
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · 軍事
237 Chs

Chapter 175 Traditional Chinese Medicine

翻訳者: 549690339

Energy Bars are not stimulants, but military Energy Bars indeed contain substances that can excite people, such as ginsenosides like RG1, because maintaining the excitement of a soldier's mental state is very important during a mission.

An ordinary person eating one Energy Bar is enough to provide the body's required energy, but eating seventy at once is definitely an overdose.

Consequently, Gao Yuan was highly suspected of having eaten too many Energy Bars, but what then?

The next step wasn't clear, hence a detailed assay was needed to establish a diagnosis.

"What? Say that again?"

"Gao Yuan... his condition is very critical, he's now in emergency resuscitation."

Li Wen sprang up from his chair at once.

With too much work and being too busy, Li Wen hadn't personally welcomed the triumphant heroes, but of course, he had always kept an eye on the matter.

"Injured? Is it serious?"

"Not injured. The doctors have examined him, Gao Yuan only has a few minor wounds. His condition is certainly not due to external injuries."

"Then what's the condition, explain clearly!"

"Suspected comatose, heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, all below normal levels, at a very critical threshold."

Li Wen roared, "Comatose and yet it's suspected? What's the actual situation?"

"It is a coma, but, but the doctor says that it feels like Gao Yuan is sleeping..."

"Sleeping? What kind of joke is that! Can sleeping lead to this?"

"Gao Yuan's physiology differs from the average person, no one knows what vital stats are normal for him, even the doctors can't say for sure."

Li Wen shouted angrily, "Don't tell me these things, Gao Yuan has already had a full physical examination before, can't we just compare it with that to know if his condition is normal?"

"Yes, we've compared it with the data from the previous physical examination, and have already called for a consultation with specialists, most of whom believe that... Gao Yuan's condition is indeed very critical."

Li Wen went silent, and after a moment, he said in a low voice, "I'll go have a look myself."

"Commander, do you want to ask Xinghe to take a look?"

Li Wen hesitated, then after a brief pause, he said quietly, "Understood, don't notify Xinghe yet, we'll decide after further research."

After hanging up the phone, Li Wen paced back and forth in his office, then he ordered his secretary, "I'm going to the hospital, ask Doctor Sun to join me for a consultation. Tell him to prepare quickly, we'll depart in five minutes."

A moment passed, and Li Wen, accompanied by several people, got into a car, and then two vehicles sped towards the base hospital.

In just over ten minutes, Li Wen was already standing in the corridor outside the ward.

There were many people; some were whispering quietly among themselves while others had anxious expressions.

This was not a regular hospital, but an underground base, so there were no rows of chairs for patients' families to rest, but today, no doctor or nurse would tell people waiting outside to leave because every person here was either a general or a high-ranking official.

Li Wen strode forward and then stood outside the ward, glancing through the observation window from outside the door, immediately demanding, "What's the situation now?"

"Still undergoing tests, Gao Yuan's condition is relatively stable, no improvement, but not deteriorating either."

"Still can't find the problem?"

"Didn't find... Commander, do you need the attending doctor to explain the situation to you?"

"Don't disturb the doctors at work."

After pondering for a moment, Li Wen suddenly turned to address an elderly man who appeared to be in his seventies or eighties behind him, "Mr. Sun, please carry out a check-up on Xiao Gao."

Doctor Sun was Li Wen's health care physician, which several people present knew.

The base hospital of the Supreme Command housed the best doctors in Shenzhou, but Doctor Sun was somewhat special. Why special? Because he was a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine.

Doctor Sun stepped forward, glanced through the window, and then he whispered, "Leader, I'll go in and take a look."

Li Wen immediately asked, "Can I go in too?"

"Yes, you can."

After speaking, Doctor Sun pushed the door open and went in.

Gao Yuan was now lying motionless on a hospital bed, surrounded by at least four or five doctors, with more than a dozen various diagnostic devices connected to him.

When Doctor Sun entered, the doctors who were discussing in low voices paused for a moment, then they saw an elderly man coming in. The leading doctor immediately said, "I'm sorry, leader, now is not a good time for visiting."

Doctor Sun shook his head, and at that moment, Li Wen stepped forward and said in a deep voice, "This is my health care physician, Mr. Sun Yunxiang, and now he's here to diagnose Gao Yuan."

The doctors examining Gao Yuan were practicing Western medicine, while Doctor Sun was, of course, a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine.

Often times, traditional Chinese and Western medicine practitioners don't see eye to eye, but once Li Wen spoken, the Western doctors present could only make room for Doctor Sun.


Because you can't simply say whether Chinese medicine is good or bad. Even the best traditional Chinese medicine practitioner could achieve nothing if paired with a mediocre one, and it would be a blessing if the patient wasn't made worse. For a long time, it couldn't be said that nine out of ten were charlatans, but it was quite good to have one good doctor out of ten.

To say that Chinese medicine isn't good is even more absurd.

How could Chinese medicine be bad if it's good enough for Li Wen to have a traditional Chinese medicine doctor as his health care physician?

So, Sun Yunxiang was that legendary national physician.

A grand master physician!

When a grand master physician made a move, who would dare to murmur and complain? Everyone had to step aside.

Sun Yunxiang stood in front of Gao Yuan, studied him carefully for a moment, then his face revealed a slightly surprised expression. Following that, he placed his hand on Gao Yuan's wrist.

The pulse-taking lasted quite a long time, several dozen seconds at least. Yes, for Sun Yunxiang, taking a pulse for half a minute was quite a long time.

After removing his hand, Sun Yunxiang shook his head, then he examined Gao Yuan's eyes, and finally, placed his hand over Gao Yuan's heart.

After taking his hand away again, Sun Yunxiang shook his head once more.

These two shakes of the head scared Li Wen considerably.

"Mr. Sun, is the situation not good?"

Sun Yunxiang smiled and shook his head, saying, "No, the situation is quite good. This young man is just asleep."

Li Wen froze for a moment. Sun Yunxiang smiled and continued, "To put it simply, this young man is just overly fatigued, there's nothing else wrong."

At this, a doctor said with a baffled face, "That doesn't sound right, though. Even if he's tired, could that cause the heartbeat to slow down?"

Sun Yunxiang continued to smile and said, "Over-fatigue is your terminology. In reality, his Vital Energy is injured. This young man must have severely overdrawn his Vital Energy. What you call overdrawn potential, not physical strength. It's similar to physical exhaustion but not the same thing, like a mother who, in desperation, lifts a car with her bare hands to save her child trapped underneath, and then not long after, the mother suddenly collapses and dies. You've heard of such cases, haven't you?"

The many Western doctors looked at each other, as they had been arguing just a moment ago, but now, they could unite against a common view.

"That's just a surge of adrenaline... but excessive adrenaline secretion can be fatal," one of the Western doctors finally spoke up.

It's only because Sun Yunxiang came with Li Wen that no one dared to speak up, otherwise, this could have sparked a major debate by now.