fear the strength of the young, and if they really went all out, it would be problematic if Sun Yunxiang got hurt accidentally.

Sun Yunxiang took a step back, crouched slightly, and assumed a stance, while Li Jingang also retreated two steps.

Exhaling softly, Li Jingang put his right foot forward, then suddenly stomped his foot hard, pushed off with his left leg, and swiftly darted forward.

Li Jingang advanced, and so did Sun Yunxiang.

In terms of aura, Sun Yunxiang was no match for Li Jingang, but in speed, Sun Yunxiang wasn't slow at all.

Moving forward, Li Jingang had his left hand in front and right fist drawn back beneath his ribs, and just as he was about to make contact with Sun Yunxiang, he reached out with his left hand while throwing a fierce right punch, letting out a loud roar.


Sun Yunxiang met Li Jingang's left hand with his own left arm, then, avoiding Li Jingang's right fist, he didn't use his fist but instead rammed his right shoulder directly into Li Jingang's left shoulder.

With a bang, Li Jingang was sent flying and then heavily fell to the ground.


Li King Kong immediately got up, and Sun Yunxiang, after swaying slightly, took two steps back and exclaimed loudly, "Half Step Crash, how come your Half Step Crash feels like tickling, again!"

Li King Kong was genuinely startled; he shook his head where he stood, then with a serious face, he said, "Master Sun, I did use all my strength!"

"Come on!"

Li King Kong took a deep breath, then he shuffled along the ground and rushed towards Sun Yunxiang, who also headed straight towards Li King Kong without any sign of dodging.

The two met in an instant, and then Li King Kong threw a punch. Sun Yunxiang also threw a punch, but he crossed his hands and, like tossing something aside, he grabbed Li King Kong's right hand and pulled it forward, sending Li King Kong stumbling out.

Sun Yunxiang exhaled a breath and said, "I'm getting old, I played a trick there. I used Tai Chi just now. Otherwise, I couldn't have caught King Kong's punch. Hmm, did you see something there?"

Gao Yuan gaped, shaking his head in complete bafflement.

Sun Yunxiang smiled and said, "King Kong is young, he's stronger than me, faster than me, but why is it that I can beat him instead of him punching me to death?"

Gao Yuan still shook his head blankly.

Sun Yunxiang continued, "What are your strengths? You are powerful, and fast, yet you can't fully utilize your advantages, bring them into full play because once you're surrounded by the zombie hordes, you can only rely on your physical explosive power. While explosive power is strong, it isn't sustainable. Once you're exhausted, that when bad things happen."

What Sun Yunxiang described was exactly the problem Gao Yuan faced.

Gao Yuan nodded and said, "Yes, is there a solution?"

Sun Yunxiang pointed to Li King Kong and said, "He can't beat you because the gap in physical condition is too large, but Xingyi Quan is good, especially suitable for you. Xingyi Quan itself is a fist technique designed for fighting outnumbered. Xingyi Quan moves in a straight line, fighting while moving, moving while fighting. What you really need to learn is how to use footwork. Against even more zombies, it should be your active choice where to go, how fast, not being forced by the zombies to decide where and how to move."

After thinking for a moment, Gao Yuan said, "I understand now, truly understand."

Sun Yunxiang nodded and said to Li King Kong, "This time we'll go again, and I'll use Tai Chi Fist. I won't stop this time, and we'll keep practicing the technique."

Li King Kong stayed quiet. He circulated his breath and adopted a ready pose, then walked over to Sun Yunxiang fully prepared.

Without any courtesy, Li King Kong started with a strike. But Sun Yunxiang shifted slightly back, then with one hand he drew in and with the other, pushed, followed by a quick kick.

Li King Kong blocked Sun Yunxiang's kick with his elbow, and then the two started exchanging blows, back and forth on the spot.

Gao Yuan watched from the side. Li King Kong did indeed keep moving in a straight line. Although it appeared like a tight scuffle between the two, Li King Kong constantly adjusted his steps, charging forward with immense momentum, while Sun Yunxiang kept circling in place, never engaging Li King Kong head-on.

After three minutes of back and forth, Li King Kong suddenly retreated and said, "Stop, I can't go on... I'm exhausted..."

Gao Yuan was truly astonished; with Li King Kong's stamina, fully equipped, he could run ten kilometers with ease, so how could he be sweating profusely after three minutes?

By contrast, Sun Yunxiang, well into his seventies, appeared calm and collected, without a drop of sweat on his forehead.

"Why is that?"

Gao Yuan felt he understood the real purpose of Sun Yunxiang's demonstration, and he was excited.

Sun Yunxiang smiled and said, "Have you ever heard the saying, 'Xingyi can kill in a day, Tai Chi takes ten years to master'? Xingyi Quan is an Internal Martial Art, but its movements are straightforward and powerful. Once you get it, it won't take long to become effective, especially when bullying the average person; it's really easy to kill someone. But King Kong still hasn't mastered it, hasn't grasped the essence of the Internal Martial Arts approach, so you see him fierce, but his fierceness doesn't last.

As for me, I use Tai Chi, which emphasizes smooth, circular movements, the soft overcoming the hard. This Fist Technique has to be continuous and unending. The Tai Chi concept of striking after the opponent stems also from not contending for a momentary advantage; eventually, I will defeat you because my endurance is sufficient, and I can go on fighting all day if necessary."

Gao Yuan nodded, "So what you used just now was Tai Chi? It didn't seem like it..."

Sun Yunxiang was again at a loss, smiling wryly, "You shouldn't mistake the fitness dance that old men and women practice in the parks for real Tai Chi. Tai Chi is about combining strength and softness; to practice Tai Chi properly, you need to have strength first, only softness... that's just for show."

"Okay, I understand now."

Sun Yunxiang said with a smile, "This is Kung Fu, and you need to practice diligently. But even if you just start getting the hang of Tai Chi, I guarantee you won't experience what happened last time, exhausting yourself after one burst. Besides, once you've practiced well, I guarantee you can exert even greater strength than you do now."

"I will practice, I'll definitely practice diligently!"

Sun Yunxiang was straightforward, immediately saying, "I'm on a tight schedule, so I'll teach you Sun-style Tai Chi. Today, I'll only teach you some simple movements. When I think it's about time, I'll teach you the more complex ones. Meanwhile, you'll learn Xingyi with King Kong; he'll be your sparring partner. Remember, you practice martial arts not just for physical fitness, so you must learn the fighting techniques from King Kong properly. Stand up, let's start with the most basic stance."

Learning Tai Chi starts with learning how to stand, and Sun Yunxiang had Li King Kong and Gao Yuan stand together. After adjusting their posture, Sun Yunxiang spoke aloud, "Remember this, concentrate and breathe, let your breathing be natural..."
