
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 176 Pure Curiosity

Translator: 549690339

Li Wen knew some basic medical knowledge, so he didn't know whom to listen to now.

If he had a superstitious belief in Chinese medicine, then whatever Sun Yunxiang said would be accepted as truth. If he had blind faith in Western medicine, then everything Sun Yunxiang said would be wrong.

But because Li Wen held such a high position and had a special status, he could enjoy the best Chinese medicine in the world, as well as the best Western medical care. Therefore, he must be the most rational, which also left him uncertain about whom to trust.

Li Wen looked toward Sun Yunxiang, signaling for him to offer an explanation as well.

Sun Yunxiang continued to smile and said, "It's related to adrenaline, but it's more than just an adrenaline issue. This is a joint reaction of the entire bodily functions. However, his physique is much stronger than the average person's, so at most, he just needs to get a good night's sleep. It won't be a short time, but he definitely won't be in any trouble."

"How can you guarantee that? Who dares to guarantee it? His blood pressure has dropped to a dangerously low level. According to his body data, this level is lethal."

A somewhat younger doctor politely made a comment, which, however, was a rebuttal to Sun Yunxiang.

Li Wen looked again at Sun Yunxiang, who didn't rebut anyone but simply said calmly, "Chief, I can wake him up immediately, with just three needles."

"We just took his blood, and he didn't wake up."

After a doctor spoke, he hesitated and then said in a low voice, "We also tried some stimulating measures, because he really seemed to be sleeping, but there was no reaction to any stimulation."

Sun Yunxiang shook his head and said, "Don't wake him by making noise. It's not good. You can't wake him now even if you jab him with a needle, but my needle is different. I just need to give him three needles, and he'll wake up right away."

Li Wen said in a low voice, "Then should we wake him up first?"

Sun Yunxiang immediately responded, "No, I can wake him up, but it wouldn't be good for him. He's now entered a deep sleep, what we call the embryonic breathing state. You could fire a gun next to his ear and he still wouldn't wake up because this is his body's way of self-protection. If I were to give him acupuncture, it would be to stimulate his Vital Energy and make him wake up immediately, but then, he would lose this rare opportunity for self-protection and recovery."

After saying this, Sun Yunxiang became very serious, "It's easy to wake him up, but it will be difficult for him to fall asleep again. Moreover, his body is so robust... it's hardly like that of an ordinary person. If his vital energy is forcefully stimulated to wake him up, then his body is bound to develop some problems. Even with further treatment, it would not only take a long time but it's also hard to say if he could recover to his best state."

At this point, the tense frown on Li Wen's face finally relaxed.

"So, he's alright then?"

"Yes, I believe he can recover on his own. However, it would be best to assist him with some medication after he wakes up, to help him return to his best state as quickly as possible."

"Alright, Mr. Sun, I'm entrusting this matter to you. He's very important, so please make sure to take great care of him."

Sun Yunxiang nodded, "Certainly, Chief. I will do my utmost."

Li Wen let out a long sigh of relief and then began to smile, saying, "So, what should we do now?"

Sun Yunxiang glanced at the medical equipment in the room and said, "It would be best to remove these things, though it's also fine to leave them. Just let him sleep well without disturbing him."

"But what if something unexpected happens?"

Sun Yunxiang looked at the doctor who spoke and said with confidence, "He won't have any accidents. If something really happens, I will take responsibility."

Li Wen already trusted Sun Yunxiang; otherwise, he would not have called Sun Yunxiang over. Now, he had no doubts at all.

"Everyone, please leave. Keep the equipment, but leave one person to monitor Gao Yuan's condition and have Mr. Sun check on any changes immediately."

Once Li Wen spoke up, the matter was settled.

A line of people filed out.

"How is everything?"

Li Wen waved his hand and smiled, "Doctor Sun said it's all right, everyone can rest assured. Ah, there's no need to wait here anymore. I'm going to the Academy of Sciences, and you all should go back to your work. Don't notify Xinghe for now; we can tell him when Gao Yuan wakes up."

After finishing speaking, Li Wen turned to Sun Yunxiang, "I'll leave this place in your care, and I'll instruct everyone else to cooperate with you."

Having made things clear, Li Wen hurried away. Once Li Wen had left, Sun Yunxiang turned to the remaining people and asked, "Does anyone know what happened to that young man inside?"

Shi Lei stepped forward and cautiously replied, "I know."

Sun Yunxiang nodded and suggested, "This isn't the place for talking. Let's go somewhere quiet. Is there a suitable place?"

Sun Yunxiang and Shi Lei were quickly brought to an office, the base hospital office, and since General Luo stayed behind, he remained in the office as well.

"Comrade Shi Lei, I wanted to ask, does that young man inside practice boxing?"

No sooner had they settled in than Sun Yunxiang immediately posed a crucial question to Shi Lei.

Shi Lei was stunned for a moment and said, "No, uh, he is just... just..."

Shi Lei looked toward General Luo, who nodded and reassured, "Go ahead; it's fine."

"He just is uncharacteristically strong, but it doesn't seem like he practices boxing."

Sun Yunxiang, with a puzzled look, said, "He doesn't practice boxing?"

General Luo spoke softly, "He hasn't practiced boxing, but it seems like he's practiced Thirteen Techniques, yes, that's what they're called, Thirteen Techniques."

"Thirteen Techniques is an external martial art, and it involves weaponry; that's not right."

Sun Yunxiang was still visibly confused. He said to General Luo, "External martial arts wouldn't result in severe vital energy damage. It looks like he has been practicing Internal Martial Arts. To suffer such vital energy damage, he must have exhausted his strength and then forced his energy to flow."

General Luo hesitated, then said, "I've asked Xiang Weiguo, who taught him, and he's only learned Thirteen Techniques. He wasn't taught any Internal Martial Arts. Maybe I should ask again?"

At that moment, Shi Lei suddenly remembered something and carefully said, "Commander, Doctor Sun, we have a soldier in our squad who has been practicing Family-Style Xingyi Quan since he was a child. He says it's an Internal Martial Art. He spent a lot of time with Gao Yuan. Could it be that he taught Gao Yuan Xingyi Quan?"

Sun Yunxiang immediately nodded in agreement, "That makes sense! Can we confirm this?"

General Luo immediately answered, "That's not right either. We've conducted a background investigation. You're talking about Li Jingang, right? He said he hasn't taught him."

Sun Yunxiang shook his head, "He may not have taught the actual form, but even teaching the stance or the concept behind the boxing is not okay. Can we ask?"

General Luo turned to Shi Lei and ordered, "Call Li Jingang over, immediately!"

Shi Lei promptly followed the command. Once Shi Lei had gone, General Luo tentatively asked Sun Yunxiang, "Mr. Sun, would knowing whether he has practiced Internal Martial Arts help with his treatment?"

Sun Yunxiang was taken aback and then a bit sheepishly said, "Uh... well, that is, I'm just purely curious."