
The Ultimate War Of The Apocalypse

The Aliens descended with hostility. In the face of the Alien invasion, humans were as weak as ants. So this was the apocalypse, the true apocalypse. But where there was invasion, there was resistance. For some people, this wasn't the end times, it was war. So this was war. The real war!

Just Like Water · War
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245 Chs

Chapter 193: The Lantern Festival

Translator: 549690339

Every time Luo Xingyu saw Gao Yuan, she would become extra clingy, always sticking close to his side, which made Luo Guodong feel uneasy, a bit heartache, but also somewhat relieved.

"Do you eat peanuts? Do you like preserved plums? There's still a lot left from the last time you brought some. Do you drink cola?"

Holding Gao Yuan's hand, Luo Xingyu smiled sweetly, asked a bunch of questions about food and drink, then turned to look at Luo Guodong.

"Dad, weren't you supposed to play chess with Uncle Zhang?"

Luo Guodong didn't know if he should really go play chess since there was no such arrangement, but Luo Xingyu's intention to send him away was so obvious that if he claimed there was no chess game, he would seem inconsiderate.

But Luo Guodong didn't want to leave. What worried him was if he left, something might happen to Luo Xingyu.

He had to guard her vigilantly, even if it meant enduring her complaints.

Luo Guodong stood up and said, "Oh, your Uncle Zhang is feeling unwell today, so no chess."

He'd rather curse an old friend than leave easily. Luo Guodong was firm in his stance, clear in his mind, and steadfast in his goal. He wouldn't let the cabbage he had carefully raised be so easily ravaged by pigs.

No particular reason, just the persistence of a father.

Unfortunately, there wasn't even a newspaper to hold up to hide his face. Luo Guodong didn't dare to look at his daughter's expression. He had once devoted himself to his career, but now he inevitably became a slave to his daughter.

The family was broken, wealth had become meaningless, what else could Luo Guodong do but be a slave to his daughter?

Luo Xingyu was very, very frustrated. In fact, she didn't want to do anything too much. A girl shouldn't be overly affectionate with her boyfriend in front of her father. Of course, given the chance, she wouldn't mind doing a bit more.

Not only did she not mind, but she was actually quite looking forward to it—no, very much so.

Unfortunately, Xiao Gao, the brainless blockhead, was utterly clueless.

Luo Xingyu looked at Gao Yuan. In this darned underground base with not even a small grove, everywhere was crowded with people, if not guards. How to manage it?

With a slight sigh, Luo Xingyu said to Gao Yuan, "Come to my room for a rest, it's quieter there. Dad, can you hear the TV?"

"I can hear it, I can hear it. It's all right, you two go in and chat. Gao Yuan, would you like some tea?"

The same scene played out every time he visited, and Gao Yuan had grown accustomed to it. But this time, he didn't even dare to enter Luo Xingyu's bedroom.

Hesitating time and again, Gao Yuan's feet seemed rooted to the ground, never moving. Even Luo Guodong noticed his odd behavior, so he asked with surprise, "What's wrong with Xiao Gao? Is there something the matter?"

Luo Xingyu finally noticed Gao Yuan's abnormal behavior and said anxiously, "Yeah, what's wrong? Did something happen?"

What needed to be said had to be spoken. Thus, Gao Yuan softly said, "Well, I'm leaving for a trip tomorrow."

Luo Guodong and Luo Xingyu both looked surprised. Nowadays, saying you're going out is nothing like it used to be.

In a low voice, Luo Guodong asked, "Is there a mission?"


Whispering, Luo Xingyu said, "Then take care. Um, could you see if you can find some lipstick for me in the city? And shoes—I want a pair of high heels, size 37. If it's convenient, bring them back for me; if not, forget it. Safety first."

Every time Gao Yuan had to leave, Luo Xingyu would ask him to bring something back, often snacks, or just any trinket.

Asking for things was secondary. What mattered was reminding Gao Yuan to hurry back to see her after each departure.

The thoughts of a young girl are really quite easy to guess.

So, Gao Yuan was even more at a loss for words this time, falling silent for a long time.

Luo Xingyu's face started looking upset, she gripped Gao Yuan's hand even tighter, then whispered, "If it's inconvenient, forget it. But you'll only be gone for a day or two, right?"

Gao Yuan looked up, his gaze met Luo Xingyu's as he whispered, "I'm going to Africa. This trip, if it's fast, I might be back in a few months."

Luo Xingyu's face instantly turned pale, and Luo Guodong also stood up abruptly from the sofa.

"You're going where?"

In disbelief, Luo Guodong asked again, and Gao Yuan whispered, "To Africa."

Luo Guodong's face also turned very grim, as he looked at his daughter with deep concern.

"Going so far away, well, then, I'll go with you."

As if suggesting a casual outing, Luo Xingyu looked at her father and said, "We'll go together then."

Gao Yuan grabbed Luo Xingyu's hand and whispered, "You can't go, you need to stay here for school."

Luo Xingyu said nothing, but Luo Guodong, with a look of astonishment, said, "Why go so far? With things like this, how can you get to Africa, and how long will it take? Do you have a mission? It's for a mission, right?"

Both father and daughter were a bit panicked, with Luo Guodong earlier worried about his daughter being taken advantage of, but now, all he had was worry and an intense sense of dread.

Gao Yuan spoke softly, "Uncle, Xiaoyu, this mission is very important. It's something that could determine the future of humanity. If we succeed, then... then you won't have to stay here anymore. We could defeat the Serpent People, and everything would return to how it was before."