
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · 軍事
237 Chs

193 chapter Qingyu Case. Yuanxi_2

翻訳者: 549690339

Luo Xingyu gazed at Gao Yuan and said, "What if you fail? Does that mean you will have died, does that mean you won't come back, and I'll just have to wait for you here, not knowing if it'll be a month, a year, or if I'll never see you return? Do you think that's fair to me?"

It was indeed cruel, but Gao Yuan could only respond, "I will definitely succeed!"

Luo Xingyu nodded and said, "That's right, I know you will succeed, so I'll go with you. You know, Uncle Xiang has said I'm a promising talent. We've been together so long, and you know I'm a good shot, right."

Gao Yuan shook his head and said, "Stop it, I can't take you with me. You'd better study hard and strive to be someone useful. I hope that by the time I see you again, you've become a great scientist. Also, you'll soon be able to join the preparatory class at the Science Academy. You'll have the best mentors to guide you. Well, that's that."

"What did you say? Just like that? Just like that!"

Luo Xingyu was furious. She grabbed Gao Yuan's arm and shouted, "You bastard! Is that how you're going to leave me behind? Do you know I'll die without you! I... I said I want to train with Uncle Xiang, and you won't allow it! None of you will! I don't want to be any scientist; I want to be with you!"

Luo Xingyu cried in desperation, shaking Gao Yuan's arm as she sobbed, "You all won't let me train, and now, surely you'll say bringing me would be a burden, right? That's your plan for not letting me train, you just find me a nuisance. I hate you, and you, I hate you all. You can't leave me behind. What will I do if you leave? If you can't go, then take me with you. I shoot accurately; I won't be a burden, ah, I don't want to stay here..."

Gao Yuan grabbed Luo Xingyu's shoulders, and said in a deep voice, "Behave! Be good! When I come back, I'll marry you."

Luo Xingyu, crying, said, "You are with that alien woman every day. What if you end up liking her more than me? She's always clinging to you; she must like you. Now you're together all the time. In the end, you won't want me... Ah, what should I do!"

Gao Yuan shouted, "That won't happen! What are you thinking! Fool, it won't! You also know she's an alien, stop talking nonsense!"

Luo Xingyu cried so hard she couldn't catch her breath, and Gao Yuan hugged her, whispering in her ear, "My dear, wife, you will definitely be my wife; as long as I'm alive, I will definitely come back to marry you."

"Can you not say that? It's bad luck to make such promises, don't you know that?"

"Alright, alright, then I will definitely come back, is that okay? Be good, I promise, I will come back. Don't forget, I am Superman, I can definitely succeed! My dear, I have to go now, time is running out, and I must leave."

Time was truly pressing, for Gao Yuan thought he still had time to dawdle, but unexpectedly, the notice came; he had to set out on the expedition tomorrow, so now he had to hurry over to see Luo Xingyu before rushing back.

Luo Xingyu already knew the outcome; Gao Yuan couldn't take her with him, and her father wouldn't agree either. However, Luo Xingyu really didn't want to let Gao Yuan go so easily, yet she also felt she couldn't keep clinging to him.

Just then, someone knocked on the door, and Song Qian said from outside, "Hurry up, the train time is almost here."

Luo Guodong let out a long sigh and said, "Xiao Gao, you go ahead, I'll persuade her."

Luo Guodong grabbed Luo Xingyu, who could barely stand, and she clung to Gao Yuan's arm, her tear-filled eyes full of despair.

Gao Yuan became momentarily dazed; he genuinely wanted to bring Luo Xingyu with him, but this thought lasted only a flash before he finally managed to pull his arm away from her grasp.

"Be good, study hard, wait for me to come back."

Gao Yuan turned to leave when Luo Xingyu suddenly yelled from behind, "Come back! You bastard, you haven't kissed me yet!"

Both Gao Yuan and Luo Guodong were taken aback, and then Gao Yuan turned around, grabbed Luo Xingyu, and kissed her fiercely on the lips.

Although it was a farewell, it was still embarrassing, and Gao Yuan quickly stepped back, looking at Luo Xingyu fiercely, and said, "Wait for me, I will definitely come back!"

Gao Yuan turned and left, not daring to look back at Luo Xingyu.

Luo Xingyu didn't cry out in despair; she just watched the door closed by Gao Yuan and whispered through her sobs, "You all didn't let me train, dad, it's all your fault, you wouldn't let me train."

Luo Guodong sighed deeply, and then he sat Luo Xingyu down on the couch, picked up a cup of water, and offered it to the crying Luo Xingyu, saying in a low voice, "Have some water, stop crying."

Luo Xingyu just cried, and Luo Guodong said softly, "Don't cry, let me tell you a story, and after you hear it, you'll know what to do."

Luo Xingyu looked at Luo Guodong through blurry eyes as Luo Guodong set down the teacup, speaking solemnly, "Once upon a time, there was a poor boy, from a very poor family, so poor he couldn't even afford new sandals and always wore cloth shoes, until one day, his mother found a pair of sandals in the garbage. Although they were slightly damaged, they could still be worn after a bit of patching, and so he finally put on sandals.

The next day at school, a classmate was shocked because the sandals he wore were the very same the classmate had thrown away, and many people laughed at him. Only his desk mate comforted him."