
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 188: Spark Operation

Translator: 549690339

The days were boring yet fulfilling, and aside from missing the sun outside, Gao Yuan didn't long for anything else in the outside world now.

He was simply too busy, although his days consisted only of practicing fist technique, which took up most of his time because he truly wanted to compensate for his weaknesses.

Although Gao Yuan wasn't obsessed with martial arts, the experience of being surrounded and pressed down by zombies had become a psychological shadow for him.

That feeling was too terrifying, the experience too horrific, and Gao Yuan definitely didn't want to go through it again. So, since practicing Tai Chi with Sun Yunxiang could help him compensate for his weaknesses, he naturally dedicated himself to it wholeheartedly.

In Xinghe's living room, Xinghe was watching TV, while Gao Yuan practiced his slow fist technique on the side.

"Can you not practice Tai Chi so slowly in front of me? You have plenty of time to practice, and now, it's time for you to watch TV with me. You can't use my time to practice your 'fists'."

"It's 'fist technique,' not 'fists,' and how is this your time anyway?"

Xinghe immediately said, "Do I need to bring out the agreement?"

Gao Yuan sighed, stood up straight, and said, "Alright, alright, I'll watch TV with you, and then I have to go to Base No. 12 this afternoon."

"To see your girlfriend?"

"Of course."

Xinghe was silent for a moment before saying, "I'll go too. I'm restless here, I've had enough of this place. It's been so long since I had donkey burgers, there's only those few foods, I want to go to Base No. 12 with you."

"No, that's impossible, that would start a world war!"

Xinghe looked puzzled as she looked at Gao Yuan, completely at a loss, "Why would my going to Base No. 12 trigger a world war? Because of the Weapon of Cause and Effect?"

Gao Yuan scratched his head and said, "Anyway, it's better if you don't go."

"But I know Luo Xingyu, and I can meet her without your permission. The most important thing is that I want to know what you both do together, because every time you come back from seeing her, you're very happy. So, what do you guys do?"

"We haven't done much, just holding hands, kissing. Her dad is always there... we can't do anything else..."

Xinghe fell silent, then she began to approach Gao Yuan, while Gao Yuan jumped backward, retreating to a distance of two meters.

From Xinghe's movements, it was clear that trouble was probably about to happen, and Gao Yuan's choice was to absolutely avoid trouble.

But such an obvious avoidance maneuver seemed even more likely to cause trouble.

After instinctively retreating, Gao Yuan suddenly felt bewildered.

Even though he had a good relationship with Xinghe, their relationship was very strange. And now, spending every day with Xinghe, plain and simple, was a political task for the nation. Could it be that he would eventually have to sacrifice himself for the nation?

As expected, Xinghe became angry and said loudly, "The things you can do with Luo Xingyu, can't I do them as well? Come here!"

Gao Yuan swallowed hard, and just then, someone knocked on the door.

Someone knocking was Gao Yuan's way out, so he immediately ran to the door and opened it.

A person was about to knock three times but totally didn't expect the door to open so quickly, so their hand went down towards Gao Yuan's face.

Gao Yuan dodged his head, and the person who was knocking retracted their hand quickly, then looked bewildered as he said, "Hello, the highest leader has requested your presence at a meeting, and Xinghe..."

"Alright, I'll be right there."

Gao Yuan then said to Xinghe, "Let's go, we have a meeting to attend. It must be something you've been looking forward to, or they wouldn't have asked us to go together."

Xinghe's expression was cold, and when she was angry, she was not very different from Earth women.

Xinghe stood up, with a blank face, and walked out.

"This way, please."

The two got on an electric cart and headed to the conference room, where Xinghe's expression showed no signs of warming up.

Upon entering the conference room, where not many people were discussing something, as Xinghe walked in first, Li Wen stood up and greeted her with a smile, "Hello, the reason we've asked you here is because..."

Xinghe slowly turned around, looked at Li Wen indifferently, and said coldly, "Hello, I'm not fine."

Xinghe sat down, and Li Wen looked at Gao Yuan with surprise, as it was the first time he had seen Xinghe visibly upset.

Gao Yuan helplessly spread his hands, "Don't look at me, I... I can't do anything about it."

The atmosphere turned a bit awkward, and Li Wen coughed lightly twice, "Please take a seat, Xinghe. I wanted to tell you that we are ready to retrieve the medical pod. The troops have assembled and are undergoing intense training, and the supply preparations are nearly complete. We just need to choose an appropriate day to depart."

This was what Xinghe had been waiting for; the operation to search for the medical pod was finally on the schedule.

"Good, how many people? And when do we depart?"

Li Wen said seriously, "We have confirmed a total of three thousand, one hundred and twenty-six personnel. As for the departure date, it hasn't been set, but all preparations are expected to be complete in fifteen days."

Xinghe nodded, "Three thousand people, good. Just let me know when we are departing."

One shouldn't discuss serious matters with a woman who is angry, especially when she is a very special alien woman.

Gao Yuan sighed inwardly and then nodded apologetically to Li Wen before sitting down in his own seat.

Gao Yuan's seat was next to Xinghe's; if it weren't for her, he wouldn't even have been qualified to attend this meeting.

After sitting down, Gao Yuan reached out from under the table and grabbed Xinghe's right hand. Xinghe's hand struggled a bit but didn't break free from his grasp, then she quickly unclenched her fist.

Gao Yuan's palm was all sweaty, but Xinghe's expression quickly changed from stormy to cloudy, and then to clear skies.

Xinghe almost laughed, her mood changing so rapidly that many of the senior leaders, headed by Li Wen, couldn't help but look at Gao Yuan with barely concealed admiration.

He truly was her Nemesis!

Xinghe smiled at Li Wen, "This is great news. I've been looking forward to it for a long time. I really hope we can depart soon. Despite the extremely difficult circumstances, I am very impressed with everyone's work in getting everything prepared so quickly."

Informal diplomatic language was being used, and Li Wen, glancing at Gao Yuan, showed his admiration once more.

"Ahem, okay, Comrade Xinghe, we invited you here to ask you to consider carefully—are you really going to participate in this mission?"

Xinghe, with a smile beaming across her face, said, "Yes, I've said many times, no need to mention it again. As long as Gao Yuan goes with me, it's fine."

Li Wen exhaled deeply, "Alright then, we will need to increase the manpower to specifically ensure your... and Gao Yuan's safety. The expeditionary force's total number is expected to reach five thousand."

Xinghe nodded and then said with a smile, "Actually, there's no need to assign so many people to protect me. Having Gao Yuan is enough."

Gao Yuan bowed his head, no longer daring or able to meet anyone else's gaze.

This time, Li Wen was silent for a longer period. After helplessly massaging his face, he said, "Well, this operation is codenamed the Starfire Operation, signifying that a single spark can start a prairie fire. The troops will be named the Spark Expeditionary Army. Also... uh, Comrade Xinghe, perhaps you and Gao Yuan should go back and rest now. We will inform Gao Yuan about the specific plans and timing of the Starfire Operation, and he will relay it to you."

Xinghe immediately stood up, smiling, "Okay, then we'll head back first. Goodbye."

As Xinghe stood up, she forgot to let go of Gao Yuan's hand.

So Gao Yuan stood up with a wooden face and said weakly, "Sorry... we're leaving now."

Gao Yuan kept his head down, while Xinghe walked with her head held high as they left the meeting room.

Gao Yuan's silhouette was desolate.

After the meeting room door closed once again, Li Wen, who had stared at the wooden door for a long time, finally bowed his head and released the stack of documents in front of him.

After flipping through them idly, Li Wen finally sighed deeply, "What does this amount to?"

"Is it for national glory? No, let's say it's for the glory of Earth."

"Mr. Chen, don't joke."

After saying this, Li Wen himself couldn't help but smile bitterly, "Is there still a need for this meeting? How many times have we discussed this matter? Do we need to go over the agreed-upon decisions again here?"

"Why hold another meeting when perhaps, we should consider changing the name of the Starfire Operation?"

Li Wen turned and asked, "Oh, why's that?"

"A single spark can start a prairie fire; the sentiment is well-intentioned, but Gao Yuan is called Nemesis. To name it the Starfire Operation... what do you all think?"

"No need to change it, it's good. Nemesis conquers Xinghe, and I've heard there's Luo Xingyu, right? Besides, he even overcame the Serpent People. It fits well with the Starfire Operation... otherwise, call it the Prairie Fire Operation?"